ESXi 6.5 Slow performance
From Teknologisk videncenter
If ESXi disk performance is slow it might be because it uses it's own native driver
[root@localhost:/] esxcli software vib list | grep ahci
sata-ahci 3.0-22vmw.650.0.0.4564106 VMW VMwareCertified 2018-09-03
vmw-ahci 1.0.0-34vmw.650.0.14.5146846 VMW VMwareCertified 2018-09-03
The native driver vmw-ahci is known to slow disk performance down
Disable the vmw-ahci" driver with
esxcli system module set --enabled=false --module="vmw_ahci"
NOTE: The underscore and not dash in drivername! check with
[root@localhost:~] esxcli system module list | grep ahci
ahci true true
vmw_ahci false false
Reboot the esxi server - and hopefully, it works and is faster now.