Cluster der kan alt/Installation af master
Installation of the master
Mount the Ubuntu server .iso file (ubuntu-12.04.3-server-amd64.iso)
- Step: Click CD/DVD under the devices menu under Cluster_Master
- Step: Marker Use ISO image file and browse the iso file. Click OK to finish
- Step: Click Power on this virtual machine to start the machine
Install Ubuntu server
- Step: Choose Language (English)
- Step: Click Install Ubuntu Server
- Step: Select a language (English)
- Step: Select your location (Denmark)
- Step: Configure locales (en_US.UTF-8)
- Step: Configure the keyboard choose yes and follow the guide
- Step: Enter the hostname (Master)
- Step: Enter the full name (Cluster)
- Step: Username (cluster)
- Step: Password (cluster)
- Step: Use weak password, choose yes
- Step: Encrypt the home directory, choose No
- Step: Configure the clock, Europe/Copenhagen, choose yes
- Step: Partition disk , choose manual
- Step: Choose the virtual hard drive: 21,5 GB VMware, VMware Virtual S
- Step: Create new empty partition table on this device, choose yes
- Step: Choose pri/log 17,2 GB FREE SPACE
- Step: Create the different partions as listed below:
Size: 1GB, Partion type: Primary Mounting point: / Size: 512MB, Partion type: Logical Mounting point: /boot Size: 3GB, Partion type: Logical Mounting point: /var Size: 3GB, Partion type: Logical Mounting point: /tmp Size: 5GB, Partion type: Logical Mounting point: /usr Size: 1GB, Partion type: Logical Mounting point: /srv Size: 1GB, Partion type: Logical Mounting point: /home Size: 1GB, Partion type: Logical Swap Area
- Step: Choose Finish partitioning and write changes to disk when you are finish
- Step: Write the change to disk, choose yes
- Step: HTTP proxy should be blank
- Step: Choose No automatic updates
- Step: Choose software to install, mark OpenSSH server and DNS server
- Step: Install GRUB boot loader, choose yes
- Step: Finish the installation, choose Continue, the virtual machine will automatic unmount the iso file
Assign root permission to the cluster user
Enter the passwd file by:
sudo nano /etc/passwd
Change the cluster line in the bootum of the file from:
You have too logout before the changes can take effect
Enter the sudoers file
sudo nano /etc/sudoers
Add the cluster user below the root user
username ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
Login via SSH
Manage the server from SSH is a huge benefit because it will enable the copy/paste feature
Open a terminal software, like Putty or TeraTerm
Enter the server IP address and use the cluster/cluster for login
Update the system
First search after updates
apt-get update
Second install the updates. -y = yes to all (unattenuated install)
apt-get upgrade -y
Active the secondary network card(eth1)
Add a new network card i Vmware
Right-click on Cluster_Master>Settings>Add>Network Adapter>Next>Host-Only>Finish
Enter the network card file
nano /etc/network/interfaces
Add this at the bottum of the file (after eth0)
# The secondary network interface
auto eth1
iface eth1 inet static
Restart the network servise
sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart
To verify the activation use
ip addr
Lock down the Resolv.conf file
sudo chattr -f +i /etc/resolv.conf
Any problems with the resolv.conf file look here
Active /var/log/messages
Edit 50-default.conf
nano /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf
Uncomment the lines
mail,news.none -/var/log/messages
Then restart the rsyslog daemon:
service rsyslog restart
Or reboot the entire system