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*[http://www.viskvalitet.dk/onlinetast?key=XCEDP70183 Viskvalitet]
*[http://www.viskvalitet.dk/onlinetast?key=XCEDP70183 Viskvalitet]
== Introduktion, agenda, indhold mm. ==
Bemærk: Programmet justeres løbende for at forbedre oplevelsen og udbyttet af kurset! <br>
*Introduktion til [https://www.netacad.com/web/about-us/cisco-packet-tracer Cisco’s ‘Packet Tracer’]:
**Packet Tracer er virtualiseringssoftware over Cisco’s enheder
**[http://mars.tekkom.dk/mediawiki/index.php/Cisco_basic_configuration Konfiguration af Cisco netværksenheder - hvordan er det nu lige ...?]
**[http://cisco.hotdata.dk/PacketTracer72-64bit.zip Packet tracer 7.2 64 bit software download]
*'''Cisco Packet Tracer øvelser:''' - Download øvelserne og åbn dem med Packet Tracer for at starte øvelsen.
**[http://mars.tekkom.dk/mediawiki/images/c/c4/BygSelvKopiPcSwitchPc.pkt Opgave med pc - server - switch konfiguration]
**[http://mars.tekkom.dk/mediawiki/images/1/16/BygSelvNetSimpelRouting.pkt Opgave med simpel routing konfiguration]
*Ekstra PacketTracer øvelser fra Cisco (for de lidt mere øvede... :-))
**[http://mars.tekkom.dk/data/ascom/module1/activity1.pka Guidet Cisco Packet tracer øvelse 1 - Installer og konfigurer to hosts]
**[http://mars.tekkom.dk/data/ascom/module1/activity_routing_session_1.pka Guidet Cisco Packet tracer activity 2 - Konfigurere hosts i routede netværk og leg for sjov]
**[http://mars.tekkom.dk/data/ascom/module1/activity_3.pka Guidet Cisco Packet tracer activity 3 - Expanding an existing network infrastructure]
=== Packet Tracer fejlfindings øvelser ===
**[http://mars.merhot.dk/data/troubleshooting/Error%201%20-%20Jens%20claims%20he%20can%20not%20use%20Internet.pkt Error 1 - Jens claims he can not use Internet]
**[http://mars.merhot.dk/data/troubleshooting/Error%202%20-%20Ole%20claims%20he%20can%20not%20use%20local%20FTP.pkt Error 2 - Ole claims he can not use local FTP]
**[http://mars.merhot.dk/data/troubleshooting/Error%203%20-%20Pia%20claims%20her%20pc%20does%20not%20work.pkt Error 3 - Pia claims her pc does not work]
**[http://mars.merhot.dk/data/troubleshooting/Error%204%20-%20Otto%20claims%20the%20intranet.ttc.com%20page%20does%20not%20work.pkt Error 4 - Otto claims the intranet.ttc.com page does not work]
**[http://mars.merhot.dk/data/troubleshooting/Error%205%20-%20Jesper%20claims%20he%20can%20reach%20nothing%20but%20local%20FTP.pkt Error 5 - Jesper claims he can reach nothing but local FTP]
**[http://mars.merhot.dk/data/troubleshooting/Error%206%20-%20Paul%20claims%20the%20public%20FTP%20suddenly%20stopped%20working.pkt Error 6 - Paul claims the public FTP suddenly stopped working]
**[http://mars.merhot.dk/data/troubleshooting/Error%207%20-%20Pia%20claims%20the%20Internet%20is%20very%20slow.pkt Error 7 - Pia claims the Internet is very slow]
**[http://mars.merhot.dk/data/troubleshooting/Error%208%20-%20Ole%20claims%20the%20LAN%20is%20dead.pkt Error 8 - Ole claims the LAN is dead]
**[http://mars.merhot.dk/data/troubleshooting/Error%209%20-%20Jens%20claims%20he%20can%20not%20surf%20the%20Internet.pkt Error 9 - Jens claims he can not surf the Internet]
=Learning materials=
=Learning materials=
Line 133: Line 103:
Packet Tracer is a Cisco router simulator that can be utilized in training and education, but also in research for simple computer network simulations. The tool is created by Cisco Systems and provided for free distribution to faculty, students, and alumni who are or have participated in the Cisco Networking Academy. The purpose of Packet Tracer is to offer students and teachers a tool to learn the principles of networking as well as develop Cisco technology specific skills.
