Perl POE
From Teknologisk videncenter
POE - portable multitasking and networking framework for Perl
POE Networking
A simple multitasking TCP Server
This server is doing nothing useful, but are showing how to establish the server and control client connections. When Client connects they connect at line 14 and the server send a Greeting to the client. If the client send information to the server it is received in th ClientInput subroutine in line 18. If the Client sends Get orders it receives the content of hash clientorder
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 use warnings;
3 use strict;
4 use POE qw(Component::Server::TCP);
5 print "LMS";
6 my %clientorder = ( "LCnumber" => 7,
7 "LCsessions" => 10,
8 "loadServer" => "",
9 "loadPort" => 80);
11 POE::Component::Server::TCP->new(
12 Port => 1234,
13 ClientConnected => sub {
14 print "Connection from client from ",$_[HEAP]{remote_ip},"\n";
15 $_[HEAP]{client}->put("Greetings from LMS");
16 },
17 ClientInput => sub {
18 my $client_input = $_[ARG0];
19 if ($client_input =~ /Get orders/) {
20 $_[HEAP]{client}->put("Your orders: ",%clientorder);
21 } else {
22 print "Unknown Command received from Client\n";
23 $_[HEAP]{client}->put("501 Unknown Command received from Client");
24 }
25 $_[HEAP]{client}->put($client_input);
26 },
27 ClientDisconnected => sub {
28 print "client from $_[HEAP]{remote_ip} disconnected\n";
29 },
30 );
31 POE::Kernel->run;
32 exit;
A simple TCP Client
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use POE qw(Component::Client::TCP);
( RemoteAddress => "",
RemotePort => "1234",
ConnectTimeout => 5,
ConnectError => sub {
print "Reconecting..\n";
$_[KERNEL]->delay( reconnect => 5 );
ServerInput => sub {
my $input = $_[ARG0];
if ($input =~ "Greetings from LMS") {
$_[HEAP]{server}->put("Get orders");
} else {
print "received: ", $input,"\n";
Timing the lifespan of a session
sub _start_handler {
$_[HEAP]{ts_start} = time();
sub _stop_handler {
my $time_elapsed = time() - $_[HEAP]{ts_start};
print "Session ", $_[SESSION]->ID, " elapsed seconds: $elapsed\n";