Netband Project - IOS firewall

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<accesscontrol>NetBand</accesscontrol> This page is part of the Netband Project

Context Based Access Control (CBAC)

  • filters TCP and UDP packets based on application-layer protocol session information.
  • more flexible than access control lists, that checks packets at the network layer, or at most, the transport layer
  • inspects packet sequence numbers in TCP connections
  • detects unusually high rates of new connections and issue alert messages.
  • creates temporary openings in the return acl to allow traffic back in.


 ip inspect audit-trail 
 ip inspect name iosfw ftp
 ip inspect name iosfw tcp
 ip inspect name iosfw udp
 ip inspect name iosfw http audit-trail on
 ip inspect name iosfw https
interface FastEthernet0/0
 description OUTSIDE
 ip inspect iosfw out
 ip access-group 101 in
 access-list 101 permit udp any eq isakmp any eq isakmp
 access-list 101 permit esp any any
 access-list 101 permit tcp any any eq 22
 access-list 101 deny   ip any any log


B1rt1#sh ip inspect sessions
Half-open Sessions
 Session 65E15880 (>( udp SIS_OPENING

Intrusion Detection Protection (IDS)

Authentication Proxy

Port to Application Mapping (PAM)

External Links

Cisco IOS Security Configuration Guide