BO CCNA Course/coursematerials/PPP Setup
From Teknologisk videncenter
Configure the following setup in Packet Tracer
- Connect the Routers and end devices in Cisco Packet Tracer as shown in the topology
- Configure hostname and basic setup on all routers.
- Use the default encapsulation on the serial connection
- Configure IP addresses on the serial connections
- HQ Router should use the first usable IP address in the range
- Struer Router should have the last usable IP address in the range
What encapsulation protocol is used on the Serial connection?
Are the 2 router able to ping each other?
- Configure the LAN interface with the first usable IP address in the range
- Configure the hosts with the last usable IP address in the range.
Are PC0 able to ping both interfaces on the HQ router?
Are PC0 able to ping both interfaces on the Struer router? Why not?
- Configure OSPF on the 2 Routers
- Change the encapsulation from Cisco HDLC to PPP
Is Routing working as expected?
- Enable some of the debug commands for ppp authentication
- Enable PAP authentication.
What debug commands do you see if the passwords are mistyped?
- Change the authentication protocol to CHAP