Juniper FAQ

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Juniper FAQ

Interface Ranges på JunOS

Configuring Interface Ranges

Hvordan resetter man til fabriks indstillinger?

root@SRX240# <input>load factory-default</input>


Kan syslog filer deles i flere, som med traceoptions?

[edit system syslog]
root@SRX240# show
file messages {
    any any;
    archive size 512k files 10 world-readable;

Kan man lave en no keepalive på juniper?

[edit interfaces ge-0/0/0]
root@SRX240# show
gigether-options {

Hvordan ser man matches på en Route Policy?

Under [edit routing-options] opretter man en traceoption med flag policy, der matcher alt fra en routing policy. I Routing politikken tilføjer man trace under then for at logge det[2].

routing-options {
    traceoptions {
        file policy-log size 512k files 10 world-readable;
        flag policy;
policy-options {
    policy-statement BGP-EXPORT-POLICY {
        term MATCH-AGG {
            from protocol aggregate;
            then accept;
        term DENY-OTHER {
            then {

Hvordan laver man en IPv6 Default Route?

routing-options {
    rib inet6.0 {
        static {
            route ::/0 next-hop 2001:218:420:146::1;

Hvordan ser man rollback configurationen?

Rollback configurationen kan kun vises fra operational mode, og ikke med run kommandoen.[3]
show system rollback <num>

root@SRX240> show system rollback 2 compare 3
[edit system]
+   services {
+       ssh;
+       telnet;
+   }

Hvad gør man hvis den booter fra backup Junos OS?

Man installerer OS igen, eller kopierer snapshot over på primare partition[4].
Her er det vist på en SRX100:

login: root

--- JUNOS 10.2R3.10 built 2010-10-16 20:36:59 UTC

**                                                                   **
**                                                                   **
**  It is possible that the primary copy of JUNOS failed to boot up  **
**  properly, and so this device has booted from the backup copy.    **
**                                                                   **
**  Please re-install JUNOS to recover the primary copy in case      **
**  it has been corrupted.                                           **
**                                                                   **

root@% cli
root> request system snapshot slice alternate
Formatting alternate root (/dev/da0s1a)...

Copying '/dev/da0s2a' to '/dev/da0s1a' .. (this may take a few minutes)
The following filesystems were archived: /

root> request system reboot
Reboot the system ? [yes,no] (no) yes

Shutdown NOW!
[pid 1521]

*** FINAL System shutdown message from root@SRX100 ***
System going down IMMEDIATELY

Hvilke applicatiner er på forhånd defineret i JunOS?

De kan alle findes med:

show configuration groups junos-defaults applications

Hvordan ser man comments på de sidste commits

De kan findes med[5]:

