ITT 2015/Network module 1/Assignment Day 12
From Teknologisk videncenter
Configure the following in Packet Tracker
Dynamic PAT
- Configure IP addresses on all routers
- Configure IP addresses on all hosts
- Configure NAT
- Configure inside interface
- Configure outside interface
- Configure ACL (ip access-list 1 permit
- Configure dynamic PAT
- Configure static PAT/Port forwarding
- Configure a static default route from the internal router to the ISP router
Configuration examples can be found here
Dynamic NAT
In this setup we need some more public ip addresses so we are going to change the /30 network on the outside to a /28. This will allow us to have 12 translatable addresses.
- Delete all NAT configuration
- Change the outside subnet from /30 to /28
- Configure NAT
- Configure inside interface
- Configure outside interface
- Configure ACL (ip access-list 1 permit
- Configure a NAT pool(Including the addresses - 45)
- Configure dynamic NAT
Configuration examples can be found here.
Static NAT
In this setup we will add a static NAT to the previous configuration
- Configure static NAT statement, translating the public address of to
Configuration examples can be found here