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Revision as of 09:56, 30 September 2014

Aggregated Ethernet

Svarer til etherchannels på cisco kasser. Altså en bundling af flere links for at øge hastigheden. Juniper bruger IEEE 802.1ad protocollen og understøtter også overvågning med LACP.[1]
Der kan maks være 10 interfaces i en aggregated bundle[2]
Læs mere on Juniper load balancing her.

Juniper konfiguration

I dette setup er en Juniper SRX100 forbundet til en Cisco 2960G Switch, fra fe-0/0/1 til Gi0/1 og fe-0/0/2 til Gi0/2

Konfigurere bundling devices

For at konfigurere aggregated porte på juniper skal der reserveres resourcer til det via chassis aggregated-devices. Her er der konfigureret en bundle:

root@SRX100> <input>show configuration chassis</input>
aggregated-devices {
    ethernet {
        device-count <notice>1</notice>;

Bundle interfacet

der skal oprettes et aggregated ethernet interfaces som konfigureres som et almindelig standalone interface. Her interfacet konfigureret med trunk og LACP:

root@SRX100> <input>show configuration interfaces ae0</input>
<notice>aggregated-ether-options {
    lacp {
unit 0 {
    family ethernet-switching {
        port-mode trunk;
        vlan {
            members all;
        native-vlan-id 1;

Fysiske interfaces

De fysiske interfaces skal kædes sammen med bundle interfacet.

rooth@SRX100> <input>show configuration interfaces fe-0/0/1</input>
fastether-options {
    <notice>802.3ad ae0;</notice>

root@SRX100> <input>show configuration interfaces fe-0/0/2</input>
fastether-options {
    <notice>802.3ad ae0;</notice>


root@SRX100> <input>show interfaces ae0</input>
Physical interface: ae0, Enabled, Physical link is Up
  Interface index: 147, SNMP ifIndex: 546
  Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 1514, <notice>Speed: 200mbps</notice>, BPDU Error: None, MAC-REWRITE Error: None, Loopback: Disabled, Source filtering: Disabled, Flow control: Disabled,
  Minimum links needed: 1, Minimum bandwidth needed: 0
  Device flags   : Present Running
  Interface flags: SNMP-Traps Internal: 0x0
  Current address: 28:c0:da:dd:75:40, Hardware address: 28:c0:da:dd:75:40
  Last flapped   : 2014-09-30 10:25:53 CEST (00:14:44 ago)
  Input rate     : 11104 bps (9 pps)
  Output rate    : 9232 bps (13 pps)

  Logical interface ae0.0 (Index 91) (SNMP ifIndex 547)
    Flags: SNMP-Traps 0x0 Encapsulation: ENET2
    Statistics        Packets        pps         Bytes          bps
        Input :          5583          6       1358657         4096
        Output:          6403         13       1156563        17320
    Security: Zone: Null
    Protocol eth-switch, MTU: 0
      Flags: Trunk-Mode
root@SRX100> <input>show interfaces terse | match "fe-|ae0"</input>
fe-0/0/1                up    up
fe-0/0/1.0              up    up   <notice>aenet    --> ae0.0</notice>
fe-0/0/2                up    up
fe-0/0/2.0              up    up   <notice>aenet    --> ae0.0</notice>
ae0                     up    up
ae0.0                   up    up   eth-switch

traceoptions for lacp finde også[3].

Cisco Switch konfiguration

Konfigurationen af EtherChannel på Cisco IOS kaldes for etherchannels eller port-channels

switch#<input>show run | be 0/1</input>
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
 description >SRX100 Po2<
 switchport mode trunk
 <notice>channel-protocol lacp</notice>
 channel-group 2 mode active
interface GigabitEthernet0/2
 description >SRX100 Po2<
 switchport mode trunk
 <notice>channel-protocol lacp</notice>
 channel-group 2 mode active
interface Port-channel2
 description >SRX100 Trunk<
 <notice>switchport mode trunk</notice>


switch#<input>show int status</input>

Port      Name               Status       Vlan       Duplex  Speed Type
Gi0/1     >SRX100 Po2<     connected    trunk      a-full  a-100 10/100/1000BaseTX
Gi0/2     >SRX100 Po2<     connected    trunk      a-full  a-100 10/100/1000BaseTX
Po2       >SRX100 Trunk<   <notice>connected    trunk      a-full  a-100</notice>
switch#<input>show etherchannel summary</input>
Flags:  D - down        P - bundled in port-channel
        I - stand-alone s - suspended
        H - Hot-standby (LACP only)
        R - Layer3      S - Layer2
        U - in use      f - failed to allocate aggregator

        M - not in use, minimum links not met
        u - unsuitable for bundling
        w - waiting to be aggregated
        d - default port

Number of channel-groups in use: 2
Number of aggregators:           2

Group  Port-channel  Protocol    Ports
<notice>2      Po2(SU)         LACP      Gi0/1(P)    Gi0/2(P)</notice>
