6268 Virtualisering - Uge 12 2017
From Teknologisk videncenter
6268 Virtualisering
- EUD - Valgfri specialefag - 6268 Virtualisering
Generel information om kurset, de praktiske ting mm.
- Faget køres næste gang på Mercantec i uge 12/2017
- Per Mariager
- Mail: pema@mercantec.dk
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Deltager forudsætninger
- For elever på erhvervskole på et hovedforløb forudsættes det:
- At man har gennemført Data Grundforløbet
- At man lige har haft faget Netværk I på Data H1
- At man lige har haft faget Servertek I - 6226 på Data H1
- At man lige har haft faget Linux på Data H1
- For AMU kursister forudsættes det at man har et mindre forhånds kendskab til både netværk, servere samt gerne linux
Formålet med faget
- Overblik over Virtualisering
- Du lærer at designe og installere en mindre virtuel løsning
- Du lærer begrebet Software-defined data center
- vCenter Server architecture
- VMware ESXi
- Design, installation og administration af ESXi i et mindre server miljø
- Configure virtual netværk med vSphere standard switches
- Oprette vApp
- Microsoft Windows clients - installation og administration
- VMware vCENTER
- Migrate virtuelle maskiner med VMware vSphere vMotion
- VMware vSphere Storage vMotion til at migrate virtual machine storage
- Manage VMware vSphere High Availability og VMware vSphere Fault Tolerance
- Udføre grundlæggende fejlsøgning på ESXi hosts, virtual maskiner, og vCenter Server operations
- ... og en del mere!
Udvalgt hardware, software, operativ systemer mm.
- VMware ESXi 6.5
- VMware vCENTER 6.5
- Microsoft Windows Server 2012R2
- Ubuntu Linux eller tilsvarende
Og så til sidst det vigtige: At have det sjovt samtidigt! :-)
- Der skal arbejdes i grupper af to personer (til nød tre i en gruppe ... )
- Gruppedannelse: Grupperne dannes første dag, og i bestemmer selv grupperne.
- Hver gruppe råder over 1 stk nyere HP pc Det Virtuelle Miljø og 2 stk ESXi hosts på skolens virtuelle miljø
- Undervejs opretter gruppen selv et antal virtuelle klienter og servere
- Hver enkelt kursist skal desuden bruge enten sin egen pc eller en HOT Data pc som management pc
- Der bliver en god blanding af undervisning og praktisk arbejde gennem hele ugen
Introduktion, agenda, indhold mm.
Bemærk: Programmet justeres løbende for at forbedre oplevelsen og udbyttet af kurset! Idéer modtages med tak :-)
PowerPoint (LINK KOMMER)
Gruppe 1: Gruppe 2: Gruppe 3: Gruppe 4: Gruppe 5: Gruppe 6: Gruppe 7: Gruppe 8: Gruppe 9: Gruppe 10:
Modul oversigt:
Course Introduction Introductions and course logistics Course objectives
Software-Defined Data Center Introduce components of the software-defined data center Describe where vSphere fits into the cloud architecture Install and use vSphere Client Overview of ESXi
Creating Virtual Machines Introduce virtual machines, virtual machine hardware, and virtual machine files
vCenter Server Introduce the vCenter Server architecture Deploy and configure vCenter Server Appliance Install and use vSphere Web Client Manage vCenter Server inventory objects and licenses Explain the benefits of Enhanced vMotion Compatibility Create and work with virtual machines
Configuring and Managing Virtual Networks Describe, create, and manage standard switches Describe and modify standard switch properties Configure virtual switch load-balancing algorithms Create, configure, and manage vSphere distributed switches, network connections, and port groups
Configuring and Managing Virtual Storage Introduce storage protocols and storage device names Discuss ESXi with iSCSI, NFS, and Fibre Channel storage Create and manage VMware vSphere® VMFS datastores Introduce VMware Virtual SAN™
Virtual Machine Management Use templates and cloning to deploy virtual machines Modify and manage virtual machines Perform vSphere vMotion and vSphere Storage vMotion migrations Create and manage virtual machine snapshots Create a vApp Introduce the various types of content libraries and how to deploy and use them
Resource Management and Monitoring Introduce virtual CPU and memory concepts Configure and manage resource pools Describe methods for optimizing CPU and memory usage Use vCenter Server performance graphs and alarms to monitor resource usage Create and use alarms to report certain conditions or events Introduce vRealize Operations Manager for data center monitoring and management
