Difference between revisions of "Weekend Projekt - Test Cluster"

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m (Auto SSH login)
m (PXE netinstaller)
(59 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
Line 65: Line 65:
tar -xvzf netboot.tar.gz
tar -xvzf netboot.tar.gz
Sæt IOS DHCP serveren op til at pege på PXE serveren og filen:
Sæt IOS DHCP serveren op til at dele statiske IP adresser ud og pege på PXE serveren og filen:
<source lang=cli>
<source lang=cli>
ip dhcp pool Pool-VLAN2
ip dhcp pool Pool-VLAN2
Line 75: Line 75:
   lease 0 0 30
   lease 0 0 30
ip dhcp pool C04-Pool
  hardware-address 0021.86f3.caa5
  client-name C04
ip dhcp pool C05-Pool
  hardware-address 0021.86f4.00e9
  client-name C05
ip dhcp pool C06-Pool
  hardware-address 0021.86f4.030d
  client-name C06
ip dhcp pool C17-Pool
  hardware-address 0021.86f4.1d79
  client-name C17
Skal det isteder være på linux skal man installere '''dhcp3''' og oprette et scope i /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf"
<source lang=cli>
subnet netmask {
  option domain-name-servers;
  option domain-name "cluster.tekkom.dk";
  option routers;
  default-lease-time 360;
  max-lease-time 360;
  filename "pxelinux.0";
host node1 {
  hardware ethernet 0:0:c0:5d:bd:95;
  server-name "node1.cluster.tekkom.dk";
Lav en F12 og det spiller bare.
Lav en F12 og det spiller bare.
Line 99: Line 137:
crontab -e
crontab -e
         m      h      dom    mon    dow    command
         m      h      dom    mon    dow    command
*/2      *      *      *      *      env LANG=C /usr/bin/mrtg /etcmrtg.cfg  --logging /var/log/mrtg/mrtg.log
*/2      *      *      *      *      env LANG=C /usr/bin/mrtg /etc/mrtg.cfg  --logging /var/log/mrtg/mrtg.log
*/5      *      *      *      *      /usr/bin/indexmaker /etc/mrtg.cfg > /var/www/mrtg/index.html
*/5      *      *      *      *      /usr/bin/indexmaker /etc/mrtg.cfg > /var/www/mrtg/index.html
Og så kan man se alle interfaces på<br/><br/>
Og så kan man se alle interfaces på<br/><br/>
Virker det ikke tjek loggen i /var/log/mrtg/mrtg.log
Virker det ikke tjek loggen i /var/log/mrtg/mrtg.log
Ændre i /etc/nagios3/conf.d/hostgroups_nagios2.cfg, så under hostgroup_name ping-servers skal members laves om til *<br/><br/>
Ændre i /etc/nagios3/conf.d/hostgroups_nagios2.cfg, så under hostgroup_name ping-servers skal members laves om til *<br/><br/>
Line 138: Line 177:
         use            generic-host
         use            generic-host
Vi ændrer også lige disse linier i config filen så der ikke går flere minutter før den opdager en fejl. De skriver det bruger mere CPU og netværk, men jeg er da ligeglad...<br/>
Genstart Nagios
Genstart Nagios
Line 144: Line 193:
Nagios kan nu tilgåes på std brugernavn er nagiosadmin og bruger navn er det du satte under installtionen.
Nagios kan nu tilgåes på std brugernavn er nagiosadmin og bruger navn er det du satte under installtionen.
===Auto SSH login===
===Auto SSH login===
På C01 generere man nogle nøgler som kan bruges til at logge ind på alle maskinerne med.
På C01 generere man nogle nøgler som kan bruges til at logge ind på alle maskinerne med.
ssh-keygen -t dsa
ssh-keygen -t dsa
Kopier vores public key ind i authorized_keys, så vi kan SSH til os selv
cat .ssh/id_dsa.pub >> .ssh/authorized_keys
Så opretter man en .ssh folder i /root eller /home dir for den bruger man lyster.
Så opretter man en .ssh folder i /root eller /home dir for den bruger man lyster.
Line 158: Line 214:
Kopierer Certifikaterne over på dem:
Kopierer Certifikaterne over på dem:
scp * root@
scp .ssh/*
scp * root@
scp .ssh/*
scp * root@
scp .ssh/*
scp * root@
scp .ssh/*
Og man kan nu SSH rundt til alle maskiner uden password
Og man kan nu SSH rundt til alle maskiner uden password
Line 167: Line 223:
====Auto SSH Bruger Login====
Vil man gerne undgå at bruge brugernavn/pass kan man generere en Priv/Pub keypair med puttygen og smide den public key den laver ind i .ssh/autorized_keys
===NFS server===
===NFS server===
Lav en folder til at exportere med NFS
Lav en folder til at exportere med NFS
Line 177: Line 238:
Og genstart NFS serveren
Og genstart NFS serveren
<pre>/etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart
<pre>/etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart</pre>
=Node installation=
==Manuel installation==
Maskiner køres op i hånden gennem PXE boot og hånd installeres.<br/>
Installation af nodes kan gøre med
<pre>ssh <ip> aptitude -y install nmap screen bmon iperf bonnie++ lmbench lm-sensors snmpd snmp build-essential gcc openssh-client nfs-common mpich2</pre>
Og så tilføj /var/mirror til /etc/fstab
<pre>c01:/var/mirror/ /var/mirror nfs rw 0 0</pre>
===Automount /home===
Hvis man gerne vil have brugerrettigheder med over NFS når man mounter skal man ændre lidt i nogle filer.
On ubuntu, I edited /etc/idmapd.conf and changed Domain to be the same value as what I set for NFSMAPID_DOMAIN, edit /etc/default/nfs-common and set NEED_STATD=no and NEED_IDMAPD=yes, then service rpc_pipefs restart and service idmapd restart, remount your nfs shares (in my case, service autofs restart); and all the uid/gid mapping should now be correct.
<pre>NewClusterH:/home/ /home nfs rw 0 0</pre>
==Automastisk installation==
Maskinerne kan også installeres efter en kickstart seed fil.<br/><br/>
For at køre maskinerne op med seed filen kan den ligge på en webserver og henvises til igennem bootscreen installations menuen.<br/>
nano /var/lib/tftpboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/boot-screens/text.cfg
label kickstart
        menu label ^Kickstart
        kernel ubuntu-installer/amd64/linux
        append ks= vga=normal initrd=ubuntu-installer/amd64/initrd.gz -- quiet
Og kickstart filen vil se sådan ud:
#Generated by Kickstart Configurator
#platform=AMD64 or Intel EM64T
#Vælger hvilket sprog der skal installeres på
#System language
lang en_US
#Language modules to install
langsupport en_US
#Definerer hvilket tastatur vi bruger
#System keyboard
keyboard dk
#System mouse
#Tidszonen vi er i
#System timezone
timezone Europe/Copenhagen
#Root password = cisco
#Root password
rootpw --iscrypted $1$T5Fz4QeH$sY307XHHaNCfxL4ODXNyG.
#Vi har defineret at der ikke skal oprettes en alm. bruger.
#Initial user
user --disabled
#Reboot after installation
#Use text mode install
#Install OS instead of upgrade
#Hvilken source skal vi installere fra, her er det vores apt-cacher server
#Use Web installation
url --url
#indstallerer en bootloader.
#System bootloader configuration
bootloader --location=mbr
#Clear the Master Boot Record
zerombr yes
#Rykker disken rundt!!!
#Partition clearing information
clearpart --all --initlabel
#Opretter en swap disk på anbefaler størrelse og bruger resten til en ext4 partition /
#Disk partition information
part swap --recommended
part / --fstype ext4 --size 1 --grow
#Selvfølgelig skal vi have shadow password og md5
#System authorization infomation
auth  --useshadow  --enablemd5
#Firewall configuration
firewall --disabled
#Jeg vil da ikke have desktop på en server.
#Do not configure the X Window System
#Her definerer vi de pakker der skal installeres, er det til desktop så kunne ubuntu-desktop være et bud
=Cluster installation=
=Cluster installation=
Line 189: Line 356: C06 C06 C17 C17
Lav et script der hedder CopyToClients.sh
scp $1$2
scp $1$2
scp $1$2
scp $1$2
Smid den rundt til alle de andre nodes med:
Smid den rundt til alle de andre nodes med:
scp /etc/hosts root@
./CopyToClients.sh /etc/hosts /etc/hosts
scp /etc/hosts root@
scp /etc/hosts root@
==Installer MPICH2==
scp /etc/hosts root@
Installer MPICH2 på alle maskiner
<pre>aptitude install mpich2</pre>
