CCDA - en/Viborg Kommune
From Teknologisk videncenter
Viborg municipality (kommune)
The new town hall in Viborg are 20.000m2 and have approx. 800 employers.
The council wants a new network and would like a written report covering their new network considering redundancy, security and estimated network speeds.
Facts: Viborg municipality
- 94.333 residents (2013)
- Area 1.422 km2 - 3,3% of Denmark
- Budget more than 4,0 mia. kr.
- Viborg kommune employers approx. 7.100
- Approx. 52.000 workplaces
- 74 Kinder gardens
- 26 public elementary school, 9 private elementary schools and 7 continuation schools
- 21 College schools
- 16 care centers
Exercise details
- NOTE: Some of the information about Viborg municipality are fabricated, and don't reflect the councils actual network.Henrik Thomsen
Phase 1
- Closed network to Kommunedata (Estimated 50 Mbps. Uses MPLS) (Kommunedata is a common data center for all danish municipalityes)
- All employees has access to mail using Outlook or using WEB-mail
- Want's to use IP telephony
- WLAN coverage in all buildings
- 100 directly connected users from home working places. (incl. IP-telefoni) (Closed network)
- 1100 users with home working places used sometimes. (Cheap solution)
- 7000 users should have external access to mail and Intranet.
- Approx. 100.000 citizens should have access to the councils WEB-server(s).
- Citizen center Viborg: 50 employees (Also VoIP)
- Citizen Bjeringbro: 10 employees (Also VoIP)
- Citizen Ørum: 5 employees (Also VoIP)
- Citizen Møldrup: employees (Also VoIP)
- Citizen Stoholm: 10 employees (Also VoIP)
- Citizen Karup: 10 employees (Also VoIP)
Phase 2
- Connection of schools and all other institutions.
Supplementary information
To solve the exercise you need to make a needs analysis of Viborg municipality needs and demands. Ask your teacher.
- Information about Service providers
- TDC: TDC homepage - Ask your teacher.
- Network products
- Cisco Ciscos hjemmeside *Cisco product catalog - Ask your teacher.
Sektioner i et Design dokument
Sektion | Description |
Introduction | describes the project’s purpose and the reasons for the network design. |
Design Requirements | lists the organization’s requirements, constraints, and goals. |
Existing Network Infrastructure | includes logical (Layer 3) topology diagrams; physical
topology diagrams; audit results; routing protocols; a summary of applications; a list of network routers, switches, and other devices; configurations; and a description of issues. |
Design | contains the specific design information, such as logical and physical topology, IP
addressing, routing protocols, and security configurations. |
Proof of Concept | results from live pilot or prototype testing. |
Implementations plan | includes the detailed steps for the network staff to implement the new
installation and changes. |
Appendixes | contains additional information and configurations. |