Difference between revisions of "Cluster der kan alt/Install DNS server"

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(Step seks: Test vores nye domæne og DNS entries)
(Step five: Create a “rev.0.0.10.in-addr.arpa” file for reverse lookup)
Line 112: Line 112:
Create the rev.0.0.10.in-addr.arpa file
Create the rev.0.0.10.in-addr.arpa file
<source lang=cli>
<source lang=cli>
nano /tec/bind/zones/rev.0.0.10.in-addr.arpa
nano /etc/bind/zones/rev.0.0.10.in-addr.arpa
Add the following text
Add the following text
Line 125: Line 125:
         IN      NS      ns.dka.local.
         IN      NS      ns.dka.local.
2      IN      PTR    ubuntu.dka.local
10      IN      PTR    node1.dka.local
10      IN      PTR    node2.dka.local
10      IN      PTR    node3.dka.local
10      IN      PTR    node4.dka.local

Revision as of 11:50, 6 November 2013

Installer DNS Server

Install DNS server by download and install the package

apt-get install bind9

Configure DNS (Bind9)

First we will edit these 3 files.

  • /etc/bind/named.conf.local
  • /etc/bind/named.conf.options
  • /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base

Second we will create these 2 files.

  • /etc/bind/zones/dka.local.db
  • /etc/bind/zones/rev.0.0.10.in-addr.arpa

First step: add domain zone – dka.local

Enter the named.conf.local file

nano /etc/bind/named.conf.local

Add the entire to the file

# Our Domain zone
zone "dka.local." {
        type master;
        file "/etc/bind/zones/dka.local.db";

# For reverse DNS
zone "0.0.10.in-addr.arpa" {
        type master;
        file "/etc/bind/zones/rev.0.0.10.in-addr.arpa.db";

Secund step: Add the DNS servers from your ISP

Enter the named.conf.options file

nano /etc/bind/named.conf.options

Delete or comment the following

        dnssec-validation auto;

        auth-nxdomain no;    # conform to RFC1035
        listen-on-v6 { any; };

Add the following to the bottom of the file

        forwarders {

        auth-nxdomain no;    # conform to RFC1035
        listen-on-v6 { any; };
        listen-on { any; };

allow-query {;;;};
  • NOTE: Be aware of which IP segment you are in. = Hovedforløb, = Grundforløb

Third step: Modify the resolv.conf file

Enter the resolv.conf.d/base file

nano /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base

Add the following lines

domain dka.local
search dka.local

Fourth step: Define zones

First make the directory /etc/bind/zones

mkdir /etc/bind/zones

Second make the file dka.local.db

nano /etc/bind/zones/dka.local.db

Add the following text to the newly created file

; BIND data file for local loopback interface
$TTL    604800
@       IN      SOA     ns.dka.local. root.dka.local. (
                              8         ; Serial
                         604800         ; Refresh
                          86400         ; Retry
                        2419200         ; Expire
                         604800 )       ; Negative Cache TTL
@       IN      NS      ns.dka.local.
ns      IN      A
ubuntu  IN      A


  • The TTL or time to live is set for 3 days
  • The ns.mydomain.com nameserver is defined
  • Ubuntudesktop, pc and gateway are entered as an A record
  • An alias of www is assigned to ubuntudesktop using CNAME

Step five: Create a “rev.0.0.10.in-addr.arpa” file for reverse lookup

Create the rev.0.0.10.in-addr.arpa file

nano /etc/bind/zones/rev.0.0.10.in-addr.arpa

Add the following text

@       IN      SOA     ns.dka.local. admin.dka.local. (
        IN      NS      ns.dka.local.
10      IN      PTR     node1.dka.local
10      IN      PTR     node2.dka.local
10      IN      PTR     node3.dka.local
10      IN      PTR     node4.dka.local

Step six: Verify domain and DNS entries


$ dig dka.local


nslookup ns