Lav en fil i home dir der hedder mpd.hosts der indeholder:
Og lav et password i filen /etc/mpd.conf
<pre>echo MPD_SECRETWORD=cisco >> /etc/mpd.conf
chmod 600 /etc/mpd.conf</pre>
Den skal ligge i home dir, hvis man er andre brugere end root!!
Flyt den til de andre maskiner
<pre>./CopyToClients.sh /etc/mpd.conf /etc/mpd.conf</pre>
Start MPD på alle nodes
<pre>mpdboot ­-n 4</pre>
Og test at det virker, skulle gerne returnere hostnavn på alle nodes
Test fil i /var/mirror/test.sh
cat /etc/hostname
Kald den
<pre>mpiexec -n 40 /var/mirror/test.sh</pre>
'''Have Fun'''
<pre> mpiexec -n 1000 /var/mirror/test.sh | sort | uniq -c</pre>
Sluk for MPD igen
==Installer OpenMPI==
Skal selvfølgelig installeres på alle maskiner
install libopenmpi-dev openmpi-bin openmpi-doc
Eksekver et program
mpicc /var/mirror/MPI_Hello.c -o /var/mirror/MPI_Hello
mpiexec -n 6 -hostfile mpd.hosts /var/mirror/MPI_Hello
Hello World from process 3, of 6 on Cl1N0
Hello World from process 0, of 6 on Cl1N0
Hello World from process 2, of 6 on Cl1N2
Hello World from process 5, of 6 on Cl1N2
Hello World from process 1, of 6 on Cl1N1
Hello World from process 4, of 6 on Cl1N1
==Installer Torque==
Torque er den scheduler de fleste HPC bruger. Man smider sine jobs til den og så klarer den at dele dem ud til nødvendige maskiner og når et job er færdig sender den det næste afsted.
*[http://www.physics.orst.edu/cluster_install Installation of Torque/Maui for a Beowulf Cluster]
*[http://csdms.colorado.edu/wiki/Main_Page Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System Wiki]
*[http://www.clusterresources.com/products/torque-resource-manager.php TORQUE RESOURCE MANAGER]
===Andre Scheduler===
*Sun Grid Engine
Tilføj torque server til /etc/hosts
 + torqueserver
installer pakker
aptitude install torque-client torque-common torque-mom torque-scheduler torque-server
Stop torque
=Programmering med MPI=
==Geany IDE==
Der findes et IDE man kan tilrette til cluster kompilering og eksekvering kaldet geany.
aptitude install geany
For at kompilere det med mpicc og eksekvere med mpiexec skal man lige rette lidt til under "Build > Set Includes and Arguments".
|[[Image:Geany IDE.jpg|800px|left|thumb|Geany IDE]]
<pre>mpicc -Wall "%f" -o "%e"
mpiexec -n 20 -hostfile ~/mpd.hosts "%e"
Og til C++ bruger man mpic++ -Wall "%f" -o "%e"<br/><br/>
Programmet man skriver skal selvfølgelig ligge i /var/mirror for de andre noder også har adgang til det.<br/><br/>
Og den kan man selvfølgelig X'e over med
env DISPLAY= geany
==Hello World eksempel==
HelloWorld program
<source lang=c>
#include "mpi.h"
#include <stdio.h>
int main (int argc, char *argv[] )
        int rank, size, namelen;
        char processor_name[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME];
        MPI_Init( &argc, &argv );
        MPI_Get_processor_name( processor_name, &namelen );
        MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank );
        MPI_Comm_size( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size );
        printf( "Hello World from process %d, of %d on %s\n", rank, size, processor_name );
        return 0;
Compile det med
<pre> mpicxx -o helloWorld helloWorld.c</pre>
og kør det med
<pre>mpiexec -n 10 /var/mirror/helloWorld</pre>
Resultatet skulle gerne blive
Hello World from process 2, of 10 on C05
Hello World from process 6, of 10 on C05
Hello World from process 3, of 10 on C06
Hello World from process 1, of 10 on C04
Hello World from process 5, of 10 on C04
Hello World from process 7, of 10 on C06
Hello World from process 9, of 10 on C04
Hello World from process 0, of 10 on C01
Hello World from process 4, of 10 on C01
Hello World from process 8, of 10 on C01
==Hello World med MPI==
Det forrige eksempel brugte ikke rigtig MPI til noget, ud over at få rank og size.<br/>
Hvis vi skal lave det om til at rank 0 er den der printer til skærmen og alle de andre sender via MPI til den, ville det se sådan ud:
<source lang=c>
#include "mpi.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main (int argc, char *argv[] )
        int rank, size, namelen, i;
        char processor_name[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME];
        char greeting[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME + 100];
        MPI_Status status;
        MPI_Init( &argc, &argv );
        MPI_Get_processor_name( processor_name, &namelen );
        MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank );
        MPI_Comm_size( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size );
        sprintf( greeting,  "Hello World from process %d, of %d on %s\n", rank, size, processor_name );
        if ( rank == 0 ) {
                printf( "%s", greeting );
                for (i = 1; i < size; i++ ) {
                        MPI_Recv( greeting, sizeof( greeting ), MPI_CHAR, i, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status );
                        printf( "%s", greeting );
        else {
                MPI_Send( greeting, strlen( greeting ) + 1, MPI_CHAR, 0, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
        return 0;
Hvilket returnenrer:
<pre>0: Hello World from process 0, of 10 on C01
0: Hello World from process 1, of 10 on C04
0: Hello World from process 2, of 10 on C05
0: Hello World from process 3, of 10 on C06
0: Hello World from process 4, of 10 on C01
0: Hello World from process 5, of 10 on C04
0: Hello World from process 6, of 10 on C05
0: Hello World from process 7, of 10 on C06
0: Hello World from process 8, of 10 on C01
0: Hello World from process 9, of 10 on C04
==MPI PingPong program==
PingPong programmet er lavet for at benchmarke MPI på forskellige typer netværk.
<source lang=c>
/*                  pong.c Generic Benchmark code
*              Dave Turner - Ames Lab - July of 1994+++
*  Most Unix timers can't be trusted for very short times, so take this
*  into account when looking at the results.  This code also only times
*  a single message passing event for each size, so the results may vary
*  between runs.  For more accurate measurements, grab NetPIPE from
*  http://www.scl.ameslab.gov/ .
#include "mpi.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main (int argc, char **argv)
  int myproc, size, other_proc, nprocs, i, last;
  double t0, t1, time;
  double *a, *b;
  double max_rate = 0.0, min_latency = 10e6;
  MPI_Request request, request_a, request_b;
  MPI_Status status;
#if defined (_CRAYT3E)
  a = (double *) shmalloc (132000 * sizeof (double));
  b = (double *) shmalloc (132000 * sizeof (double));
  a = (double *) malloc (132000 * sizeof (double));
  b = (double *) malloc (132000 * sizeof (double));
  for (i = 0; i < 132000; i++) {
      a[i] = (double) i;
      b[i] = 0.0;
  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
  MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nprocs);
  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myproc);
  if (nprocs != 2) exit (1);
  other_proc = (myproc + 1) % 2;
  printf("Hello from %d of %d\n", myproc, nprocs);
/* Timer accuracy test */
  t0 = MPI_Wtime();
  t1 = MPI_Wtime();
  while (t1 == t0) t1 = MPI_Wtime();
  if (myproc == 0)
      printf("Timer accuracy of ~%f usecs\n\n", (t1 - t0) * 1000000);
/* Communications between nodes
*  - Blocking sends and recvs
*  - No guarantee of prepost, so might pass through comm buffer
  for (size = 8; size <= 1048576; size *= 2) {
      for (i = 0; i < size / 8; i++) {
        a[i] = (double) i;
        b[i] = 0.0;
      last = size / 8 - 1;
      t0 = MPI_Wtime();
      if (myproc == 0) {
        MPI_Send(a, size/8, MPI_DOUBLE, other_proc, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
