CCDA - en/Viborg Kommune

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Viborg municipality (kommune)

Viborg kommune


The new town hall in Viborg are 20.000m2 and have approx. 800 employers.

The council wants a new network and would like a written report covering their new network considering redundancy, security and estimated network speeds.

Facts: Viborg municipality

  • 94.333 residents (2013)
  • Area 1.422 km2 - 3,3% of Denmark
  • Budget more than 4,0 mia. kr.
  • Viborg kommune employers approx. 7.100
  • Approx. 52.000 workplaces
  • 74 Kinder gardens
  • 26 public elementary school, 9 private elementary schools and 7 continuation schools
  • 21 College schools
  • 16 care centers

Exercise details

  • NOTE: Some of the information about Viborg municipality are fabricated, and don't reflect the councils actual network.Henrik Thomsen

Phase 1

  • Closed network to Kommunedata (Estimated 50 Mbps. Uses MPLS) (Kommunedata is a common data center for all danish municipalityes)
  • All employees has access to mail using Outlook or using WEB-mail
  • Want's to use IP telephony
  • WLAN coverage in all buildings
  • 100 directly connected users from home working places. (incl. IP-telefoni) (Closed network)
  • 1100 users with home working places used sometimes. (Cheap solution)
  • 7000 users should have external access to mail and Intranet.
  • Approx. 100.000 citizens should have access to the councils WEB-server(s).
  • Citizen center Viborg: 50 employees (Also VoIP)
  • Citizen Bjeringbro: 10 employees (Also VoIP)
  • Citizen Ørum: 5 employees (Also VoIP)
  • Citizen Møldrup: employees (Also VoIP)
  • Citizen Stoholm: 10 employees (Also VoIP)
  • Citizen Karup: 10 employees (Also VoIP)

Phase 2

  • Connection of schools and all other institutions.

Supplementary information

To solve the exercise you need to make a needs analysis of Viborg municipality needs and demands. Ask your teacher.

  • Information about Service providers

Sektioner i et Design dokument

Sektioner i et design dokument - hvad skal med
Sektion Description
Introduction describes the project’s purpose and the reasons for the network design.
Design Requirements lists the organization’s requirements, constraints, and goals.
Existing Network Infrastructure includes logical (Layer 3) topology diagrams; physical

topology diagrams; audit results; routing protocols; a summary of applications; a list of network routers, switches, and other devices; configurations; and a description of issues.

Design contains the specific design information, such as logical and physical topology, IP

addressing, routing protocols, and security configurations.

Proof of Concept results from live pilot or prototype testing.
Implementations plan includes the detailed steps for the network staff to implement the new

installation and changes.

Appendixes contains additional information and configurations.

Town Hall drawings

