Neighbor Discovery Cisco IOS
From Teknologisk videncenter
Neighbor discovery. Mapping between IPv6 address and Link-layer Address. (MAC-address). Notice in the ouput below REACH means that the Node can be reached. STALE means the Node have not been reached the last 30 minuttes.
Showing Neighbors
Campus1#<input>show ipv6 neighbors</input>
IPv6 Address Age Link-layer Addr State Interface
FE80::216:76FF:FE9F:FEF6 3 0016.769f.fef6 <notice>REACH</notice> Vl139
FE80::8555:196A:5ACC:1976 4 0026.c7d3.5140 <notice>STALE</notice> Vl139
FE80::7AD6:F0FF:FE03:39A2 5 78d6.f003.39a2 STALE Vl139
FE80::128C:CFFF:FE96:F76F 4 108c.cf96.f76f STALE Vl1
2001:16D8:DD85:139:9DAC:27C8:B159:1755 5 0024.d717.2b40 STALE Vl139
2001:16D8:DD85:139:20C:29FF:FE36:45B1 4 000c.2936.45b1 STALE Vl139
FE80::385E:C561:FCF9:7D57 3 0050.568b.0004 STALE Vl139
FE80::6D18:8558:E775:3AA3 0 b870.f473.0d6d REACH Vl139
FE80::20C:29FF:FEBC:D8D7 3 000c.29bc.d8d7 STALE Vl139
2001:16D8:DD85:139:B575:391E:D0EB:65F9 3 0050.568b.0008 STALE Vl139
FE80::14D0:4280:97DA:1817 5 0024.2bce.819a STALE Vl139
FE80::E570:A9A7:9163:7829 0 1c4b.d676.6dc1 REACH Vl139
FE80::7DF9:81D5:2C78:70F3 3 000c.2940.d4de STALE Vl139
2001:16D8:DD85:139:754F:E641:1227:9D65 5 6c62.6d28.3cd2 STALE Vl139
<notice>...Output omitted...</notice>
Adding a static Neighbor entry
Some IPv6 traffic generators don't respond to ND - Neighbor Discovery.
R3(config)#<input>ipv6 neighbor 2001:16D8:DD85:140::77 fastethernet0/1 0010.dead.beef</input>
R3#<input>show ipv6 neighbors fastEthernet 0/1</input>
IPv6 Address Age Link-layer Addr State Interface
2001:16D8:DD85:140::77 - 0010.dead.beef REACH Fa0/1
Removing Neighbor entries
Removing all neighbors
Heimdal#<input>clear ipv6 neighbors</input>
Removing Neighbors on a specific Interface
Heimdal#<input>clear ipv6 neighbors gigabitEthernet 0/7</input>
Removing a specific Neighbor
Heimdal#<input>clear ipv6 neighbors gigabitEthernet 0/7 2001:fd56:5878:4::56fe</input>
NDP timer tuning
Heimdal#<input>show ipv6 interface vlan 28</input>
Vlan28 is up, line protocol is up
IPv6 is enabled, link-local address is FE80::219:E7FF:FE51:8C9
No Virtual link-local address(es):
Description: TKUVLAN_308
Global unicast address(es):
2001:16D8:DD85:146::1, subnet is 2001:16D8:DD85:146::/64
Joined group address(es):
MTU is 1500 bytes
ICMP error messages limited to one every 100 milliseconds
ICMP redirects are enabled
ICMP unreachables are sent
Output features: Check hwidb
ND DAD is enabled, number of DAD attempts: 1
ND reachable time is 30000 milliseconds (using 35938)
ND advertised reachable time is 0 (unspecified)
ND advertised retransmit interval is 1000 milliseconds
ND router advertisements are sent every 200 seconds
ND router advertisements live for 1800 seconds
ND advertised default router preference is Medium
Hosts use stateless autoconfig for addresses.
- Neighbor Solicitation Interval
- Time in milliseconds between solicitation messages between neighbors.
- ICMPv6 type 135.
- When searching for a neighbor this is the interval between packets. (Same as ARP requests in IPv4)
- Default = 1000 mS (Select between 1000-172800000)
The NS-Interval is tranmitted as a ICMPv6 Router Advertisment to all nodes on the link. (To FF02::1)
R1(config)#<input>int fa0/0</input>
R1(config-if)#<input>ipv6 nd ns-interval 3000</input>
Reachable Time
- Reachable-time
- The amount of time in millisecondsthat a neighbor is considered reachable after an event that confirms its reachability.
- Default = 30.000 Ms (Select between 0-3600000)
R1(config)#<input>int fa0/0</input>
R1(config-if)#<input>ipv6 nd reachable-time 10000</input>