root@SRX240> show system commit
0   2014-09-29 20:36:24 CEST by root via cli
    Change the entire setup to vlan interfaces and added vlans, with voice vlan
1   2014-09-29 20:34:11 CEST by root via cli commit confirmed, rollback in 3mins
    Change the entire setup to vlan interfaces and added vlans, with voice vlan
2   2014-09-29 19:46:37 CEST by root via cli
3   2014-09-25 20:21:32 CEST by root via cli
    Added a static ipv6 route to merc
4   2014-09-25 20:12:51 CEST by root via cli
    GRE Tunnel interface in trust zone
5   2014-09-25 20:05:22 CEST by root via cli
    Moved GRE config back to GR unit 0
6   2014-09-25 19:56:32 CEST by root via cli
    Change tunnel to ipv4-ipv6
7   2014-09-25 19:54:17 CEST by root via cli
    Added gre tunnel to mercantec
8   2014-09-21 09:29:17 CEST by root via cli
    Change NTP to and added any any to syslog
9   2014-09-20 13:32:35 CEST by root via cli
    Added D-LINK Switch to static DHCP
10  2014-08-30 12:29:41 CEST by root via cli
    Added IPSec VPN Forward to VPNGW
11  2014-08-30 12:17:54 CEST by root via cli
    Added LinuxBox as Syslog Sevrer
12  2014-08-25 13:17:55 CEST by root via cli
    Added the policy to allow SSH, again
13  2014-08-25 13:03:56 CEST by root via other
14  2014-08-25 12:53:43 CEST by root via cli commit confirmed, rollback in 10mins
    Added the policy to allow SSH
15  2014-08-25 11:00:11 CEST by root via cli
    Added NAT 1212->12 for Rasp
16  2014-08-25 10:59:48 CEST by root via cli commit confirmed, rollback in 10mins
17  2014-08-25 10:56:49 CEST by root via cli commit confirmed, rollback in 10mins
    Added NAT 1212->12 for Rasp
18  2014-08-24 16:37:50 CEST by root via cli
    Paket-based ipv6 forwarding
19  2014-08-24 16:05:52 CEST by root via cli
    removed the screen from the zone
20  2014-08-24 15:58:12 CEST by root via cli
    Change syn-flod timeout to 50
21  2014-08-24 15:55:50 CEST by root via cli
    Back to rollback 2
22  2014-08-24 15:42:24 CEST by root via cli
    Deleted the TCP subtree under screen
23  2014-08-24 15:39:14 CEST by root via cli
    Removed the synflood timeout
24  2014-08-24 15:27:47 CEST by root via cli
    Added ping on ipv4 and removed all services on ipv6
25  2014-08-24 15:10:13 CEST by root via cli
    Changed the forwarding mode to Flow-based for IPv6
26  2014-08-24 14:38:08 CEST by root via cli
    Using IPv6 Flow-based again
27  2014-08-24 14:21:28 CEST by root via other
28  2014-08-24 14:01:59 CEST by root via cli
    Rolled back to the Google DNS
29  2014-08-24 13:58:40 CEST by root via cli
    Change the DNS server for Netflix Hack
30  2014-08-13 22:43:07 CEST by root via cli
    Added FE4 to the management stack
31  2014-07-31 15:33:29 CEST by root via cli
    Enabled IGMP on fe4 interface
32  2014-07-04 15:41:24 CEST by root via cli
    Added prefixes and inet6 is still in packet-mode
33  2014-07-04 15:26:05 CEST by root via cli
34  2014-07-04 15:22:40 CEST by root via cli
    back to basic
35  2014-07-04 15:20:53 CEST by root via cli
    inet6 packet-based
36  2014-07-04 15:16:59 CEST by root via cli
    Atempted to fix the IPv6 problem with permit all on ip0/0/0.6
37  2014-07-03 10:57:40 CEST by root via cli
    removed prefix on fe0/0/4
38  2014-07-02 23:48:43 CEST by root via cli
    Rolled back to configuration with IPv6 advetisements on fe 0/0/4
39  2014-07-02 23:24:43 CEST by root via cli
    temp deleted IPv6 advertisements from fe0/0/4
40  2014-07-02 23:20:35 CEST by root via cli
    Deleted IPv6 advertisements on fe0/0/6
41  2014-07-02 23:14:38 CEST by root via cli
    Removed Erronous prefix on fe0/0/5
42  2014-07-02 22:06:11 CEST by root via cli
    Added Boot sever and file
43  2014-07-02 21:10:45 CEST by root via cli
    Added Rasps to static DHCP bindings
44  2014-07-02 20:53:31 CEST by root via cli
45  2014-07-02 20:52:54 CEST by root via cli
46  2014-07-02 20:52:14 CEST by root via cli
47  2014-07-02 20:50:46 CEST by root via cli
48  2014-07-02 20:47:51 CEST by root via cli
49  2014-07-02 20:38:42 CEST by root via cli
rescue  2014-09-29 16:21:50 CEST by root via cli


Hvordan smider man en bruger af

Ved at requeste det[6]:

root@SRX240> show system users
 9:02PM  up 36 days,  4:23, 2 users, load averages: 0.09, 0.07, 0.08
USER     TTY      FROM                              LOGIN@  IDLE WHAT
root     p0                        8:35PM      - -cli (cli)
root     p1                        7:47PM     29 -cli (cli)

root@SRX240> request system logout terminal p1

