WLAN controller Cisco
- See also CCDA/Wireless LAN design
WLAN Controller model 2006
Hvis man vil sætte WLC'en op til at bruge port 1 til managment(WebInterface) og port 2 til AP-Manager interface.
Management IP:
AP-Manager IP:
DHCP Server IP:
(Cisco Controller) ><input>reset system</input>
The system has unsaved changes.
Would you like to save them now? (y/N) <input>n</input>
Configuration Not Saved!
Are you sure you would like to reset the system? (y/N) <input>y</input>
System will now restart!
Cisco Bootloader (Version
.o88b. d888888b .d8888. .o88b. .d88b.
d8P Y8 `88' 88' YP d8P Y8 .8P Y8.
8P 88 `8bo. 8P 88 88
8b 88 `Y8b. 8b 88 88
Y8b d8 .88. db 8D Y8b d8 `8b d8'
`Y88P' Y888888P `8888Y' `Y88P' `Y88P'
Model AIR-WLC2006-K9 S/N: FTX110280AX
Booting Primary Image...
Press <ESC> now for additional boot options...
Detecting hardware . . . .
XML config selected
Cisco is a trademark of Cisco Systems, Inc.
Software Copyright Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Cisco AireOS Version
Initializing OS Services: ok
<notice>...OUTPUT OMITTED...</notice>
Starting Management Services:
Web Server: ok
CLI: ok
Secure Web: ok
(Cisco Controller)
Enter User Name (or 'Recover-Config' this one-time only to reset configuration to factory defaults)
User: <input>recover-config</input>Initiating system recovery process... please wait
Rebooting system
Cisco Bootloader (Version
.o88b. d888888b .d8888. .o88b. .d88b.
d8P Y8 `88' 88' YP d8P Y8 .8P Y8.
8P 88 `8bo. 8P 88 88
8b 88 `Y8b. 8b 88 88
Y8b d8 .88. db 8D Y8b d8 `8b d8'
`Y88P' Y888888P `8888Y' `Y88P' `Y88P'
Model AIR-WLC2006-K9 S/N: FTX110280AX
Booting Primary Image...
Press <ESC> now for additional boot options...
Detecting hardware . . . .
XML config selected
Cisco is a trademark of Cisco Systems, Inc.
Software Copyright Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Cisco AireOS Version
Initializing OS Services: ok
<notice>...OUTPUT OMITTED...</notice>
Starting Management Services:
Web Server: ok
CLI: ok
Secure Web: Web Authentication Certificate not found (error).
(Cisco Controller)
Welcome to the Cisco Wizard Configuration Tool
Use the '-' character to backup
System Name [Cisco_66:cd:a0]: <input>WLC2006</input>
Enter Administrative User Name (24 characters max): <input>admin</input>
Enter Administrative Password (24 characters max): <input>*****</input>
Re-enter Administrative Password : <input>*****</input>
Management Interface IP Address: <input></input>
Management Interface Netmask: <input></input>
Management Interface Default Router: <input></input>
Management Interface VLAN Identifier (0 = untagged): <input>0</input>
Management Interface Port Num [1 to 4]: <input>1</input>
Management Interface DHCP Server IP Address: <input></input>
AP Manager Interface IP Address: <input></input>
AP Manager Interface Netmask: <input></input>
AP Manager Interface Default Router: <input></input>
AP Manager Interface VLAN Identifier (0 = untagged): <input>0</input>
AP Manager Interface Port Num [1 to 4]: <input>2</input>
AP Manager Interface DHCP Server (
Virtual Gateway IP Address: <input></input>
Mobility/RF Group Name: <input>RFGroup</input>
Enable Symmetric Mobility Tunneling [yes][NO]:
Network Name (SSID): <input>CiscoRulez</input>
Allow Static IP Addresses [YES][no]:
Configure a RADIUS Server now? [YES][no]: <input>no</input>
Warning! The default WLAN security policy requires a RADIUS server.
Please see documentation for more details.
Enter Country Code list (enter 'help' for a list of countries) [US]: <input>DK</input>
Enable 802.11b Network [YES][no]:
Enable 802.11a Network [YES][no]:
Enable 802.11g Network [YES][no]:
Enable Auto-RF [YES][no]:
Configure a NTP server now? [YES][no]:
Enter the NTP server's IP address: <input></input>
Enter a polling interval between 3600 and 604800 secs: <input>3600</input>
Configuration correct? If yes, system will save it and reset. [yes][NO]: <input>yes</input>
Configuration saved!
Resetting system with new configuration...
Configuration saved!
Resetting system with new configuration...
Cisco Bootloader (Version
.o88b. d888888b .d8888. .o88b. .d88b.
d8P Y8 `88' 88' YP d8P Y8 .8P Y8.
