CoE Cluster April 2012
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Having investigated CUDA C programming for Nvidia graphics cards and the CUDA architecture, we made some performance measurements using a range of numbers of blocks and threads, executing in parallel. The test program calculated values of the Mandelbrot Set on a pixel-by-pixel basis. The Mandelbrot Set was a good choice for this test beacuse:
- It is relatively easy to program (see code listing below)
- Every pixel has to calculated individually - there is no correlation between values of neighbouring pixels
- The image can be separated into parts which can be calculated separately and in parallel
- The time taken to calculate a complete image without parallelization is long enough to allow the performance gains from parallelization to be clearly seen
- The resulting images are very pretty (if a little strange)! :-)
The results of the benchmarking are here, as an interactive chart (hover your mouse to find out which values are represented by each line, drag to zoom and hide/reveal curves relating to the number of blocks in the legend beneath):
- CUDA Benchmark (External JavaScript)
Along with the CUDA C programming Guide (see Literature List), the CUDA Occupancy Calculator provides a good basis for understanding and explaining the results seen. In general, it was found that more than 32 blocks and/or 128 threads per block did not provide noticable performance gains, whereas there were significant performance gains for every step increase below these values. This independent presentation: Media:cuda_presentation.ppt provides a comprehensive explanation and confirmation of the results we obtained.
Above: Mandelbrot Set drawn in 0,12 seconds, using a single NVidia CUDA capable graphics card (GeForce GTX 460) running 32 blocks and 128 threads in each block. Total image dimension 512 x 512 pixels.
For the reasons given above, the Mandelbrot Set was also a good candidate for testing Message Passing Interface - MPI programming capabilities and strategies. To support graphical output, the final program used a "Master" process which collected calculated values from "Worker" processes and set them together in an X Window. This was a good illustration of the idea that some processes, like Input-Output, have to be run in a serial manner and that perfect parallelization is rarely achievable in practice c.f. Amdahl's Law
Above: Mandelbrot Set drawn in 1,2 seconds, using a Master-Worker MPI pattern with 16 worker nodes and 1 master node (which collected calculated results from different parts of the image and output them to an X Window). Total image dimension 800 x 800 pixels.
CUDA Code Listing
// Calculate number of iterations required to make each point in Mandelbrot Set diverge and colour the corresponding pixel
// Tends to work faster with floats rather than doubles - but at the expense of "colour blocking" at lower resolutions
// Paul Saunders
// Mercantec
// 03/11-2011
//#include <stdio.h>
//#include <stdlib.h>
//#include <unistd.h>
__device__ inline int calcMandelbrot(const double xPos, const double yPos, const int crunch)
double y = yPos;
double x = xPos;
double yy = y * y;
double xx = x * x;
int i = crunch;
while (--i && (xx + yy < 4.0f)) {
y = x * y * 2.0f + yPos;
x = xx - yy + xPos;
yy = y * y;
xx = x * x;
return i;
} // CalcMandelbrot - count down until iterations are used up or until the calculation diverges
__device__ void RGB(int x, int y, unsigned char* m, int step, int iter_count)
unsigned char *p;
unsigned int rgb;
p = ((unsigned char *) (m + step*x)+3*y);
rgb = *p+((*(p+1))<<8)+((*(p+2))<<16);
rgb = iter_count*2048;
*p = (unsigned char) (rgb&0xff);
*(p+1) = (unsigned char) ((rgb>>8)&0xff);
*(p+2) = (unsigned char) ((rgb>>16)&0xff);
} //Use calculated iteration count to determine the colour for each pixel
__global__ void Count(unsigned char *img, int rows, int cols, int step, int max_iterations, double centre_x,
double centre_y, double size, int image_size)
double rowfac = ((double) rows)/gridDim.x;
int rowstart = blockIdx.x*rowfac;
int rowend = (blockIdx.x+1)*rowfac;
double colfac = ((double) cols)/blockDim.x;
int colstart = threadIdx.x*colfac;
int colend = (threadIdx.x+1)*colfac;
double left_edge = centre_x - size/2.0;
double top_edge = centre_y - size/2.0;
double pixel_step = size/image_size;
for (int i=rowstart; i<rowend; i++)
for (int j=colstart; j<colend; j++)
RGB(i, j, img, step, calcMandelbrot(left_edge + j * pixel_step, top_edge + i * pixel_step, max_iterations));
} //Divide calculations between the requested number of blocks and threads, having used the matrix's geometry to
//determine the values input to the calculation for each pixel
void startCUDA(int blocks, int threads, int iterations, double centre_x, double centre_y,
double size, unsigned char* img, int rows, int cols, int step, int image_size)
if (img!=NULL)
dim3 dimBlock(threads, 1, 1);
dim3 dimGrid(blocks, 1, 1);
unsigned char *CUDAimg;
cudaMalloc((void**) &CUDAimg, rows*cols*3);
cudaMemcpy(CUDAimg, img, rows*cols*3, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
Count<<<dimGrid, dimBlock>>>(CUDAimg, rows, cols, step, iterations, centre_x, centre_y, size, image_size);
cudaMemcpy(img, CUDAimg, rows*cols*3, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
} // Allocate sufficient memory for the whole image (@3 bytes per pixel),
//transfer it to the graphics card (host to device), start the calculation process and,
//when complete, transfer the memory (containing the calculated values) back to the host
Litteratur Liste
- Introduction to Parallel Computing
- CUDA Overview from Nvidia
- Nvidia CUDA C Programming Guide
- OpenCV Tutorial
- OpenCV Reference
- Skin Detection algorithms for use in OpenCV/CUDA trials