        MPI_Recv(b, size/8, MPI_DOUBLE, other_proc, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
      } else {
        MPI_Recv(b, size/8, MPI_DOUBLE, other_proc, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
        b[0] += 1.0;
        if (last != 0)
        b[last] += 1.0;
        MPI_Send(b, size/8, MPI_DOUBLE, other_proc, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      t1 = MPI_Wtime();
      time = 1.e6 * (t1 - t0);
      if ((b[0] != 1.0 || b[last] != last + 1)) {
        printf("ERROR - b[0] = %f b[%d] = %f\n", b[0], last, b[last]);
        exit (1);
      for (i = 1; i < last - 1; i++)
        if (b[i] != (double) i)
            printf("ERROR - b[%d] = %f\n", i, b[i]);
      if (myproc == 0 && time > 0.000001) {
        printf(" %7d bytes took %9.0f usec (%8.3f MB/sec)\n",
                    size, time, 2.0 * size / time);
        if (2 * size / time > max_rate) max_rate = 2 * size / time;
        if (time / 2 < min_latency) min_latency = time / 2;
      } else if (myproc == 0) {
        printf(" %7d bytes took less than the timer accuracy\n", size);
/* Async communications
*  - Prepost receives to guarantee bypassing the comm buffer
  if (myproc == 0) printf("\n  Asynchronous ping-pong\n\n");
  for (size = 8; size <= 1048576; size *= 2) {
      for (i = 0; i < size / 8; i++) {
        a[i] = (double) i;
        b[i] = 0.0;
      last = size / 8 - 1;
      MPI_Irecv(b, size/8, MPI_DOUBLE, other_proc, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
      t0 = MPI_Wtime();
      if (myproc == 0) {
        MPI_Send(a, size/8, MPI_DOUBLE, other_proc, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
        MPI_Wait(&request, &status);
      } else {
        MPI_Wait(&request, &status);
        b[0] += 1.0;
        if (last != 0)
        b[last] += 1.0;
        MPI_Send(b, size/8, MPI_DOUBLE, other_proc, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      t1 = MPI_Wtime();
      time = 1.e6 * (t1 - t0);
      if ((b[0] != 1.0 || b[last] != last + 1))
        printf("ERROR - b[0] = %f b[%d] = %f\n", b[0], last, b[last]);
      for (i = 1; i < last - 1; i++)
        if (b[i] != (double) i)
            printf("ERROR - b[%d] = %f\n", i, b[i]);
      if (myproc == 0 && time > 0.000001) {
        printf(" %7d bytes took %9.0f usec (%8.3f MB/sec)\n",
                  size, time, 2.0 * size / time);
        if (2 * size / time > max_rate) max_rate = 2 * size / time;
        if (time / 2 < min_latency) min_latency = time / 2;
      } else if (myproc == 0) {
        printf(" %7d bytes took less than the timer accuracy\n", size);
/* Bidirectional communications
*  - Prepost receives to guarantee bypassing the comm buffer
  if (myproc == 0) printf("\n  Bi-directional asynchronous ping-pong\n\n");
  for (size = 8; size <= 1048576; size *= 2) {
      for (i = 0; i < size / 8; i++) {
        a[i] = (double) i;
        b[i] = 0.0;
      last = size / 8 - 1;
      MPI_Irecv(b, size/8, MPI_DOUBLE, other_proc, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request_b);
      MPI_Irecv(a, size/8, MPI_DOUBLE, other_proc, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request_a);
      t0 = MPI_Wtime();
      MPI_Send(a, size/8, MPI_DOUBLE, other_proc, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      MPI_Wait(&request_b, &status);
      b[0] += 1.0;
      if (last != 0)
      b[last] += 1.0;
      MPI_Send(b, size/8, MPI_DOUBLE, other_proc, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      MPI_Wait(&request_a, &status);
      t1 = MPI_Wtime();
      time = 1.e6 * (t1 - t0);
      if ((a[0] != 1.0 || a[last] != last + 1))
        printf("ERROR - a[0] = %f a[%d] = %f\n", a[0], last, a[last]);
      for (i = 1; i < last - 1; i++)
      if (a[i] != (double) i)
        printf("ERROR - a[%d] = %f\n", i, a[i]);
      if (myproc == 0 && time > 0.000001) {
        printf(" %7d bytes took %9.0f usec (%8.3f MB/sec)\n",
                    size, time, 2.0 * size / time);
        if (2 * size / time > max_rate) max_rate = 2 * size / time;
        if (time / 2 < min_latency) min_latency = time / 2;
      } else if (myproc == 0) {
        printf(" %7d bytes took less than the timer accuracy\n", size);
  if (myproc == 0)
      printf("\n Max rate = %f MB/sec  Min latency = %f usec\n",
              max_rate, min_latency);
  return 0;
===100mbit/s netværk===
Hello from 0 of 2
Hello from 1 of 2
Timer accuracy of ~0.953674 usecs
      8 bytes took      353 usec (  0.045 MB/sec)
      16 bytes took      268 usec (  0.119 MB/sec)
      32 bytes took      245 usec (  0.261 MB/sec)
      64 bytes took      274 usec (  0.467 MB/sec)
    128 bytes took      281 usec (  0.911 MB/sec)
    256 bytes took      245 usec (  2.091 MB/sec)
    512 bytes took      300 usec (  3.414 MB/sec)
    1024 bytes took      403 usec (  5.083 MB/sec)
    2048 bytes took      628 usec (  6.522 MB/sec)
    4096 bytes took      873 usec (  9.383 MB/sec)
    8192 bytes took      1597 usec (  10.258 MB/sec)
  16384 bytes took      3188 usec (  10.278 MB/sec)
  32768 bytes took      5866 usec (  11.172 MB/sec)
  65536 bytes took    11476 usec (  11.421 MB/sec)
  131072 bytes took    23561 usec (  11.126 MB/sec)
  262144 bytes took    45460 usec (  11.533 MB/sec)
  524288 bytes took    93597 usec (  11.203 MB/sec)
1048576 bytes took    179155 usec (  11.706 MB/sec)
  Asynchronous ping-pong
      8 bytes took      256 usec (  0.063 MB/sec)
      16 bytes took      277 usec (  0.116 MB/sec)
      32 bytes took      259 usec (  0.247 MB/sec)
      64 bytes took      271 usec (  0.472 MB/sec)
    128 bytes took      290 usec (  0.882 MB/sec)
    256 bytes took      284 usec (  1.802 MB/sec)
    512 bytes took      300 usec (  3.414 MB/sec)
    1024 bytes took      345 usec (  5.936 MB/sec)
    2048 bytes took      679 usec (  6.032 MB/sec)
    4096 bytes took      856 usec (  9.571 MB/sec)
    8192 bytes took      1609 usec (  10.182 MB/sec)
  16384 bytes took      3177 usec (  10.314 MB/sec)
  32768 bytes took      5837 usec (  11.228 MB/sec)
  65536 bytes took    11531 usec (  11.367 MB/sec)
  131072 bytes took    23597 usec (  11.109 MB/sec)
  262144 bytes took    45400 usec (  11.548 MB/sec)
  524288 bytes took    89853 usec (  11.670 MB/sec)
1048576 bytes took    179022 usec (  11.715 MB/sec)
  Bi-directional asynchronous ping-pong
      8 bytes took      246 usec (  0.065 MB/sec)
      16 bytes took      249 usec (  0.129 MB/sec)
      32 bytes took      247 usec (  0.259 MB/sec)
      64 bytes took      250 usec (  0.512 MB/sec)
    128 bytes took      251 usec (  1.021 MB/sec)
    256 bytes took      249 usec (  2.057 MB/sec)
    512 bytes took      300 usec (  3.411 MB/sec)
    1024 bytes took      345 usec (  5.936 MB/sec)
    2048 bytes took      660 usec (  6.207 MB/sec)
    4096 bytes took      854 usec (  9.592 MB/sec)
    8192 bytes took      1692 usec (  9.683 MB/sec)
  16384 bytes took      3148 usec (  10.409 MB/sec)
  32768 bytes took      5913 usec (  11.083 MB/sec)
  65536 bytes took    13798 usec (  9.499 MB/sec)
  131072 bytes took    27642 usec (  9.484 MB/sec)
  262144 bytes took    72140 usec (  7.268 MB/sec)
  524288 bytes took    146771 usec (  7.144 MB/sec)
1048576 bytes took    298708 usec (  7.021 MB/sec)
Max rate = 11.714504 MB/sec  Min latency = 122.427940 usec
===1Gbit/s netværk===
Hello from 0 of 2
Hello from 1 of 2
Timer accuracy of ~1.192093 usecs
      8 bytes took      169 usec (  0.095 MB/sec)
      16 bytes took      158 usec (  0.202 MB/sec)
      32 bytes took      162 usec (  0.395 MB/sec)
      64 bytes took      151 usec (  0.848 MB/sec)
    128 bytes took      158 usec (  1.620 MB/sec)
    256 bytes took      158 usec (  3.239 MB/sec)
