CCNP SWITCH/Implementing VLANs in Campus Networks

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VLAN definition

VLAN Definition


  • ISL(Is not a part of this exam)
  • 802.1Q(The Industry standard)

End-To-End VLANs

End-To-End VLANs
  • Each VLAN is dispersed geographically throughout the network.
  • Users are grouped into each VLAN regardless of the physical location.
  • As a user moves throughout a campus, the VLAN membership of that user remains

the same, regardless of the physical switch to which this user attaches.

  • Users are typically associated with a given VLAN for network management reasons.

This is why they are kept in the same VLAN, therefore the same group, as they move through the campus.

  • All devices on a given VLAN typically have addresses on the same IP subnet

Local VLANs

Local VLANs
  • The network administrator should create local VLANs with physical boundaries in

mind rather than the job functions of the users on the end devices.

  • Generally, local VLANs exist between the access and distribution levels.
  • Traffic from a local VLAN is routed at the distribution and core levels to reach desti-

nations on other networks.

  • Configure the VTP mode in transparent mode because VLANs on a given access

switch should not be advertised to all other switches in the network, nor do they need to be manually created in any other switch’s VLAN database.

  • A network that consists entirely of local VLANs can benefit from increased conver-

gence times offered via routing protocols, instead of a spanning tree for Layer 2 net- works. It is usually recommended to have one to three VLANs per access layer switches.

Comparison of End-to-End VLANs and Local VLANs

Reasons for using End-To-End VLANs

  • Grouping users:Users can be grouped on a common IP segment, even though they

are geographically dispersed. Recently the trend has been moving toward virtualiza- tion. Solutions such as VMWARE need end-to-end VLANs to be spread across seg- ments of the campus.

  • Applying quality of service (QoS):Traffic can be a higher or lower access priority

to network resources from a given VLAN.

  • Routing avoidance:If much of the VLAN user traffic is destined for devices on that

same VLAN, and routing to those devices is not desirable, users can access resources on their VLAN without their traffic being routed off the VLAN, even though the traffic might traverse multiple switches.

  • Special purpose VLAN:Sometimes a VLAN is provisioned to carry a single type of

traffic that must be dispersed throughout the campus (for example, multicast, voice, or visitor VLANs).

  • Poor design:For no clear purpose, users are placed in VLANs that span the campus

or even span WANs. Sometimes when a network is already configured and running, organizations are hesitant to improvethe design because of downtime or other politi- cal reasons.

  • Finally, troubleshooting devices on a campus with end-to-end VLANs can be chal-

lenging because the traffic for a single VLAN can traverse multiple switches in a large area of the campus, and that can easily cause potential spanning-tree problems.

Mapping VLANs to a Hierarchical Network

In the past, network designers have attempted to implement the 80/20 rule when design- ing networks. Today it is reversed to 20/80 because most traffic will end in the Data Center.

End-To-End VLANs was attractive when IP addresses were manually administered. Today most networks use DHCP.
In addition, because STP is configured for redun- dancy, the switch limits the STP to only the access and distribution switches that help to reduce the network complexity in times of failure.

Implementing the enterprise campus architecture design using local VLANs provides the following benefits:

  • Deterministic traffic flow:The simple layout provides a predictable Layer 2 and

Layer 3 traffic path.

  • Active redundant paths:When implementing Per VLAN Spanning Tree (PVST) or

Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP) because there is no loop, all links can be used to make use of the redundant paths.

  • Finite failure domain:If VLANs are local to a switch block, and the number of

devices on each VLAN is kept small, failures at Layer 2 are confined to a small subset of users.

  • Scalable design:Following the enterprise campus architecture design, new access switches can be easily incorporated, and new submodules can be added when necessary.
VLAN Implementation

Best Practices for VLAN Design

  • For the Local VLANs model, it is usually recommended to have only one to three VLANs per access module
  • Avoid using VLAN 1 as the “blackhole” for all unused ports.*
  • Try to always have separate voice VLANs, data VLANs, management VLANs, native

VLANs, blackhole VLANs, and default VLANs (VLAN 1).

  • In the local VLANs model, avoid VTP.
  • For trunk ports, turn off DTP and configure it manually. Use IEEE 802.1Q rather

than ISL

  • Manually configure access ports.
  • Prevent all data traffic from VLAN 1; only permit control protocols to run on VLAN

1 (DTP, VTP, STP BPDUs, PAgP, LACP, CDP, and such.)

  • Avoid using Telnet because of security risks; enable SSH support on management


Configuring VLANs

Cisco Catalyst switches support up to 4096 VLANs depending on the platform and soft- ware version. See Cisco Catalyst Switch Guide

VLAN Ranges
VLAN Range Range Usage Propagated via VTP
0, 4095 Reserved For system use only. You cannot see or use these VLANs. -
1 Normal Cisco default. You can use this VLAN, but you cannot delete Yes
2-1001 Normal For Ethernet VLANs. You can create, use, and delete these VLANs. Yes
1002–1005 Normal Cisco defaults for FDDI and Token Ring. You cannot delete VLANs 1002–1005. Yes
1006–1024 Reserved For system use only. You cannot see or use these VLANS. -
1025–4094 Extended For Ethernet VLANs only. Not supported in VTP versions 1 and 2. The switch must be in VTP transparent mode to configure extended- range VLANS. Only supported in version 3.
Switch#<input>show vlan brief</input>

VLAN Name                             Status    Ports
---- -------------------------------- --------- -------------------------------
1    default                          active    Fa0/1
100  VLAN0100                         active    Fa0/2, Fa0/3, Fa0/4, Fa0/5, Fa0/6, Fa0/7, Fa0/8, Fa0/9, Fa0/10
                                                Fa0/11, Fa0/12, Fa0/13, Fa0/14, Fa0/15, Fa0/16, Fa0/17, Fa0/18
                                                Fa0/19, Fa0/20, Fa0/21, Fa0/22, Fa0/23, Fa0/24
200  VLAN0200                         active
300  VLAN0300                         active
1002 fddi-default                     act/unsup
1003 trcrf-default                    act/unsup
1004 fddinet-default                  act/unsup
1005 trbrf-default                    act/unsup

Configure VLANs

Switch# <input>configure terminal</input>
Switch(config)# <input>vlan 5</input>
Switch(config-vlan)# <input>name Engineering</input>
Switch(config-vlan)# <input>exit</input>
Switch(config)#<input> no vlan 3</input>
Switch(config)# <input>end</input>

Assign an Access Port to a VLAN

Switch# <input>configure terminal</input>
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Switch(config)# <input>interface FastEthernet 0/1</input>
Switch(config-if)# <input>description PC A</input>
Switch(config-if)# <input>switchport</input>
Switch(config-if)# <input>switchport host</input>
Switch(config-if)# <input>switchport mode access</input>
Switch(config-if)# <input>switchport access vlan 200</input>
Switch(config-if)# <input>no shutdown</input>
Switch(config-if)# <input>end</input>

The switchport host command effectively configures a port for a host device, such as a workstation or server. This feature is a macro for enabling SpanningTree PortFast and dis abling EtherChanneling on a per-port basis. These features are discussed in later chapters. The switchport mode access command is needed so that the interface doesn’t attempt to negotiate trunking.