vSphere HA and vSphere Fault Tolerance Explain the vSphere HA architecture Configure and manage a vSphere HA cluster Use vSphere HA advanced parameters Introduce vSphere Fault Tolerance Enable vSphere Fault Tolerance on virtual machines Introduce vSphere Replication Use vSphere Data Protection to back up and restore data
Host Scalability Describe the functions of a vSphere DRS cluster Configure and manage a vSphere DRS cluster Work with affinity and anti-affinity rules Use vSphere HA and vSphere DRS together
vSphere Update Manager and Host Maintenance Use vSphere Update Manager to manage ESXi patching Install vSphere Update Manager and the vSphere Update Manager plug-in Create patch baselines Use host profiles to manage ESXi configuration compliance Scan and remediate hosts
Uge Plan:
Mandag: - Introduktion og velkomst til virtualiserings kurset :-) - Software-Defined Data Center - Introduce Components of the Software-Defined Data Center - Where vSphere Fits into the Cloud Architecture - Install and Use vSphere Client - Overview of ESXi - Creating Virtual Machines - Introduce Virtual Machines, Virtual Machine Hardware, and Virtual Machine Files - Create and Work with Virtual Machines - vCenter Server - Introduce the vCenter Server Architecture - Deploy and Configure vCenter Server Appliance - Install and Use vSphere Web Client - Manage vCenter Server Inventory Objects and Licenses - Explain the Benefits of Enhanced vMotion Compatibility
Tirsdag: - Configuring and Managing Virtual Networks - Create and Manage Standard Switches - Modify Standard Switch Properties - Configure Virtual Switch Load-Balancing Algorithms - Create, Configure, and Manage vSphere Distributed Switches, Network Connections, and Port Groups - Configuring and Managing Virtual Storage - Introduce Storage Protocols and Storage Device Names - Discuss ESXi with iSCSI, NFS, and Fibre Channel Storage - Create and Manage VMware vSphere VMFS Datastores - Introduce VMware Virtual SAN - Virtual Machine Management - Use Templates and Cloning to Deploy Virtual Machines - Modify and Manage Virtual Machines - Perform vSphere vMotion and vSphere Storage vMotion Migrations - Create and Manage Virtual Machine Snapshots - Create a vApp - Introduce the Various Types of Content Libraries and How to Deploy and Use Them
Onsdag: - Resource Management and Monitoring - Introduce Virtual CPU and Memory Concepts - Configure and Manage Resource Pools - Methods for Optimizing CPU and Memory Usage - Use vCenter Server Performance Graphs and Alarms to Monitor Resource Usage - Create and Use Alarms to Report Certain Conditions or Events - Introduce vRealize Operations Manager for Data Center Monitoring and Management - vSphere HA and vSphere Fault Tolerance - Explain the vSphere HA Architecture - Configure and Manage a vSphere HA Cluster - Use vSphere HA Advanced Parameters - Introduce vSphere Fault Tolerance - Enable vSphere Fault Tolerance on Virtual Machines - Introduce vSphere Replication - Use vSphere Data Protection to Back Up and Restore Data
Torsdag: - Host Scalability - Functions of a vSphere DRS Cluster - Configure and Manage a vSphere DRS Cluster - Work with Affinity and Anti-Affinity Rules - Use vSphere HA and vSphere DRS Together - vSphere Update Manager and Host Maintenance - Use vSphere Update Manager to Manage ESXi Patching - Install vSphere Update Manager and the vSphere Update Manager Plug-In - Create Patch Baselines - Use Host Profiles to Manage ESXi Configuration Compliance - Scan and Remediate Hosts
Fredag: - Installing VMware Components - ESXi Installation - Boot-from-SAN Requirements - Introduce vCenter Server Deployment Options - vCenter Server Hardware, Software, and Database Requirements - Installation of vCenter Server Appliance and a vCenter Server Instance - Til sidst opsamling, evaluering og afslutning - og tak for denne gang! :-)
Byg jeres eget Virtuelle setup