Packet Tracer is a Cisco router simulator that can be utilized in training and education, but also in research for simple computer network simulations. The tool is created by Cisco Systems and provided for free distribution to faculty, students, and alumni who are or have participated in the Cisco Networking Academy. The purpose of Packet Tracer is to offer students and teachers a tool to learn the principles of networking as well as develop Cisco technology specific skills.
[http://mars.tekkom.dk/data/cisco/packettracer/PacketTracer.exe Download Packet Tracer]
[http://mars.merhot.dk/data/sw/Packet%20Tracer%207.2.1%20for%20Windows%2064%20bit.zip Download Packet Tracer]
Line 190: Line 160:
*[http://bosonsoftwaredownloads.com/utils/BosonSubnetCalculator-Setup.exe Boson Subnet Calculator]
*[http://mars.merhot.dk/data/sw/boson-subnet.exe Boson Subnet Calculator]
== Introduktion, agenda, indhold mm. ==
Bemærk: Programmet justeres løbende for at forbedre oplevelsen og udbyttet af kurset! <br>
*Introduktion til [https://www.netacad.com/web/about-us/cisco-packet-tracer Cisco’s ‘Packet Tracer’]:
**Packet Tracer er virtualiseringssoftware over Cisco’s enheder
**[http://mars.tekkom.dk/mediawiki/index.php/Cisco_basic_configuration Konfiguration af Cisco netværksenheder - hvordan er det nu lige ...?]
**[http://cisco.hotdata.dk/PacketTracer72-64bit.zip Packet tracer 7.2 64 bit software download]
*'''Cisco Packet Tracer øvelser:''' - Download øvelserne og åbn dem med Packet Tracer for at starte øvelsen.
**[http://mars.tekkom.dk/mediawiki/images/c/c4/BygSelvKopiPcSwitchPc.pkt Opgave med pc - server - switch konfiguration]
**[http://mars.tekkom.dk/mediawiki/images/1/16/BygSelvNetSimpelRouting.pkt Opgave med simpel routing konfiguration]
*Ekstra PacketTracer øvelser fra Cisco (for de lidt mere øvede... :-))
**[http://mars.tekkom.dk/data/ascom/module1/activity1.pka Guidet Cisco Packet tracer øvelse 1 - Installer og konfigurer to hosts]
**[http://mars.tekkom.dk/data/ascom/module1/activity_routing_session_1.pka Guidet Cisco Packet tracer activity 2 - Konfigurere hosts i routede netværk og leg for sjov]
**[http://mars.tekkom.dk/data/ascom/module1/activity_3.pka Guidet Cisco Packet tracer activity 3 - Expanding an existing network infrastructure]
=== Packet Tracer fejlfindings øvelser ===
**[http://mars.merhot.dk/data/troubleshooting/Error%201%20-%20Jens%20claims%20he%20can%20not%20use%20Internet.pkt Error 1 - Jens claims he can not use Internet]
**[http://mars.merhot.dk/data/troubleshooting/Error%202%20-%20Ole%20claims%20he%20can%20not%20use%20local%20FTP.pkt Error 2 - Ole claims he can not use local FTP]
**[http://mars.merhot.dk/data/troubleshooting/Error%203%20-%20Pia%20claims%20her%20pc%20does%20not%20work.pkt Error 3 - Pia claims her pc does not work]
**[http://mars.merhot.dk/data/troubleshooting/Error%204%20-%20Otto%20claims%20the%20intranet.ttc.com%20page%20does%20not%20work.pkt Error 4 - Otto claims the intranet.ttc.com page does not work]
**[http://mars.merhot.dk/data/troubleshooting/Error%205%20-%20Jesper%20claims%20he%20can%20reach%20nothing%20but%20local%20FTP.pkt Error 5 - Jesper claims he can reach nothing but local FTP]
**[http://mars.merhot.dk/data/troubleshooting/Error%206%20-%20Paul%20claims%20the%20public%20FTP%20suddenly%20stopped%20working.pkt Error 6 - Paul claims the public FTP suddenly stopped working]
**[http://mars.merhot.dk/data/troubleshooting/Error%207%20-%20Pia%20claims%20the%20Internet%20is%20very%20slow.pkt Error 7 - Pia claims the Internet is very slow]
**[http://mars.merhot.dk/data/troubleshooting/Error%208%20-%20Ole%20claims%20the%20LAN%20is%20dead.pkt Error 8 - Ole claims the LAN is dead]
**[http://mars.merhot.dk/data/troubleshooting/Error%209%20-%20Jens%20claims%20he%20can%20not%20surf%20the%20Internet.pkt Error 9 - Jens claims he can not surf the Internet]