    512 bytes took      165 usec (  6.207 MB/sec)
    1024 bytes took      193 usec (  10.605 MB/sec)
    2048 bytes took      226 usec (  18.122 MB/sec)
    4096 bytes took      233 usec (  35.133 MB/sec)
    8192 bytes took      321 usec (  51.055 MB/sec)
  16384 bytes took      565 usec (  57.991 MB/sec)
  32768 bytes took      1410 usec (  46.479 MB/sec)
  65536 bytes took      2577 usec (  50.861 MB/sec)
  131072 bytes took      3138 usec (  83.537 MB/sec)
  262144 bytes took      5585 usec (  93.875 MB/sec)
  524288 bytes took    10363 usec ( 101.186 MB/sec)
1048576 bytes took    19895 usec ( 105.411 MB/sec)
  Asynchronous ping-pong
      8 bytes took      254 usec (  0.063 MB/sec)
      16 bytes took      131 usec (  0.244 MB/sec)
      32 bytes took      129 usec (  0.496 MB/sec)
      64 bytes took      131 usec (  0.976 MB/sec)
    128 bytes took      129 usec (  1.985 MB/sec)
    256 bytes took      136 usec (  3.768 MB/sec)
    512 bytes took      141 usec (  7.267 MB/sec)
    1024 bytes took      157 usec (  13.035 MB/sec)
    2048 bytes took      151 usec (  27.140 MB/sec)
    4096 bytes took      206 usec (  39.768 MB/sec)
    8192 bytes took      293 usec (  55.915 MB/sec)
  16384 bytes took      438 usec (  74.817 MB/sec)
  32768 bytes took      921 usec (  71.157 MB/sec)
  65536 bytes took      1538 usec (  85.220 MB/sec)
  131072 bytes took      3050 usec (  85.946 MB/sec)
  262144 bytes took      5217 usec ( 100.495 MB/sec)
  524288 bytes took      9749 usec ( 107.558 MB/sec)
1048576 bytes took    18777 usec ( 111.688 MB/sec)
  Bi-directional asynchronous ping-pong
      8 bytes took      191 usec (  0.084 MB/sec)
      16 bytes took      137 usec (  0.233 MB/sec)
      32 bytes took      123 usec (  0.520 MB/sec)
      64 bytes took      123 usec (  1.040 MB/sec)
    128 bytes took      129 usec (  1.985 MB/sec)
    256 bytes took      123 usec (  4.162 MB/sec)
    512 bytes took      122 usec (  8.389 MB/sec)
    1024 bytes took      125 usec (  16.393 MB/sec)
    2048 bytes took      172 usec (  23.828 MB/sec)
    4096 bytes took      205 usec (  39.953 MB/sec)
    8192 bytes took      306 usec (  53.520 MB/sec)
  16384 bytes took      488 usec (  67.142 MB/sec)
  32768 bytes took      988 usec (  66.332 MB/sec)
  65536 bytes took      1694 usec (  77.376 MB/sec)
  131072 bytes took      4879 usec (  53.729 MB/sec)
  262144 bytes took      8126 usec (  64.520 MB/sec)
  524288 bytes took    15152 usec (  69.204 MB/sec)
1048576 bytes took    29886 usec (  70.172 MB/sec)
Max rate = 111.687910 MB/sec  Min latency = 61.035156 usec
Hurtige netværk = hurtigere overførsel, og så skal man ikke sende for mange små pakker på ethernet
==Matrix program med C++==
For at kunne kompilere den skal man have installeret g++ og så skal den kompileres med mpiCC
<source lang=cpp>
// matrixstats.cpp
// Written by Drew Weitz
// Last Modified: June 9, 2003
// This program is intended to be a very basic introduction to MPI programming.
// For informationa bout each specific function call, consult the man pages
// available on the cluster, or check out information available online at
// www.iitk.ac.in/cc/param/mpi_calls.html
// to include the MPI function library
#include "mpi.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
// these variables will hold MPI specific information.
// numprocs will store the total number of processors allocated
// for the program run; myrank will store each individual procssors
// number assigned by the master.
int numprocs, myrank;
// In general, all nodes have a copy of all the variables defined.
// MPI_Init prepares the program run to communicate between all the
// nodes.  It is necessary to have this function call in all MPI
// code.
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
// MPI_Comm_size initializes the numprocs variable to be the number
// of processors alloocated to the program run.  MPI_COMM_WORLD is
// a macro that MPI uses to address the correct MPI netowrk.  Since
// multiple MPI jobs could be running at once, we want to have a way
// of addressing only the processors in our program run (or our
// "world").
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numprocs);
// MPI_Comm_rank initializes each nodes myrank variable to be it's
// processor number.
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myrank);
MPI_Status status;
char greeting[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME + 80];
int thematrix[numprocs-1][numprocs-1];
int thecube[numprocs-1][numprocs-1][numprocs-1];
int resultmatrix[numprocs-1][numprocs-1];
int temp  = 0;
if (myrank == 0) {
printf("Preparing the matrix...\n");
for (int i=0; i < numprocs-1; i++) {
for (int j=0; j < numprocs-1; j++) {
thematrix[i][j] = 0;
printf("The matrix is:\n");
for (int i=0; i < numprocs-1; i++) {
for (int j=0; j < numprocs-1; j++) {
printf("%i\t", thematrix[i][j]);
printf("Sending the matrix to the other nodes...\n");
for (int k=1; k < numprocs; k++) {
// MPI_Send is the function call that sends the values of one nodes'
// variable out to another node.  In effect, it is the way in which
// data can be passed to another node.  A node can either receive this
// "message" (via MPI_RECV), or it can be ignored.
MPI_Send(thematrix, (numprocs-1)*(numprocs-1),
MPI_INT, k, 1,
printf("Waiting for responses...\n");
for (int k=1; k < numprocs; k++) {
// MPI_Recv is the compliament to MPI_Send.  This is one way
// in which the processor will receive data.  In the case of
// MPI_Recv, the processor will stop executing it's code and
// wait for the expected message.  If you do not want the processor
// to stop executing code while waiting for a "message", you must
// use a "non-blocking" receive function.  See the website listed
// at the tope of the program for more information.
MPI_Recv(thematrix, (numprocs-1)*(numprocs-1),
MPI_INT, k, 1,
MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
for (int i=0; i < numprocs-1; i++) {
for (int j=0; j < numprocs-1; j++) {
thecube[k-1][i][j] = thematrix[i][j];
printf("The result is...\n");
for (int k=0; k < numprocs-1; k++) {
printf("Level %i:\n", k);
for (int i=0; i < numprocs-1; i++) {
for (int j=0; j < numprocs-1; j++) {
printf("%i\t", thecube[k][i][j]);
printf("Collapsing results...\n");
for (int i=0; i < numprocs-1; i++) {
for (int j=0; j < numprocs-1; j++) {
for (int k=0; k < numprocs -1; k++) {
temp = temp + thecube [k][i][j];
resultmatrix[i][j] = temp;
temp = 0;
for (int i=0; i < numprocs-1; i++) {
for (int j=0; j < numprocs-1; j++) {
printf("%i\t", resultmatrix[i][j]);
else {
MPI_Recv(thematrix, (numprocs-1)*(numprocs-1), MPI_INT, 0, 1,
MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
sprintf(greeting, "matrix received...");
for (int j=0; j < numprocs-1; j++) {
thematrix[myrank-1][j] = myrank*j;
MPI_Send(thematrix, (numprocs-1)*(numprocs-1), MPI_INT, 0, 1,
// MPI_FINALIZE closes all the connections opened during the MPI
// program run.  It is necessary for MPI Programs.
return 0;
=Cluster Management=
Små scripts til at udføre handlinger på clienterne
===Shutdown af nodes===
ssh shutdown -h now &
ssh shutdown -h now &
ssh shutdown -h now &
ssh shutdown -h now &
===Wake On Lan af nodes===
wakeonlan 00:21:86:f3:ca:a5
wakeonlan 00:21:86:f4:00:e9
wakeonlan 00:21:86:f4:03:0d
wakeonlan 00:21:86:f4:1d:79
===Mount NFS mirror på nodes===
ssh mount c01:/var/mirror /var/mirror
ssh mount c01:/var/mirror /var/mirror
ssh mount c01:/var/mirror /var/mirror
ssh mount c01:/var/mirror /var/mirror
===Opdater alle maskiner===
dsh -M -q -c -f mpd.hosts aptitude update
dsh -M -q -c -f mpd.hosts aptitude -y upgrade
{{Source cli}}
{{Source cli}}

