CCNP TSHOOT Learning Guide/Chapter 7
From Teknologisk videncenter
Troubleshooting Addressing Solutions
High Router CPU Load
TCP Timers
Campus1#<input>show tcp statistics</input>
<notice>Rcvd: 1660766 Total, 389 no port</notice>
35 checksum error, 0 bad offset, 0 too short
745428 packets (14484748 bytes) in sequence
1376 dup packets (106935 bytes)
10 partially dup packets (14 bytes)
4 out-of-order packets (385 bytes)
0 packets (0 bytes) with data after window
7 packets after close
0 window probe packets, 4 window update packets
156 dup ack packets, 0 ack packets with unsend data
694031 ack packets (17499170 bytes)
<notice>Sent: 1654082 Total, 4 urgent packets</notice>
236042 control packets (including 20049 retransmitted)
695206 data packets (17505653 bytes)
285 data packets (29786 bytes) retransmitted
1 data packets (1 bytes) fastretransmitted
693531 ack only packets (673691 delayed)
0 window probe packets, 3 window update packets
<notice>2403 Connections initiated, 34096 connections accepted, 4630 connections established
36518 Connections closed (including 25214 dropped, 22 embryonic dropped)
20334 Total rxmt timeout, 0 connections dropped in rxmt timeout
0 Keepalive timeout, 2 keepalive probe, 0 Connections dropped in keepalive</notice>