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  '''Tema: Introduktion, Test, Repetition & Virtualization - Lav jeres eget TestLab!'''
   - '''Introduktion og velkomst til virtualiserings kurset :-)'''
   - '''Introduktion og velkomst til virtualiserings kurset :-)'''
   - '''Software-Defined Data Center'''
   - '''Software-Defined Data Center'''

Revision as of 03:11, 31 December 2016

6268 Virtualisering

  • EUD - Valgfri specialefag - 6268 Virtualisering

Generel information om kurset, de praktiske ting mm.

Pausetider Mercantec HOT data
(Bemærk: AMU slutter først kl. 15.24
  • Faget køres næste gang på Mercantec i uge 1/2017


  • Per Mariager
    • Mail: pema@mercantec.dk

Praktisk info

  • I tilfælde af brand - se skiltningen
  • Rygning: Udenfor matriklen, nede ved gaden!
  • Toilet: Forefindes i gangen
  • Sygemelding:
    • Elever på erhvervsuddannelserne (EUD-elever):
      • Brug ELEVPLAN - log ind og benyt SMS systemet.
      • Se vejledning her!
    • AMU kursister bedes ringe til skolen eller sende en mail til underviseren
  • Afdelingens telefonnummer 89 50 33 00

Hvem deltager?

  • Præsentation af underviseren
    • Navn, baggrund og faglige interesser
  • Præsentation af kursister
    • Navn, firma, arbejdsopgaver i firmaet, forventninger til kurset ... :-)

Deltager forudsætninger

  • For elever på erhvervskole på et hovedforløb forudsættes det:
    • At man har gennemført Data Grundforløbet
    • At man lige har haft faget Netværk I på Data H1
    • At man lige har haft faget Servertek I - 6226 på Data H1
    • At man lige har haft faget Linux på Data H1
  • For AMU kursister forudsættes det at man har et mindre forhånds kendskab til både netværk, servere samt gerne linux

Formålet med faget

  • Overblik over Virtualisering
    • Du lærer at designe og installere en mindre virtuel løsning
    • Du lærer begrebet Software-defined data center
    • vCenter Server architecture
  • VMware ESXi
    • Design, installation og administration af ESXi i et mindre server miljø
    • Configure virtual netværk med vSphere standard switches
    • Oprette vApp
    • Microsoft Windows clients - installation og administration
  • VMware vCENTER
    • Migrate virtuelle maskiner med VMware vSphere vMotion
    • VMware vSphere Storage vMotion til at migrate virtual machine storage
    • Manage VMware vSphere High Availability og VMware vSphere Fault Tolerance
  • Udføre grundlæggende fejlsøgning på ESXi hosts, virtual maskiner, og vCenter Server operations
      • ... og en del mere!

Udvalgt hardware, software, operativ systemer mm.

  • VMware ESXi 6.5
  • VMware vCENTER 6.5
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2012R2
  • Ubuntu Linux eller tilsvarende

Og så til sidst det vigtige: At have det sjovt samtidigt! :-)


  • Der skal arbejdes i grupper af to personer (til nød tre i en gruppe ... )
  • Gruppedannelse: Grupperne dannes første dag, og i bestemmer selv grupperne.
  • Hver gruppe råder over 2 stk nyere HP pc Det Virtuelle Miljø
    • Undervejs opretter gruppen selv et antal virtuelle klienter og servere
    • Hver enkelt kursist skal desuden bruge enten sin egen pc eller en HOT Data pc som management pc
  • Der bliver en god blanding af undervisning og praktisk arbejde gennem hele ugen

Introduktion, agenda, indhold mm.