Latest revision as of 14:40, 6 November 2012


  • 5 stk. Lenovo ThinkCenter (C01, C04, C05, C06, C17)
  • Cisco 2950


C01 bliver master server, med apt-cacher til installation og PXE netinstallation server. Den skal også have MRTG og nagios.

  • C01 sidder i Gi0/2
  • C04 sidder i Fa0/1
  • C05 sidder i Fa0/2
  • C06 sidder i Fa0/3
  • C17 sidder i Fa0/4


enable password cisco
interface range fa 0/1 - 24
 switchport mode access
 switchport access vlan 2
 spanning-tree portfast
interface range gi 0/1 - 2
 switchport mode access
 switchport access vlan 2
 spanning-tree portfast
interface Vlan2
 ip address
snmp-server community public RO
line con 0
line vty 0 4
 no login
line vty 5 15
 no login


Denne node skal være installtions og mangement node for clusteret.

Std applicationer

Installtion af det nødvendig samt noget random.

aptitude -y install apt-cacher tftpd-hpa tftp-hpa xinetd nagios3 mrtg nmap screen bmon iperf bonnie++ lmbench lm-sensors snmpd snmp build-essential gcc openssh-client nfs-kernel-server


Ændre i /etc/apt-cacher/apt-cacher.conf

path_map = ubuntu de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu; ubuntu-updates de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu ; ubuntu-security security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu

Ændre i /etc/default/apt-cacher også:


Og genstart apt-cacher:

/etc/init.d/apt-cacher restart

Vær opmærksom på at installations serveren hedder nu

PXE netinstaller

Hent og installer pxelinux til tftp roden:

cd /var/lib/tftpboot/
wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/netboot.tar.gz
tar -xvzf netboot.tar.gz

Sæt IOS DHCP serveren op til at dele statiske IP adresser ud og pege på PXE serveren og filen:

ip dhcp pool Pool-VLAN2
   bootfile pxelinux.0
   lease 0 0 30
ip dhcp pool C04-Pool
   hardware-address 0021.86f3.caa5
   client-name C04
ip dhcp pool C05-Pool
   hardware-address 0021.86f4.00e9
   client-name C05
ip dhcp pool C06-Pool
   hardware-address 0021.86f4.030d
   client-name C06
ip dhcp pool C17-Pool
   hardware-address 0021.86f4.1d79
   client-name C17

Skal det isteder være på linux skal man installere dhcp3 og oprette et scope i /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf"

subnet netmask {
  option domain-name-servers;
  option domain-name "cluster.tekkom.dk";
  option routers;
  default-lease-time 360;
  max-lease-time 360;
  filename "pxelinux.0";
host node1 {
  hardware ethernet 0:0:c0:5d:bd:95;
  server-name "node1.cluster.tekkom.dk";


Lav en F12 og det spiller bare.

MRTG opsætning

Gør som beskrevet her Netband_Project_-_Ubuntu_server
Quick Guide

cfgmaker --no-down --output /etc/mrtg- public@
cfgmaker --no-down --output /etc/mrtg- public@

Ændre lidt i /etc/mrtg.cfg

Options[_]: bits, unknaszero
Include: /etc/mrtg-
Include: /etc/mrtg-

Husk at lave WorkDir:

mkdir /var/www/mrtg

Tilføj MRTG til cron sammen med indexmaker, så den selv opdaterer index siden når du tilføjer enheder til /etc/mrtg.cfg

crontab -e
        m      h       dom     mon     dow     command
*/2      *       *       *       *       env LANG=C /usr/bin/mrtg /etc/mrtg.cfg  --logging /var/log/mrtg/mrtg.log
*/5      *       *       *       *       /usr/bin/indexmaker /etc/mrtg.cfg > /var/www/mrtg/index.html

Og så kan man se alle interfaces på

Virker det ikke tjek loggen i /var/log/mrtg/mrtg.log


Ændre i /etc/nagios3/conf.d/hostgroups_nagios2.cfg, så under hostgroup_name ping-servers skal members laves om til *

Ændre også i /etc/nagios3/conf.d/host-gateway_nagios3.cfg

define host {
        host_name       Switch
        alias           Switch
        use             generic-host
define host {
        host_name       C04
        alias           C04
        use             generic-host
define host {
        host_name       C05
        alias           C05
        use             generic-host
define host {
        host_name       C06
        alias           C06
        use             generic-host
define host {
        host_name       C17
        alias           C17
        use             generic-host

Vi ændrer også lige disse linier i config filen så der ikke går flere minutter før den opdager en fejl. De skriver det bruger mere CPU og netværk, men jeg er da ligeglad...


Genstart Nagios

/etc/init.d/nagios3 restart

Nagios kan nu tilgåes på std brugernavn er nagiosadmin og bruger navn er det du satte under installtionen.



Auto SSH login

På C01 generere man nogle nøgler som kan bruges til at logge ind på alle maskinerne med.

ssh-keygen -t dsa

Kopier vores public key ind i authorized_keys, så vi kan SSH til os selv

cat .ssh/id_dsa.pub >> .ssh/authorized_keys

Så opretter man en .ssh folder i /root eller /home dir for den bruger man lyster.

ssh mkdir .ssh
ssh mkdir .ssh
ssh mkdir .ssh
ssh mkdir .ssh

Kopierer Certifikaterne over på dem:

scp .ssh/*
scp .ssh/*
scp .ssh/*
scp .ssh/*

Og man kan nu SSH rundt til alle maskiner uden password


Auto SSH Bruger Login

Vil man gerne undgå at bruge brugernavn/pass kan man generere en Priv/Pub keypair med puttygen og smide den public key den laver ind i .ssh/autorized_keys

NFS server

Lav en folder til at exportere med NFS

mkdir /var/mirror

Tilføj den til /etc/exports

/var/mirror     *(rw,sync,no_subtree_check)

Og genstart NFS serveren

/etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart

Node installation

Manuel installation

Maskiner køres op i hånden gennem PXE boot og hånd installeres.
Installation af nodes kan gøre med

ssh <ip> aptitude -y install nmap screen bmon iperf bonnie++ lmbench lm-sensors snmpd snmp build-essential gcc openssh-client nfs-common mpich2

Og så tilføj /var/mirror til /etc/fstab

c01:/var/mirror/ /var/mirror nfs rw 0 0

Automount /home

Hvis man gerne vil have brugerrettigheder med over NFS når man mounter skal man ændre lidt i nogle filer.

On ubuntu, I edited /etc/idmapd.conf and changed Domain to be the same value as what I set for NFSMAPID_DOMAIN, edit /etc/default/nfs-common and set NEED_STATD=no and NEED_IDMAPD=yes, then service rpc_pipefs restart and service idmapd restart, remount your nfs shares (in my case, service autofs restart); and all the uid/gid mapping should now be correct.

NewClusterH:/home/ /home nfs rw 0 0

Automastisk installation

Maskinerne kan også installeres efter en kickstart seed fil.

For at køre maskinerne op med seed filen kan den ligge på en webserver og henvises til igennem bootscreen installations menuen.
nano /var/lib/tftpboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/boot-screens/text.cfg

label kickstart
        menu label ^Kickstart
        kernel ubuntu-installer/amd64/linux
        append ks= vga=normal initrd=ubuntu-installer/amd64/initrd.gz -- quiet

Og kickstart filen vil se sådan ud:

#Generated by Kickstart Configurator
#platform=AMD64 or Intel EM64T

#Vælger hvilket sprog der skal installeres på
#System language
lang en_US
#Language modules to install
langsupport en_US

#Definerer hvilket tastatur vi bruger
#System keyboard
keyboard dk
#System mouse

#Tidszonen vi er i
#System timezone
timezone Europe/Copenhagen

#Root password = cisco
#Root password
rootpw --iscrypted $1$T5Fz4QeH$sY307XHHaNCfxL4ODXNyG.

