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m (New page: Neighbor dicovery. Mapping between IPv6 address and Link-layer Address. (MAC-address). Notice in the ouput below '''REACH''' means that the Node can be reached. '''STALE''' means the Node ...)
(No difference)

Revision as of 14:25, 1 June 2011

Neighbor dicovery. Mapping between IPv6 address and Link-layer Address. (MAC-address). Notice in the ouput below REACH means that the Node can be reached. STALE means the Node have not been reached the last 30 minuttes.

Campus1#<input>how ipv6 neighbors</input>
IPv6 Address                              Age Link-layer Addr State Interface
FE80::216:76FF:FE9F:FEF6                    3 0016.769f.fef6  <notice>REACH</notice> Vl139
FE80::8555:196A:5ACC:1976                   4 0026.c7d3.5140  <notice>STALE</notice> Vl139
FE80::7AD6:F0FF:FE03:39A2                   5 78d6.f003.39a2  STALE Vl139
FE80::128C:CFFF:FE96:F76F                   4 108c.cf96.f76f  STALE Vl1
2001:16D8:DD85:139:9DAC:27C8:B159:1755      5 0024.d717.2b40  STALE Vl139
2001:16D8:DD85:139:20C:29FF:FE36:45B1       4 000c.2936.45b1  STALE Vl139
FE80::385E:C561:FCF9:7D57                   3 0050.568b.0004  STALE Vl139
FE80::6D18:8558:E775:3AA3                   0 b870.f473.0d6d  REACH Vl139
FE80::20C:29FF:FEBC:D8D7                    3 000c.29bc.d8d7  STALE Vl139
2001:16D8:DD85:139:B575:391E:D0EB:65F9      3 0050.568b.0008  STALE Vl139
FE80::14D0:4280:97DA:1817                   5 0024.2bce.819a  STALE Vl139
FE80::E570:A9A7:9163:7829                   0 1c4b.d676.6dc1  REACH Vl139
FE80::7DF9:81D5:2C78:70F3                   3 000c.2940.d4de  STALE Vl139
2001:16D8:DD85:139:754F:E641:1227:9D65      5 6c62.6d28.3cd2  STALE Vl139
<notice>...Output omitted...</notice>