STM32F107VC/Using ADC
From Teknologisk videncenter
Software example
- (Example using RTX task triggering ADC conversion 100 times a second)
- (Same example as above. Just using timer 2 to trig ADC conversion 100 times a second)
LDR - Light Dependent Resistor
- PGM5526 LDR Datasheet (Loads PDF)
The LDR is connected between GPIO port C bit 0 and GND. A 10K pull-up resistor to 3.3V also connected to GPIO port C bit 0
Sample output from COM port
Baudrate: 9600
POT = 3.292V| LDR = 0.80V | DEG = 26.7C| Vrefint = 1.2075V
POT = 3.292V| LDR = 0.80V | DEG = 26.6C| Vrefint = 1.2076V
POT = 3.292V| LDR = 0.80V | DEG = 26.8C| Vrefint = 1.2071V
POT = 3.294V| LDR = 0.80V | DEG = 26.6C| Vrefint = 1.2075V
POT = 3.293V| LDR = 0.80V | DEG = 26.6C| Vrefint = 1.2074V