Perl GD/playing with YUV422 color space
From Teknologisk videncenter
< Perl GD
PNG file read from v4l2 with capture.c
use GD;
use GD::Image;
#Input: Read 4 bytes of Y'UV (u, y1, v, y2 )
#Output: Writes 6 bytes of RGB (R, G, B, R, G, B)
#u = yuv[0];
#y1 = yuv[1];
#v = yuv[2];
#y2 = yuv[3];
open FILE,'< C:\temp\frame.1';
#open FILE, '< C:\temp\leg';
binmode FILE;
#Quick and dirty - re
my $in;
my @tmp;
my @pix;
for (my $x=0 ; $x < 480; $x++) {
if ( $x % 60 == 0) { print "\n" };
print ".";
for ( my $y=0; $y < 640; $y+=2) {
if ( read(FILE, $in, 4) == 0 ) {
print "FEJL; $!\n";
die("Read error: x = $x, y = $y\n");
#my @up = unpack("CCCC",$in);
@tmp = unpack("CCCC", $in);
$pix[$x][$y] = $tmp[0];
$pix[$x][$y+1] = $tmp[2];
print "\n";
print "pix is ", ($#pix+1) * ($#{$pix[1]}+1), " in size\n";
#for (my $i=0; $i <= $#up; $i++) {
# print "Item ", $i+1, " is ",$up[$i];
#Make PNG file
# create a new image
$im = new GD::Image(480,640);
#Grey scale
my @grey;
for (my $i = 0; $i <=255; $i++) {
$grey[$i] = $im->colorAllocate($i,$i,$i);
print "Allocated ", $#grey+1, " colors\n";
# allocate some colors
# make the background transparent and interlaced
for( my $i=0; $i < 480 ;$i++ ) {
for( my $j=0; $j < 640;$j++ ) {
#$im->setPixel($i,$j,@grey[ (log(($i)+1)*$j ) % 256 ]);
#$im->setPixel($i,$j, $c[($i+$j)%4]);
#printf("%03i ", $pix[$i][$j]);
#if ( ($i % 16) == 0 ) { print "\n"; }
print "Der er ialt ", $im->colorsTotal(), " farver\n";
# Convert the image to PNG and save it.
open FILE,'> C:\temp\heth.png';
binmode FILE;
print FILE $im->png;