BO CCNA Course/coursematerials/Frame Relay Setup

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Configure the following setup in Packet Tracer



  1. Drag a Generic WAN emulation cloud into the working area
  2. Configure serial 0 with a DLCI of 102 and name HQ-Dallas
Serial 0
  1. Configure serial 1 with a DLCI of 201 and name Dallas-HW
Serial 1
  1. Create a Frame Relay mapping as shown in Fig. 4
Fig. 4
  1. Connect the Routers and end devices in Cisco Packet Tracer as shown in the topology
  2. Configure hostname and basic setup on all routers.
  3. Configure IP addresses and DLCIs on the serial connections
    1. HQ Router should use the first usable IP address in the range
    2. Dallas Router should have the last usable IP address in the range
    3. Configure the correct DLCI with the frame-relay interface-dlci <DLCI> command

What LMI protocol is used on the Serial connection?

Are the 2 routers able to ping each other?

  1. Configure the LAN interface with the first usable IP address in the range
  2. Configure the hosts with the last usable IP address in the range.
  3. Configure OSPF on the 2 Routers(remember to configure the FR interface for OSPF broadcast <ip ospf network broadcast>)
  4. Disable LMI and create static Frame Relay maps

Is Routing working as expected?

  1. Use some of the show commands you know to verify Frame Relay connectivity

Extra assignments

  1. Connect another brance to the framerelay cloud
  2. Configure FrameRelay to be a full-mesh topology.
  3. Configure Sub-interfaces instead of multipoint connections