Bemærk: Programmet justeres løbende for at forbedre oplevelsen og udbyttet af kurset! Idéer modtages med tak :-)

PowerPoint (LINK KOMMER)


  - Introduktion og velkomst til virtualiserings kurset :-)
  - Software-Defined Data Center
    - Introduce Components of the Software-Defined Data Center
    - Where vSphere Fits into the Cloud Architecture
    - Install and Use vSphere Client
    - Overview of ESXi
  - Creating Virtual Machines
    - Introduce Virtual Machines, Virtual Machine Hardware, and Virtual Machine Files
    - Create and Work with Virtual Machines
  - vCenter Server
    - Introduce the vCenter Server Architecture
    - Deploy and Configure vCenter Server Appliance
    - Install and Use vSphere Web Client
    - Manage vCenter Server Inventory Objects and Licenses
    - Explain the Benefits of Enhanced vMotion Compatibility
  - Configuring and Managing Virtual Networks
    - Create and Manage Standard Switches
    - Modify Standard Switch Properties
    - Configure Virtual Switch Load-Balancing Algorithms
    - Create, Configure, and Manage vSphere Distributed Switches, Network Connections, and Port Groups
  - Configuring and Managing Virtual Storage
    - Introduce Storage Protocols and Storage Device Names
    - Discuss ESXi with iSCSI, NFS, and Fibre Channel Storage
    - Create and Manage VMware vSphere VMFS Datastores
    - Introduce VMware Virtual SAN
  - Virtual Machine Management
    - Use Templates and Cloning to Deploy Virtual Machines
    - Modify and Manage Virtual Machines
    - Perform vSphere vMotion and vSphere Storage vMotion Migrations
    - Create and Manage Virtual Machine Snapshots
    - Create a vApp
    - Introduce the Various Types of Content Libraries and How to Deploy and Use Them
  - Resource Management and Monitoring
    - Introduce Virtual CPU and Memory Concepts
    - Configure and Manage Resource Pools
    - Methods for Optimizing CPU and Memory Usage
    - Use vCenter Server Performance Graphs and Alarms to Monitor Resource Usage
    - Create and Use Alarms to Report Certain Conditions or Events
    - Introduce vRealize Operations Manager for Data Center Monitoring and Management
  - vSphere HA and vSphere Fault Tolerance
    - Explain the vSphere HA Architecture
    - Configure and Manage a vSphere HA Cluster
    - Use vSphere HA Advanced Parameters
    - Introduce vSphere Fault Tolerance
    - Enable vSphere Fault Tolerance on Virtual Machines
    - Introduce vSphere Replication
    - Use vSphere Data Protection to Back Up and Restore Data
  - Host Scalability
    - Functions of a vSphere DRS Cluster
    - Configure and Manage a vSphere DRS Cluster
    - Work with Affinity and Anti-Affinity Rules
    - Use vSphere HA and vSphere DRS Together
  - vSphere Update Manager and Host Maintenance
    - Use vSphere Update Manager to Manage ESXi Patching
    - Install vSphere Update Manager and the vSphere Update Manager Plug-In
    - Create Patch Baselines
    - Use Host Profiles to Manage ESXi Configuration Compliance
    - Scan and Remediate Hosts
  - Installing VMware Components
    - ESXi Installation
    - Boot-from-SAN Requirements
    - Introduce vCenter Server Deployment Options
    - vCenter Server Hardware, Software, and Database Requirements
    - Installation of vCenter Server Appliance and a vCenter Server Instance