#Vi har defineret at der ikke skal oprettes en alm. bruger.
#Initial user
user --disabled
#Reboot after installation
#Use text mode install
#Install OS instead of upgrade

#Hvilken source skal vi installere fra, her er det vores apt-cacher server
#Use Web installation
url --url

#indstallerer en bootloader.
#System bootloader configuration
bootloader --location=mbr
#Clear the Master Boot Record
zerombr yes

#Rykker disken rundt!!!
#Partition clearing information
clearpart --all --initlabel

#Opretter en swap disk på anbefaler størrelse og bruger resten til en ext4 partition /
#Disk partition information
part swap --recommended
part / --fstype ext4 --size 1 --grow

#Selvfølgelig skal vi have shadow password og md5
#System authorization infomation
auth  --useshadow  --enablemd5
#Firewall configuration
firewall --disabled

#Jeg vil da ikke have desktop på en server.
#Do not configure the X Window System

#Her definerer vi de pakker der skal installeres, er det til desktop så kunne ubuntu-desktop være et bud

Cluster installation

Host filer

opret alle nodes i /etc/hosts:     localhost C01 C04 C05 C06 C17

Lav et script der hedder CopyToClients.sh

scp $1$2
scp $1$2
scp $1$2
scp $1$2

Smid den rundt til alle de andre nodes med:

./CopyToClients.sh /etc/hosts /etc/hosts

Installer MPICH2

Installer MPICH2 på alle maskiner

aptitude install mpich2

Lav en fil i home dir der hedder mpd.hosts der indeholder:


Og lav et password i filen /etc/mpd.conf

echo MPD_SECRETWORD=cisco >> /etc/mpd.conf
chmod 600 /etc/mpd.conf

Den skal ligge i home dir, hvis man er andre brugere end root!!

Flyt den til de andre maskiner

./CopyToClients.sh /etc/mpd.conf /etc/mpd.conf

Start MPD på alle nodes

mpdboot ­-n 4

Og test at det virker, skulle gerne returnere hostnavn på alle nodes


Test fil i /var/mirror/test.sh

cat /etc/hostname

Kald den

mpiexec -n 40 /var/mirror/test.sh

Have Fun

 mpiexec -n 1000 /var/mirror/test.sh | sort | uniq -c

Sluk for MPD igen


Installer OpenMPI

Skal selvfølgelig installeres på alle maskiner

install libopenmpi-dev openmpi-bin openmpi-doc

Eksekver et program

mpicc /var/mirror/MPI_Hello.c -o /var/mirror/MPI_Hello
mpiexec -n 6 -hostfile mpd.hosts /var/mirror/MPI_Hello
Hello World from process 3, of 6 on Cl1N0
Hello World from process 0, of 6 on Cl1N0
Hello World from process 2, of 6 on Cl1N2
Hello World from process 5, of 6 on Cl1N2
Hello World from process 1, of 6 on Cl1N1
Hello World from process 4, of 6 on Cl1N1


Installer Torque

Torque er den scheduler de fleste HPC bruger. Man smider sine jobs til den og så klarer den at dele dem ud til nødvendige maskiner og når et job er færdig sender den det næste afsted.


Andre Scheduler

  • Loadleveler
  • LSF
  • Sun Grid Engine


Tilføj torque server til /etc/hosts torqueserver

installer pakker

aptitude install torque-client torque-common torque-mom torque-scheduler torque-server

Stop torque


Programmering med MPI


Geany IDE

Der findes et IDE man kan tilrette til cluster kompilering og eksekvering kaldet geany. Installation:

aptitude install geany

For at kompilere det med mpicc og eksekvere med mpiexec skal man lige rette lidt til under "Build > Set Includes and Arguments".

Geany IDE
mpicc -Wall "%f" -o "%e"

mpiexec -n 20 -hostfile ~/mpd.hosts "%e"

Og til C++ bruger man mpic++ -Wall "%f" -o "%e"

Programmet man skriver skal selvfølgelig ligge i /var/mirror for de andre noder også har adgang til det.

Og den kan man selvfølgelig X'e over med

env DISPLAY= geany

Hello World eksempel

HelloWorld program

#include "mpi.h"
#include <stdio.h>

int main (int argc, char *argv[] )
        int rank, size, namelen;
        char processor_name[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME];

        MPI_Init( &argc, &argv );

        MPI_Get_processor_name( processor_name, &namelen );
        MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank );
        MPI_Comm_size( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size );
        printf( "Hello World from process %d, of %d on %s\n", rank, size, processor_name );
        return 0;

Compile det med

 mpicxx -o helloWorld helloWorld.c

og kør det med

mpiexec -n 10 /var/mirror/helloWorld

Resultatet skulle gerne blive

Hello World from process 2, of 10 on C05
Hello World from process 6, of 10 on C05
Hello World from process 3, of 10 on C06
Hello World from process 1, of 10 on C04
Hello World from process 5, of 10 on C04
Hello World from process 7, of 10 on C06
Hello World from process 9, of 10 on C04
Hello World from process 0, of 10 on C01
Hello World from process 4, of 10 on C01
Hello World from process 8, of 10 on C01

Hello World med MPI

Det forrige eksempel brugte ikke rigtig MPI til noget, ud over at få rank og size.
Hvis vi skal lave det om til at rank 0 er den der printer til skærmen og alle de andre sender via MPI til den, ville det se sådan ud:

#include "mpi.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main (int argc, char *argv[] )
        int rank, size, namelen, i;
        char processor_name[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME];
        char greeting[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME + 100];
        MPI_Status status;

        MPI_Init( &argc, &argv );

        MPI_Get_processor_name( processor_name, &namelen );
        MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank );
        MPI_Comm_size( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size );
        sprintf( greeting,  "Hello World from process %d, of %d on %s\n", rank, size, processor_name );

        if ( rank == 0 ) {
                printf( "%s", greeting );
                for (i = 1; i < size; i++ ) {
                        MPI_Recv( greeting, sizeof( greeting ), MPI_CHAR, i, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status );
                        printf( "%s", greeting );
        else {
                MPI_Send( greeting, strlen( greeting ) + 1, MPI_CHAR, 0, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
        return 0;

Hvilket returnenrer:

0: Hello World from process 0, of 10 on C01
0: Hello World from process 1, of 10 on C04
0: Hello World from process 2, of 10 on C05
0: Hello World from process 3, of 10 on C06
0: Hello World from process 4, of 10 on C01
0: Hello World from process 5, of 10 on C04
0: Hello World from process 6, of 10 on C05
0: Hello World from process 7, of 10 on C06
0: Hello World from process 8, of 10 on C01
0: Hello World from process 9, of 10 on C04

MPI PingPong program

PingPong programmet er lavet for at benchmarke MPI på forskellige typer netværk.


/*                  pong.c Generic Benchmark code
 *               Dave Turner - Ames Lab - July of 1994+++
 *  Most Unix timers can't be trusted for very short times, so take this
 *  into account when looking at the results.  This code also only times
 *  a single message passing event for each size, so the results may vary
 *  between runs.  For more accurate measurements, grab NetPIPE from
 *  http://www.scl.ameslab.gov/ .

#include "mpi.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main (int argc, char **argv)
   int myproc, size, other_proc, nprocs, i, last;
   double t0, t1, time;
   double *a, *b;
   double max_rate = 0.0, min_latency = 10e6;
   MPI_Request request, request_a, request_b;
   MPI_Status status;

#if defined (_CRAYT3E)
   a = (double *) shmalloc (132000 * sizeof (double));
   b = (double *) shmalloc (132000 * sizeof (double));
   a = (double *) malloc (132000 * sizeof (double));
   b = (double *) malloc (132000 * sizeof (double));

   for (i = 0; i < 132000; i++) {
      a[i] = (double) i;
      b[i] = 0.0;

   MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
   MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nprocs);
   MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myproc);

   if (nprocs != 2) exit (1);
   other_proc = (myproc + 1) % 2;

   printf("Hello from %d of %d\n", myproc, nprocs);

/* Timer accuracy test */

   t0 = MPI_Wtime();
   t1 = MPI_Wtime();

   while (t1 == t0) t1 = MPI_Wtime();

   if (myproc == 0)
      printf("Timer accuracy of ~%f usecs\n\n", (t1 - t0) * 1000000);

/* Communications between nodes
 *   - Blocking sends and recvs
 *   - No guarantee of prepost, so might pass through comm buffer

   for (size = 8; size <= 1048576; size *= 2) {
      for (i = 0; i < size / 8; i++) {
         a[i] = (double) i;
         b[i] = 0.0;
      last = size / 8 - 1;

      t0 = MPI_Wtime();

      if (myproc == 0) {

         MPI_Send(a, size/8, MPI_DOUBLE, other_proc, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
         MPI_Recv(b, size/8, MPI_DOUBLE, other_proc, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);

      } else {

         MPI_Recv(b, size/8, MPI_DOUBLE, other_proc, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);

         b[0] += 1.0;
         if (last != 0)
         b[last] += 1.0;

