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*[http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.faqs/ka3750.html armcc/tcc: Placing C variables at specific addresses - memory-mapped peripherals]
*[http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.faqs/ka3750.html armcc/tcc: Placing C variables at specific addresses - memory-mapped peripherals]
*[http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.faqs/ka3736.html Use of 'const' and 'volatile']
*[http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.faqs/ka3736.html Use of 'const' and 'volatile']

Latest revision as of 08:03, 5 October 2016


const means that something is not modifiable, so a data object that is declared with const as a part of its type specification must not be assigned to in any way during the run of a program.


The use of volatile ensures that the compiler always carries out the memory accesses, rather than optimizing them out (for example if the access is in a loop).

Rules of engagement

int const xxx;
 |    |    |
 |    |    +-----------------> xxx is a
 |    +----------------------> constant
 +---------------------------> integer

int const *ptr;
 |     |  | |
 |     |  | +----------------> ptr is a
 |     |  +------------------> pointer to a
 |     +---------------------> constant
 +---------------------------> integer

int * const ptr;
 |   | |     |
 |   | |     +---------------> ptr is a
 |   | +---------------------> constant
 |   +-----------------------> pointer to an
 +---------------------------> integer

int const * const ptr;
 |    |   |   |    |
 |    |   |   |    +---------> ptr is a
 |    |   |   +--------------> constant
 |    |   +------------------> pointer to a
 |    +----------------------> constant
 +---------------------------> integer

int volatile * const ptr;
 |     |     |   |    |
 |     |     |   |    +------> ptr is a
 |     |     |   +-----------> constant
 |     |     +---------------> pointer to a
 |     +---------------------> volatile
 +---------------------------> integer

int volatile const * ptr;
 |     |     |     |  |
 |     |     |     |  +------> ptr is a
 |     |     |     +---------> pointer to
 |     |     +---------------> constant
 |     +---------------------> volatile
 +---------------------------> integer

Memorymapped access to a register

Example 1

In the example below the register 32 bit register located in memory at address 0x40000 can be accessed through the uartreg pointer.

In the example below uartreg is a pointer pointing to a unsigned int 0x40000. The pointer value in memory 0x40000 is a constant not what it points to in memory. Fx. a peripheral register.

unsigned int volatile * const uartreg = (unsigned int *) 0x40000;
*uartreg = 0x80000000; // Assign 80000000 to the 32 bit register located at memeory address 0x40000
...some code...
*uartreg |= 0x1  // *uartreg's contents is OR'et to 0x1. New contents = 0x80000001

Example 2

From the Cortex M STM32F107VCs Reference manual - See picture below - that the size of the embedded Flash can be seen in KB from the Flash size register at memory location 0x1FFFF7E0.
STM32F107VC Flash size register

Method 1: Reading the Flash size register

 uint16_t volatile * const flashsize = (uint16_t *) 0x1ffff7e0;

 printf("Flashsize: %i KB\n\r", (int) *flashsize );

On the STM32F107VC the output to stdout would be Flashsize: 256 KB

Method 2: Reading the Flash size register

#define F_SIZE	((volatile uint16_t * const) 0x1ffff7e0)		// Flash Size 

 printf("Flashsize: %i KB\n\r", (int) *F_SIZE );

On the STM32F107VC the output to stdout would be Flashsize: 256 KB

Method 3: Reading the Flash size register

Putting the pointer in the macro

#define F_SIZE	(*(int volatile  * const) 0x1ffff7e0)		// Flash Size 

 printf("Flashsize: %i KB\n\r", (int) F_SIZE );

On the STM32F107VC the output to stdout would be Flashsize: 256 KB
