Trillex linux 1

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find command

The command find find files on the filesystem.

   find /            # List all files
   find /etc         # List all files under the /etc directory
   find / | wc -l    # List all files, but don't show them on the screen
                     # The "|" is a pipe which directs output to the
                     # wc command as input. wc is wordcount. The toggle
                     # "-l" means count lines.

ls Command

List files just like dir does it in a Windows command prompt

cat Command

The cat command shows the content of a file

   cat /etc/passwd

whereis Command

Shows the position of certain files and programs.

   whereis bash      # Outputs where files named bash are

Important Files

The /etc Directory

passwd File

The passwd file contains all user names as well as their home directory and the shell they use.