         MPI_Send(b, size/8, MPI_DOUBLE, other_proc, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);


      t1 = MPI_Wtime();
      time = 1.e6 * (t1 - t0);

      if ((b[0] != 1.0 || b[last] != last + 1)) {
         printf("ERROR - b[0] = %f b[%d] = %f\n", b[0], last, b[last]);
         exit (1);
      for (i = 1; i < last - 1; i++)
         if (b[i] != (double) i)
            printf("ERROR - b[%d] = %f\n", i, b[i]);
      if (myproc == 0 && time > 0.000001) {
         printf(" %7d bytes took %9.0f usec (%8.3f MB/sec)\n",
                     size, time, 2.0 * size / time);
         if (2 * size / time > max_rate) max_rate = 2 * size / time;
         if (time / 2 < min_latency) min_latency = time / 2;
      } else if (myproc == 0) {
         printf(" %7d bytes took less than the timer accuracy\n", size);

/* Async communications
 *   - Prepost receives to guarantee bypassing the comm buffer

   if (myproc == 0) printf("\n  Asynchronous ping-pong\n\n");

   for (size = 8; size <= 1048576; size *= 2) {
      for (i = 0; i < size / 8; i++) {
         a[i] = (double) i;
         b[i] = 0.0;
      last = size / 8 - 1;

      MPI_Irecv(b, size/8, MPI_DOUBLE, other_proc, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
      t0 = MPI_Wtime();

      if (myproc == 0) {

         MPI_Send(a, size/8, MPI_DOUBLE, other_proc, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
         MPI_Wait(&request, &status);

      } else {

         MPI_Wait(&request, &status);

         b[0] += 1.0;
         if (last != 0)
         b[last] += 1.0;

         MPI_Send(b, size/8, MPI_DOUBLE, other_proc, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);


      t1 = MPI_Wtime();
      time = 1.e6 * (t1 - t0);

      if ((b[0] != 1.0 || b[last] != last + 1))
         printf("ERROR - b[0] = %f b[%d] = %f\n", b[0], last, b[last]);

      for (i = 1; i < last - 1; i++)
         if (b[i] != (double) i)
            printf("ERROR - b[%d] = %f\n", i, b[i]);
      if (myproc == 0 && time > 0.000001) {
         printf(" %7d bytes took %9.0f usec (%8.3f MB/sec)\n",
                  size, time, 2.0 * size / time);
         if (2 * size / time > max_rate) max_rate = 2 * size / time;
         if (time / 2 < min_latency) min_latency = time / 2;
      } else if (myproc == 0) {
         printf(" %7d bytes took less than the timer accuracy\n", size);

/* Bidirectional communications
 *   - Prepost receives to guarantee bypassing the comm buffer

   if (myproc == 0) printf("\n  Bi-directional asynchronous ping-pong\n\n");

   for (size = 8; size <= 1048576; size *= 2) {
      for (i = 0; i < size / 8; i++) {
         a[i] = (double) i;
         b[i] = 0.0;
      last = size / 8 - 1;

      MPI_Irecv(b, size/8, MPI_DOUBLE, other_proc, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request_b);
      MPI_Irecv(a, size/8, MPI_DOUBLE, other_proc, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request_a);

      t0 = MPI_Wtime();

      MPI_Send(a, size/8, MPI_DOUBLE, other_proc, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      MPI_Wait(&request_b, &status);

      b[0] += 1.0;
      if (last != 0)
      b[last] += 1.0;

      MPI_Send(b, size/8, MPI_DOUBLE, other_proc, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      MPI_Wait(&request_a, &status);

      t1 = MPI_Wtime();
      time = 1.e6 * (t1 - t0);

      if ((a[0] != 1.0 || a[last] != last + 1))
         printf("ERROR - a[0] = %f a[%d] = %f\n", a[0], last, a[last]);
      for (i = 1; i < last - 1; i++)
      if (a[i] != (double) i)
         printf("ERROR - a[%d] = %f\n", i, a[i]);
      if (myproc == 0 && time > 0.000001) {
         printf(" %7d bytes took %9.0f usec (%8.3f MB/sec)\n",
                    size, time, 2.0 * size / time);
         if (2 * size / time > max_rate) max_rate = 2 * size / time;
         if (time / 2 < min_latency) min_latency = time / 2;
      } else if (myproc == 0) {
         printf(" %7d bytes took less than the timer accuracy\n", size);

   if (myproc == 0)
      printf("\n Max rate = %f MB/sec  Min latency = %f usec\n",
               max_rate, min_latency);

   return 0;

100mbit/s netværk

Hello from 0 of 2
Hello from 1 of 2
Timer accuracy of ~0.953674 usecs

       8 bytes took       353 usec (   0.045 MB/sec)
      16 bytes took       268 usec (   0.119 MB/sec)
      32 bytes took       245 usec (   0.261 MB/sec)
      64 bytes took       274 usec (   0.467 MB/sec)
     128 bytes took       281 usec (   0.911 MB/sec)
     256 bytes took       245 usec (   2.091 MB/sec)
     512 bytes took       300 usec (   3.414 MB/sec)
    1024 bytes took       403 usec (   5.083 MB/sec)
    2048 bytes took       628 usec (   6.522 MB/sec)
    4096 bytes took       873 usec (   9.383 MB/sec)
    8192 bytes took      1597 usec (  10.258 MB/sec)
   16384 bytes took      3188 usec (  10.278 MB/sec)
   32768 bytes took      5866 usec (  11.172 MB/sec)
   65536 bytes took     11476 usec (  11.421 MB/sec)
  131072 bytes took     23561 usec (  11.126 MB/sec)
  262144 bytes took     45460 usec (  11.533 MB/sec)
  524288 bytes took     93597 usec (  11.203 MB/sec)
 1048576 bytes took    179155 usec (  11.706 MB/sec)

  Asynchronous ping-pong

       8 bytes took       256 usec (   0.063 MB/sec)
      16 bytes took       277 usec (   0.116 MB/sec)
      32 bytes took       259 usec (   0.247 MB/sec)
      64 bytes took       271 usec (   0.472 MB/sec)
     128 bytes took       290 usec (   0.882 MB/sec)
     256 bytes took       284 usec (   1.802 MB/sec)
     512 bytes took       300 usec (   3.414 MB/sec)
    1024 bytes took       345 usec (   5.936 MB/sec)
    2048 bytes took       679 usec (   6.032 MB/sec)
    4096 bytes took       856 usec (   9.571 MB/sec)
    8192 bytes took      1609 usec (  10.182 MB/sec)
   16384 bytes took      3177 usec (  10.314 MB/sec)
   32768 bytes took      5837 usec (  11.228 MB/sec)
   65536 bytes took     11531 usec (  11.367 MB/sec)
  131072 bytes took     23597 usec (  11.109 MB/sec)
  262144 bytes took     45400 usec (  11.548 MB/sec)
  524288 bytes took     89853 usec (  11.670 MB/sec)
 1048576 bytes took    179022 usec (  11.715 MB/sec)

  Bi-directional asynchronous ping-pong

       8 bytes took       246 usec (   0.065 MB/sec)
      16 bytes took       249 usec (   0.129 MB/sec)
      32 bytes took       247 usec (   0.259 MB/sec)
      64 bytes took       250 usec (   0.512 MB/sec)
     128 bytes took       251 usec (   1.021 MB/sec)
     256 bytes took       249 usec (   2.057 MB/sec)
     512 bytes took       300 usec (   3.411 MB/sec)
    1024 bytes took       345 usec (   5.936 MB/sec)
    2048 bytes took       660 usec (   6.207 MB/sec)
    4096 bytes took       854 usec (   9.592 MB/sec)
    8192 bytes took      1692 usec (   9.683 MB/sec)
   16384 bytes took      3148 usec (  10.409 MB/sec)
   32768 bytes took      5913 usec (  11.083 MB/sec)
   65536 bytes took     13798 usec (   9.499 MB/sec)
  131072 bytes took     27642 usec (   9.484 MB/sec)
  262144 bytes took     72140 usec (   7.268 MB/sec)
  524288 bytes took    146771 usec (   7.144 MB/sec)
 1048576 bytes took    298708 usec (   7.021 MB/sec)

 Max rate = 11.714504 MB/sec  Min latency = 122.427940 usec

1Gbit/s netværk

Hello from 0 of 2
Hello from 1 of 2
Timer accuracy of ~1.192093 usecs

       8 bytes took       169 usec (   0.095 MB/sec)
      16 bytes took       158 usec (   0.202 MB/sec)
      32 bytes took       162 usec (   0.395 MB/sec)
      64 bytes took       151 usec (   0.848 MB/sec)
     128 bytes took       158 usec (   1.620 MB/sec)
     256 bytes took       158 usec (   3.239 MB/sec)
     512 bytes took       165 usec (   6.207 MB/sec)
    1024 bytes took       193 usec (  10.605 MB/sec)
    2048 bytes took       226 usec (  18.122 MB/sec)
    4096 bytes took       233 usec (  35.133 MB/sec)
    8192 bytes took       321 usec (  51.055 MB/sec)
   16384 bytes took       565 usec (  57.991 MB/sec)
   32768 bytes took      1410 usec (  46.479 MB/sec)
   65536 bytes took      2577 usec (  50.861 MB/sec)
  131072 bytes took      3138 usec (  83.537 MB/sec)
  262144 bytes took      5585 usec (  93.875 MB/sec)
  524288 bytes took     10363 usec ( 101.186 MB/sec)
 1048576 bytes took     19895 usec ( 105.411 MB/sec)