Lab 1: Installing vSphere Client - Access Your Student Desktop System - Install vSphere Client Lab 2: Configuring ESXi Hosts • Examine the ESXi Host Hardware Configuration • Configure the DNS and Routing Information for an ESXi Host • Configure an ESXi Host to Use Directory Services Lab 3: Working with Virtual Machines • Create a Virtual Machine • Install a Guest Operating System in a Virtual Machine • Identify the Virtual Machine's Disk Format and View Storage Metrics • Install VMware Tools on a Virtual Machine Installed with a Windows OS Lab 4: Working with vCenter Server • Access vCenter Server Appliance • Install vCenter Server Appliance and Host License Keys • Create a Data Center Object • Add Your ESXi Host to the vCenter Server Inventory • Configure Your ESXi Host as an NTP Client Lab 5: Using vSphere Web Client • Navigate vSphere Web Client • Pin and Unpin Panes • Hide the Getting Started Tabs • Upgrade the Virtual Machine's Hardware Lab 6: Creating Folders in vCenter Server Appliance • Create a Host and Cluster Folder • Create Virtual Machine and Template Folders Lab 7: Using Standard Switches • View the Standard Switch Configuration • Create a Standard Switch with a Virtual Machine Port Group • Attach Your Virtual Machine to the New Virtual Machine Port Group Lab 8: Using vSphere Distributed Switches • Create a Distributed Switch • Add the ESXi Hosts to the New Distributed Switch • Examine Your Distributed Switch Configuration • Migrate the Virtual Machines to a Distributed Switch Port Group Lab 9: Accessing iSCSI Storage • Add a VMkernel Port Group to a Standard Switch • Configure the iSCSI Software Adapter and Connect It to the Storage Lab 10: Accessing NFS Storage • Configure Access to NFS Datastores • View NFS Storage Information Lab 11: Managing VMFS Datastores • Change the Name of a VMFS Datastore • Create VMFS Datastores for the ESXi Host • Expand a VMFS Datastore to Consume Unused Space on a LUN • Remove a VMFS Datastore • Extend a VMFS Datastore Lab 12: Using Templates and Clones • Create a Virtual Machine Template • Create Customization Specifications • Deploy a Virtual Machine from a Template • Clone a Powered-On Virtual Machine Lab 13: Modifying Virtual Machines • Increase the Size of a VMDK File • Adjust Memory Allocation on a Virtual Machine • Rename a Virtual Machine in the vCenter Server Inventory • Add and Remove a Raw LUN on a Virtual Machine • Expand a Thin-Provisioned Virtual Disk Lab 14: Migrating Virtual Machines • Migrate Virtual Machine Files from the Local Storage to the Shared Storage • Create a Virtual Switch and a VMkernel Port Group for vSphere vMotion Migration • Perform a vSphere vMotion Migration of a Virtual Machine on a Shared Datastore • Perform a Cross-Host vSphere Storage vMotion Migration to a Local Datastore Lab 15: Managing Virtual Machines • Unregister a Virtual Machine from the vCenter Server Appliance Inventory • Register a Virtual Machine in the vCenter Server Appliance Inventory • Unregister and Delete a Virtual Machine from the Disk • Take Snapshots of a Virtual Machine • Revert to a Snapshot • Delete an Individual Snapshot • Use the Delete All Function in the Snapshot Manager Lab 16: Managing vApps • Create a vApp • Power On a vApp • Remove a vApp Lab 17: Managing Resource Pools • Create CPU Contention • Create Resource Pools • Verify Resource Pool Functionality Lab 18: Monitoring Virtual Machine Performance • Create CPU Workload • Use Performance Charts to Monitor CPU Utilization • Undo Changes Made to the Virtual Machines Lab 19: Using Alarms • Create a Virtual Machine Alarm to Monitor a Condition • Create a Virtual Machine Alarm to Monitor an Event • Trigger Virtual Machine Alarms and Acknowledge the Alarms • Disable Virtual Machine Alarms Lab 20: Using vSphere HA • Create a Cluster Enabled for vSphere HA • Add Your ESXi Host to a Cluster • Test vSphere HA Functionality • View the vSphere HA Cluster Resource Usage • Manage vSphere HA Slot Size • Configure a vSphere HA Cluster with Strict Admission Control Lab 21: Implementing a vSphere DRS Cluster • Create a Load Imbalance • Create a vSphere DRS Cluster • Verify Proper vSphere DRS Cluster Functionality • Create, Test, and Disable a VM-VM Affinity Rule • Create, Test, and Disable an Anti-Affinity Rule • Create, Test, and Disable a VM-Host Affinity Rule Lab 22: Using vSphere Update Manager • Install the vSphere Update Manager Server • Install vSphere Update Manager • Modify the Cluster Settings • Configure vSphere Update Manager • Create a Patch Baseline • Attach a Baseline and Scan for Updates • Stage the Patches onto the ESXi Hosts • Remediate the ESXi Hosts
Dokumentation og software
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