8P 88 `8bo. 8P 88 88
8b 88 `Y8b. 8b 88 88
Y8b d8 .88. db 8D Y8b d8 `8b d8'
`Y88P' Y888888P `8888Y' `Y88P' `Y88P'
Model AIR-WLC2006-K9 S/N: FTX110280AX
Booting Primary Image...
Press <ESC> now for additional boot options...
Detecting hardware . . . .
XML config selected
Cisco is a trademark of Cisco Systems, Inc.
Software Copyright Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Cisco AireOS Version
<notice>...OUTPUT OMITTED...</notice>
Starting Management Services:
Web Server: ok
CLI: ok
Secure Web: ok
(Cisco Controller)
Enter User Name (or 'Recover-Config' this one-time only to reset configuration to factory defaults)
User: <input> admin</input>
(Cisco Controller) ><input>show interface summary</input>
Interface Name Port Vlan Id IP Address Type Ap Mgr Guest
-------------------------------- ---- -------- --------------- ------- ------ -----
ap-manager 2 untagged Static Yes No
management 1 untagged Static No No
virtual N/A N/A Static No No
(Cisco Controller) >
Der efter forbinder man til HTTPS via
WLAN controller in 2811 Router
reset controller
- login as admin password cisco or cisco cisco or Cisco Cisco
- Enter clear config" command
- Enter reset system command
- login as Recover-Config and the system reboots
- Starts automatically in setup Wizard
Specific Links to 2811 WLC Controller
- Configuring a WLAN controller inside 2811
- Configuring 2811 Wlan controller via the WEB interface
- Link to IOS for 2811 with WLC controller c2800nm-entservicesk9-mz.124-20.T.bin
Access Points reboots after config
If the LAP's continuesly reboots. Log in on the WLAN controller and start debugging.
- Use<CTRL><SHIFT>6 then x to return to IOS
- To end the session to the WLAN Controller: service-module wlan-controller 1/0 session clear
R1# <input>service-module wlan-controller 1/0 session</input>
(WLAN_CONTROLLER) ><input>debug lwapp events enable</input>
Thu May 7 12:09:40 2009: 00:1b:d4:16:3a:80 Received LWAPP DISCOVERY REQUEST from AP 00:1b:d4:16:3a:80 to 00:15:2c:e9:5f:40 on port '1'
Thu May 7 12:09:40 2009: 00:1b:d4:16:3a:80 Successful transmission of LWAPP Discovery Response to AP 00:1b:d4:16:3a:80 on port 1
Thu May 7 12:09:51 2009: 00:1b:d4:16:3a:80 Received LWAPP JOIN REQUEST from AP 00:1b:d4:16:3a:80 to 00:15:2c:e9:5f:40 on port '1'
Thu May 7 12:09:51 2009: 00:1b:d4:16:3a:80 AP AP3: txNonce 00:15:2C:E9:5F:40 rxNonce 00:1B:D4:16:3A:80
Thu May 7 12:09:51 2009: 00:1b:d4:16:3a:80 LWAPP Join Request MTU path from AP 00:1b:d4:16:3a:80 is 1500, remote debug mode is 0
Thu May 7 12:09:51 2009: 00:1b:d4:16:3a:80 Successfully added NPU Entry for AP 00:1b:d4:16:3a:80 (index 58)
Switch IP:, Switch Port: 12223, intIfNum 1, vlanId 100
AP IP:, AP Port: 38389, next hop MAC: 00:1b:54:fb:2e:b0
Thu May 7 12:09:51 2009: 00:1b:d4:16:3a:80 Successful transmission of LWAPP Join Reply to AP 00:1b:d4:16:3a:80
Thu May 7 12:09:51 2009: 00:1b:d4:16:3a:80 spam_lrad.c:1766 - Operation State 0 ===> 4
Thu May 7 12:09:51 2009: 00:1b:d4:16:3a:80 Register LWAPP event for AP 00:1b:d4:16:3a:80 slot 0
Thu May 7 12:09:51 2009: WARP IEs: (12)
Thu May 7 12:09:51 2009: [0000] dd 0a 00 c0 b9 01 08 00 00 08 01 01
Thu May 7 12:09:51 2009: 00:1b:d4:16:3a:80 Register LWAPP event for AP 00:1b:d4:16:3a:80 slot 1
Thu May 7 12:09:51 2009: WARP IEs: (12)
Thu May 7 12:09:51 2009: [0000] dd 0a 00 c0 b9 01 08 00 00 08 01 01
Thu May 7 12:09:52 2009: 00:1b:d4:16:3a:80 Received LWAPP CONFIGURE REQUEST from AP 00:1b:d4:16:3a:80 to 00:15:2c:e9:5f:40
<notice>Thu May 7 12:09:52 2009: 00:1b:d4:16:3a:80 AP 00:1b:d4:16:3a:80: Country code is not configured(AE ).</notice>
<notice>Thu May 7 12:09:52 2009: 00:1b:d4:16:3a:80 AP 00:1b:d4:16:3a:80: Country code is not configured(AE ).</notice>
Thu May 7 12:09:52 2009: 00:1b:d4:16:3a:80 Updating IP info for AP 00:1b:d4:16:3a:80 -- static 0,, gtw
Thu May 7 12:09:52 2009: 00:1b:d4:16:3a:80 Updating IP ===> for AP 00:1b:d4:16:3a:80
<notice>Thu May 7 12:09:52 2009: 00:1b:d4:16:3a:80 AP 00:1b:d4:16:3a:80: Country code is not configured(AE ).</notice>
Thu May 7 12:09:52 2009: 00:1b:d4:16:3a:80 AP 00:1b:d4:16:3a:80 not allowed to join. Regulatory Domain check failed.