  Asynchronous ping-pong

       8 bytes took       254 usec (   0.063 MB/sec)
      16 bytes took       131 usec (   0.244 MB/sec)
      32 bytes took       129 usec (   0.496 MB/sec)
      64 bytes took       131 usec (   0.976 MB/sec)
     128 bytes took       129 usec (   1.985 MB/sec)
     256 bytes took       136 usec (   3.768 MB/sec)
     512 bytes took       141 usec (   7.267 MB/sec)
    1024 bytes took       157 usec (  13.035 MB/sec)
    2048 bytes took       151 usec (  27.140 MB/sec)
    4096 bytes took       206 usec (  39.768 MB/sec)
    8192 bytes took       293 usec (  55.915 MB/sec)
   16384 bytes took       438 usec (  74.817 MB/sec)
   32768 bytes took       921 usec (  71.157 MB/sec)
   65536 bytes took      1538 usec (  85.220 MB/sec)
  131072 bytes took      3050 usec (  85.946 MB/sec)
  262144 bytes took      5217 usec ( 100.495 MB/sec)
  524288 bytes took      9749 usec ( 107.558 MB/sec)
 1048576 bytes took     18777 usec ( 111.688 MB/sec)

  Bi-directional asynchronous ping-pong

       8 bytes took       191 usec (   0.084 MB/sec)
      16 bytes took       137 usec (   0.233 MB/sec)
      32 bytes took       123 usec (   0.520 MB/sec)
      64 bytes took       123 usec (   1.040 MB/sec)
     128 bytes took       129 usec (   1.985 MB/sec)
     256 bytes took       123 usec (   4.162 MB/sec)
     512 bytes took       122 usec (   8.389 MB/sec)
    1024 bytes took       125 usec (  16.393 MB/sec)
    2048 bytes took       172 usec (  23.828 MB/sec)
    4096 bytes took       205 usec (  39.953 MB/sec)
    8192 bytes took       306 usec (  53.520 MB/sec)
   16384 bytes took       488 usec (  67.142 MB/sec)
   32768 bytes took       988 usec (  66.332 MB/sec)
   65536 bytes took      1694 usec (  77.376 MB/sec)
  131072 bytes took      4879 usec (  53.729 MB/sec)
  262144 bytes took      8126 usec (  64.520 MB/sec)
  524288 bytes took     15152 usec (  69.204 MB/sec)
 1048576 bytes took     29886 usec (  70.172 MB/sec)

 Max rate = 111.687910 MB/sec  Min latency = 61.035156 usec


Hurtige netværk = hurtigere overførsel, og så skal man ikke sende for mange små pakker på ethernet

Matrix program med C++

For at kunne kompilere den skal man have installeret g++ og så skal den kompileres med mpiCC

// matrixstats.cpp
// Written by Drew Weitz
// Last Modified: June 9, 2003

// This program is intended to be a very basic introduction to MPI programming.
// For informationa bout each specific function call, consult the man pages
// available on the cluster, or check out information available online at
// www.iitk.ac.in/cc/param/mpi_calls.html

// to include the MPI function library

#include "mpi.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>

int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {

	// these variables will hold MPI specific information.
	// numprocs will store the total number of processors allocated
	// for the program run; myrank will store each individual procssors
	// number assigned by the master.

	int numprocs, myrank;

	// In general, all nodes have a copy of all the variables defined.

	// MPI_Init prepares the program run to communicate between all the
	// nodes.  It is necessary to have this function call in all MPI
	// code.

	MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);

	// MPI_Comm_size initializes the numprocs variable to be the number
	// of processors alloocated to the program run.  MPI_COMM_WORLD is
	// a macro that MPI uses to address the correct MPI netowrk.  Since
	// multiple MPI jobs could be running at once, we want to have a way
	// of addressing only the processors in our program run (or our 
	// "world").

	MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numprocs);

	// MPI_Comm_rank initializes each nodes myrank variable to be it's
	// processor number.

	MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myrank);
	MPI_Status status;
	char greeting[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME + 80];

	int thematrix[numprocs-1][numprocs-1];
	int thecube[numprocs-1][numprocs-1][numprocs-1];
	int resultmatrix[numprocs-1][numprocs-1];
 	int temp  = 0;	
	if (myrank == 0) {

		printf("Preparing the matrix...\n");

		for (int i=0; i < numprocs-1; i++) {
			for (int j=0; j < numprocs-1; j++) {
				thematrix[i][j] = 0;

		printf("The matrix is:\n");
		for (int i=0; i < numprocs-1; i++) {
			for (int j=0; j < numprocs-1; j++) {
				printf("%i\t", thematrix[i][j]);

		printf("Sending the matrix to the other nodes...\n");

		for (int k=1; k < numprocs; k++) {

	// MPI_Send is the function call that sends the values of one nodes'
	// variable out to another node.  In effect, it is the way in which
	// data can be passed to another node.  A node can either receive this
	// "message" (via MPI_RECV), or it can be ignored.

			MPI_Send(thematrix, (numprocs-1)*(numprocs-1), 
					MPI_INT, k, 1, 

		printf("Waiting for responses...\n");
		for (int k=1; k < numprocs; k++) {

	// MPI_Recv is the compliament to MPI_Send.  This is one way
	// in which the processor will receive data.  In the case of
	// MPI_Recv, the processor will stop executing it's code and
	// wait for the expected message.  If you do not want the processor
	// to stop executing code while waiting for a "message", you must
	// use a "non-blocking" receive function.  See the website listed
	// at the tope of the program for more information.

			MPI_Recv(thematrix, (numprocs-1)*(numprocs-1), 
					MPI_INT, k, 1,
					MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
			for (int i=0; i < numprocs-1; i++) {
				for (int j=0; j < numprocs-1; j++) {
					thecube[k-1][i][j] = thematrix[i][j];

		printf("The result is...\n");
		for (int k=0; k < numprocs-1; k++) {
			printf("Level %i:\n", k);
			for (int i=0; i < numprocs-1; i++) {
				for (int j=0; j < numprocs-1; j++) {
					printf("%i\t", thecube[k][i][j]);
		printf("Collapsing results...\n");
		for (int i=0; i < numprocs-1; i++) {
			for (int j=0; j < numprocs-1; j++) {
				for (int k=0; k < numprocs -1; k++) {
					temp = temp + thecube [k][i][j];
				resultmatrix[i][j] = temp;
				temp = 0;

		for (int i=0; i < numprocs-1; i++) {
			for (int j=0; j < numprocs-1; j++) {
				printf("%i\t", resultmatrix[i][j]);

	else {

		MPI_Recv(thematrix, (numprocs-1)*(numprocs-1), MPI_INT, 0, 1, 
			MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
		sprintf(greeting, "matrix received...");
		for (int j=0; j < numprocs-1; j++) {
			thematrix[myrank-1][j] = myrank*j;
		MPI_Send(thematrix, (numprocs-1)*(numprocs-1), MPI_INT, 0, 1, 

	// MPI_FINALIZE closes all the connections opened during the MPI
	// program run.  It is necessary for MPI Programs.

	return 0;

Cluster Management

Små scripts til at udføre handlinger på clienterne

Shutdown af nodes


ssh shutdown -h now &
ssh shutdown -h now &
ssh shutdown -h now &
ssh shutdown -h now &

Wake On Lan af nodes


wakeonlan 00:21:86:f3:ca:a5
wakeonlan 00:21:86:f4:00:e9
wakeonlan 00:21:86:f4:03:0d
wakeonlan 00:21:86:f4:1d:79

Mount NFS mirror på nodes


ssh mount c01:/var/mirror /var/mirror
ssh mount c01:/var/mirror /var/mirror
ssh mount c01:/var/mirror /var/mirror
ssh mount c01:/var/mirror /var/mirror

Opdater alle maskiner


dsh -M -q -c -f mpd.hosts aptitude update
dsh -M -q -c -f mpd.hosts aptitude -y upgrade