Latest revision as of 09:21, 6 March 2019

AMU kursus nummer 48326 - Netteknik 1

  • Anvendelse af teknologier og begreber

Generel information om kurset, de praktiske ting mm.

Pausetider Mercantec HOT data
(Bemærk: AMU slutter først kl. 15.24
Faget køres på Mercantec i uge 10/2019


  • Henrik Thomsen
    • Mail: heth@mercantec.dk

Praktisk info

  • I tilfælde af brand - se skiltningen
  • Rygning: Udenfor matriklen, bag TVC i pauserne!
  • Toilet: Forefindes i gangen
  • Sygemelding:
    • Elever på erhvervsuddannelserne (EUD-elever):
      • Brug ELEVPLAN - log ind og benyt SMS systemet.
      • Se vejledning her!
    • AMU kursister bedes ringe til skolen eller sende en mail til underviseren
  • Afdelingens telefonnummer 89 50 33 00

Hvem deltager?

  • Præsentation af underviseren
    • Navn, baggrund og faglige interesser
  • Præsentation af kursister
    • Navn, firma, arbejdsopgaver i firmaet, forventninger til kurset ... :-)

Deltager forudsætninger

  • AMU kurset forudsættes det at man har et mindre forhånds kendskab til både netværk og servere

Formålet med faget

Deltageren kan deltage i opbygningen af netværksinstallationer, installation og konfiguration af Routere og Switche i et netværk og i fejlfinding på netværksinstallationer, og kan her anvende opnået viden om netværksteknologier, -begreber og -protokoller.

  • Deltageren kan deltage i:
    • Opbygningen af netværksinstallationer- installation og konfiguration af Routere og Switche i et netværk
    • Fejlfinding på netværksinstallationer
  • Deltageren kan i den forbindelse anvende sin opnåede viden om.
    • Netværksteknologier, -begreber og -protokoller som fx TCP, IP, UDP, HTTP, DNS, DHCP og ARP
    • Grundlæggende Router og Switch teknologier
    • Grundlæggende Ethernet, Local Area Network (LAN), Wireless LAN (WLAN), Wide Area Network (WAN) og Virtual LAN(VLAN) teknologier
    • OSI-modellen
    • IP-adressering (IPV4/IPV6)
    • Grundlæggende fejlfindingsteknikker
    • ...og meget mere!

Beskrivelsen af faget:

Udvalgt hardware, software, operativ systemer mm.

  • Microsoft klient operativsystem
    • Windows 10
  • Diverse Cisco switche & routere

Vigtigt: At have det sjovt samtidigt :-)


  • Der skal arbejdes i små grupper - typisk to i hver gruppe
  • Hver gruppe råder over to pc'er og får undervejs udleveret forskelligt hard- og software som skal prøves af i praksis
  • Der bliver en blanding af undervisning og praktisk arbejde gennem hele ugen

Learning materials

Additional learning materials


Cisco Packet tracer

Packet Tracer is a Cisco router simulator that can be utilized in training and education, but also in research for simple computer network simulations. The tool is created by Cisco Systems and provided for free distribution to faculty, students, and alumni who are or have participated in the Cisco Networking Academy. The purpose of Packet Tracer is to offer students and teachers a tool to learn the principles of networking as well as develop Cisco technology specific skills.

Download Packet Tracer

VZoRu377ajE|212|left|Introduction to Cisco Packet Tracer}}

Packet tracer activities

Download the activities and open them in packet tracer to start the activity.

Packet tracer tip

When starting a big network in packet tracer it may take a few minutes before all connectivity is established. To avoid that press the button Fast Forward Time a few times.


Commands used

Some of the windows 7/Vista commands used
Command Description
ping Ping the IP address four times
ping www.ascom.jp Find the IP address of www.ascom.jp and ping it four times
ping -t Ping IP address until stopped with <CTRL>-C
tracert Find and show the route (path) to
ipconfig Show basic IP Configuration
ipconfig /all Show extended IP configuration
ipconfig /release Release DHCP IP configuration
ipconfig /renew Obtain IP configuration from DHCP server
ipconfig /displaydns Show DNS cache
ipconfig /flushdns Purge entries in the DNS cache
nslookup www.ascom.no Name server lookup. Find www.ascom.no IP address
nslookup -type=mx ascom.no Name server lookup. Find ascom.no Mail server(s) (MX)
route print Print the route table on the screen



Introduktion, agenda, indhold mm.

Bemærk: Programmet justeres løbende for at forbedre oplevelsen og udbyttet af kurset!

Packet Tracer fejlfindings øvelser