Allowed regulatory domain: 802.11bg:-AB 802.11a:-AB
Thu May 7 12:09:52 2009: 00:1b:d4:16:3a:80 apfSpamProcessStateChangeInSpamContext: Deregister LWAPP event for AP 00:1b:d4:16:3a:80 slot 0
Thu May 7 12:09:52 2009: 00:1b:d4:16:3a:80 apfSpamProcessStateChangeInSpamContext: Deregister LWAPP event for AP 00:1b:d4:16:3a:80 slot 1
Thu May 7 12:09:52 2009: 00:1b:d4:16:3a:80 Deregister LWAPP event for AP 00:1b:d4:16:3a:80 slot 0
Thu May 7 12:09:52 2009: 00:1b:d4:16:3a:80 Deregister LWAPP event for AP 00:1b:d4:16:3a:80 slot 1
Note the AP error "Country code is not configured(AE ).".
Finding status of Access Points that dont associate
(WLAN_CONTROLLER) ><input>show ap join stats summary all</input>
Number of APs.............................................. 1
00:1b:d4:16:3a:80.......................................... Not joined
(WLAN_CONTROLLER) show><input>ap join stats detailed 00:1b:d4:16:3a:80</input>
Discovery phase statistics
- Discovery requests received.............................. 12
- Successful discovery responses sent...................... 12
- Unsuccessful discovery request processing................ 2113123
- Reason for last unsuccessful discovery attempt........... None
- Time at last successful discovery attempt................ May 08 12:15:22.772
- Time at last unsuccessful discovery attempt.............. Jan 01 00:00:00.000
Join phase statistics
- Join requests received................................... 12
- Successful join responses sent........................... 12
- Unsuccessful join request processing..................... 0
- Reason for last unsuccessful join attempt................ Not applicable
- Time at last successful join attempt..................... May 08 12:15:33.209
- Time at last unsuccessful join attempt................... Not applicable
Configuration phase statistics
- Configuration requests received.......................... 12
- Successful configuration responses sent.................. 0
- Unsuccessful configuration request processing............ 12
- Reason for last unsuccessful configuration attempt....... Regulatory domain check has failed for the AP
- Time at last successful configuration attempt............ Not applicable
- Time at last unsuccessful configuration attempt.......... May 08 12:15:34.930
Last AP message decrytion failure details
- Reason for last message decryption failure............... Not applicable
Last AP disconnect details
- Reason for last AP connection failure.................... Not applicable
Last join error summary
- Type of error that occurred last......................... Lwapp configuration request rejected
<notice>- Reason for error that occurred last...................... Regulatory domain check has failed for the AP</notice>
- Time at which the last join error occurred............... May 08 12:15:34.930
Wrong Country code
The IOS installed in the Access Points are regionally, so that all country codes will not work. Too see which channels the controller will try and force the Access Points to use:
(Cisco Controller) ><input>show country channels</input>
Configured Country............................. DK - Denmark
KEY: * = Channel is legal in this country and may be configured manually.
A = Channel is the Auto-RF default in this country.
. = Channel is not legal in this country.
C = Channel has been configured for use by Auto-RF.
x = Channel is available to be configured for use by Auto-RF.
(-) = Regulatory Domains allowed by this country.
802.11BG :
Channels : 1 1 1 1 1
: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4
DK (-E) : A * * * * A * * * * A * * .
802.11A : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Channels : 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6
: 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 2 6 0 4 0 4 8 2 6 0 4 8 2 6 0 9 3 7 1 5
DK (-E) : . A . A . A . A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A . . . . .
In the example above the Country Code is DK (-E). -E means ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) means that the Access Point must support this country setup. That can be seen by the IOS version for example AIR-LAP1232AG-E-K9 the -E means ETSI and it will support European Country codes. Not US (United States)
LAP - Lightweight Access points
QoS on 2006 WLC
Common links to 2006 and 2811 WLC Links
- WLC Controller configuration Guide
- Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration Guide (8 MB PDF file)
- Lightweight Access Point registration with WLC
- Wireless LAN Controller (WLC) Configuration Best Practices
- country code
- Wireless LAN Controller (WLC) FAQ
- LAP Country code
- Configuring WEB authentication example