Byg jeres eget Virtuelle setup

 Lab 1: Installing vSphere Client 
    - Access Your Student Desktop System
    - Install vSphere Client
 Lab 2: Configuring ESXi Hosts 
    • Examine the ESXi Host Hardware Configuration
    • Configure the DNS and Routing Information for an ESXi Host
    • Configure an ESXi Host to Use Directory Services
 Lab 3: Working with Virtual Machines
    • Create a Virtual Machine
    • Install a Guest Operating System in a Virtual Machine
    • Identify the Virtual Machine's Disk Format and View Storage Metrics
    • Install VMware Tools on a Virtual Machine Installed with a Windows OS
 Lab 4: Working with vCenter Server
    • Access vCenter Server Appliance
    • Install vCenter Server Appliance and Host License Keys
    • Create a Data Center Object
    • Add Your ESXi Host to the vCenter Server Inventory
    • Configure Your ESXi Host as an NTP Client
 Lab 5: Using vSphere Web Client
    • Navigate vSphere Web Client
    • Pin and Unpin Panes
    • Hide the Getting Started Tabs
    • Upgrade the Virtual Machine's Hardware
 Lab 6: Creating Folders in vCenter Server Appliance
    • Create a Host and Cluster Folder
    • Create Virtual Machine and Template Folders
 Lab 7: Using Standard Switches
    • View the Standard Switch Configuration
    • Create a Standard Switch with a Virtual Machine Port Group
    • Attach Your Virtual Machine to the New Virtual Machine Port Group
 Lab 8: Using vSphere Distributed Switches
    • Create a Distributed Switch
    • Add the ESXi Hosts to the New Distributed Switch
    • Examine Your Distributed Switch Configuration
    • Migrate the Virtual Machines to a Distributed Switch Port Group
 Lab 9: Accessing iSCSI Storage
    • Add a VMkernel Port Group to a Standard Switch
    • Configure the iSCSI Software Adapter and Connect It to the Storage
 Lab 10: Accessing NFS Storage
    • Configure Access to NFS Datastores
    • View NFS Storage Information
 Lab 11: Managing VMFS Datastores
    • Change the Name of a VMFS Datastore
    • Create VMFS Datastores for the ESXi Host
    • Expand a VMFS Datastore to Consume Unused Space on a LUN
    • Remove a VMFS Datastore
    • Extend a VMFS Datastore
 Lab 12: Using Templates and Clones
    • Create a Virtual Machine Template
    • Create Customization Specifications
    • Deploy a Virtual Machine from a Template
    • Clone a Powered-On Virtual Machine
 Lab 13: Modifying Virtual Machines
    • Increase the Size of a VMDK File
    • Adjust Memory Allocation on a Virtual Machine
    • Rename a Virtual Machine in the vCenter Server Inventory
    • Add and Remove a Raw LUN on a Virtual Machine
    • Expand a Thin-Provisioned Virtual Disk
 Lab 14: Migrating Virtual Machines
    • Migrate Virtual Machine Files from the Local Storage to the Shared Storage
    • Create a Virtual Switch and a VMkernel Port Group for vSphere vMotion Migration
    • Perform a vSphere vMotion Migration of a Virtual Machine on a Shared Datastore
    • Perform a Cross-Host vSphere Storage vMotion Migration to a Local Datastore
 Lab 15: Managing Virtual Machines
    • Unregister a Virtual Machine from the vCenter Server Appliance Inventory
    • Register a Virtual Machine in the vCenter Server Appliance Inventory
    • Unregister and Delete a Virtual Machine from the Disk
    • Take Snapshots of a Virtual Machine
    • Revert to a Snapshot
    • Delete an Individual Snapshot
    • Use the Delete All Function in the Snapshot Manager
 Lab 16: Managing vApps
    • Create a vApp
    • Power On a vApp
    • Remove a vApp
 Lab 17: Managing Resource Pools
    • Create CPU Contention
    • Create Resource Pools
    • Verify Resource Pool Functionality
 Lab 18: Monitoring Virtual Machine Performance
    • Create CPU Workload
    • Use Performance Charts to Monitor CPU Utilization
    • Undo Changes Made to the Virtual Machines
 Lab 19: Using Alarms
    • Create a Virtual Machine Alarm to Monitor a Condition
    • Create a Virtual Machine Alarm to Monitor an Event
    • Trigger Virtual Machine Alarms and Acknowledge the Alarms
    • Disable Virtual Machine Alarms
 Lab 20: Using vSphere HA
    • Create a Cluster Enabled for vSphere HA
    • Add Your ESXi Host to a Cluster
    • Test vSphere HA Functionality
    • View the vSphere HA Cluster Resource Usage
    • Manage vSphere HA Slot Size
    • Configure a vSphere HA Cluster with Strict Admission Control
 Lab 21: Implementing a vSphere DRS Cluster
    • Create a Load Imbalance
    • Create a vSphere DRS Cluster
    • Verify Proper vSphere DRS Cluster Functionality
    • Create, Test, and Disable a VM-VM Affinity Rule
    • Create, Test, and Disable an Anti-Affinity Rule
    • Create, Test, and Disable a VM-Host Affinity Rule
 Lab 22: Using vSphere Update Manager
    • Install the vSphere Update Manager Server
    • Install vSphere Update Manager
    • Modify the Cluster Settings
    • Configure vSphere Update Manager
    • Create a Patch Baseline
    • Attach a Baseline and Scan for Updates
    • Stage the Patches onto the ESXi Hosts
    • Remediate the ESXi Hosts

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