Difference between revisions of "FreeBSD IPv6Basic configuration"

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m (Status)
Line 52: Line 52:
ff02::%vr1        link#4            UC          vr1
ff02::%vr1        link#4            UC          vr1
ff02::%lo0        localhost          UC          lo0
ff02::%lo0        localhost          UC          lo0
<source lang=cli>
[root@mars ~]#ping6 -n 2607:fcd0:1337:4b::2
PING6(56=40+8+8 bytes) 2001:16d8:dd85:4::16 --> 2607:fcd0:1337:4b::2
16 bytes from 2607:fcd0:1337:4b::2, icmp_seq=0 hlim=53 time=167.913 ms
16 bytes from 2607:fcd0:1337:4b::2, icmp_seq=1 hlim=53 time=157.059 ms
16 bytes from 2607:fcd0:1337:4b::2, icmp_seq=2 hlim=52 time=158.015 ms
16 bytes from 2607:fcd0:1337:4b::2, icmp_seq=3 hlim=52 time=156.887 ms
16 bytes from 2607:fcd0:1337:4b::2, icmp_seq=4 hlim=52 time=157.017 ms
16 bytes from 2607:fcd0:1337:4b::2, icmp_seq=5 hlim=52 time=159.266 ms
<source lang=cli>
[root@mars ~]#traceroute6 -nv 2607:fcd0:1337:4b::2
traceroute6 to 2607:fcd0:1337:4b::2 (2607:fcd0:1337:4b::2) from 2001:16d8:dd85:4::16, 64 hops max, 12 byte packets
1  2001:16d8:dd85:4::1 68 bytes of data to 2001:16d8:dd85:4::16  0.887 ms  0.781 ms  0.730 ms
2  2001:16d8:dd00:10a::1 68 bytes of data to 2001:16d8:dd85:4::16  7.238 ms  6.971 ms  6.976 ms
3  2001:16d8:aaaa:5::1 68 bytes of data to 2001:16d8:dd85:4::16  7.603 ms  7.694 ms  7.718 ms
4  2001:16d8:1:1308::70 68 bytes of data to 2001:16d8:dd85:4::16  18.705 ms  18.781 ms  18.766 ms
5  2001:7f8:1::a500:6939:1 68 bytes of data to 2001:16d8:dd85:4::16  19.536 ms  19.332 ms  19.958 ms
6  2001:470:0:3f::1 68 bytes of data to 2001:16d8:dd85:4::16  26.492 ms  26.944 ms  26.961 ms
7  2001:470:0:3e::1 68 bytes of data to 2001:16d8:dd85:4::16  94.440 ms
32 bytes from fe80::128c:cfff:fe96:f76f%em1 to 2001:16d8:dd85:4::16: icmp type 135 (Neighbor Solicitation) code 0
0000: 200116d8 dd850004 00000000 00000016
0010: 0101108c cf96f76f 2607fcd0 1337004b
  94.356 ms  97.801 ms
8  2001:470:0:10e::1 68 bytes of data to 2001:16d8:dd85:4::16  155.896 ms  163.684 ms  160.649 ms
9  2001:504:0:3:0:2:2298:1 68 bytes of data to 2001:16d8:dd85:4::16  156.239 ms  155.975 ms  156.238 ms
10  2607:fcd0::a 68 bytes of data to 2001:16d8:dd85:4::16  165.387 ms  156.323 ms  156.249 ms
11  2607:fcd0::12 68 bytes of data to 2001:16d8:dd85:4::16  156.824 ms  156.727 ms  156.232 ms
12  2607:fcd0:1337:4b::2 68 bytes of data to 2001:16d8:dd85:4::16  157.631 ms  162.383 ms  167.214 ms
{{Source cli}}
{{Source cli}}

Revision as of 11:04, 2 June 2011


#Enable ssh


Check af status på IPv6

[root@mars openospfd]#<input>ifconfig em1</input>
em1: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1500
        ether 00:07:e9:40:0a:bf
        inet6 fe80::207:e9ff:fe40:abf%em1 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x2
        inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
        inet6 2001:16d8:dd85:4::16 prefixlen 64
        media: Ethernet autoselect (100baseTX <full-duplex>)
        status: active
[root@mars openospfd]#<input>netstat -r -f inet6</input>
Routing tables

Destination        Gateway            Flags      Netif Expire
::                 localhost          UGRS        lo0 =>
default            2001:16d8:dd85:4:: UGS         em1
localhost          localhost          UHL         lo0
::ffff:     localhost          UGRS        lo0
2001:16d8:dd85:4:: link#2             UC          em1
2001:16d8:dd85:4:: 00:07:e9:40:0a:bf  UHL         lo0
2001:16d8:dd85:4:: 00:19:e7:51:08:c0  UHLW        em1
fe80::             localhost          UGRS        lo0
fe80::%em0         link#1             UC          em0
fe80::207:e9ff:fe4 00:07:e9:40:0a:be  UHL         lo0
fe80::%em1         link#2             UC          em1
fe80::207:e9ff:fe4 00:07:e9:40:0a:bf  UHL         lo0
fe80::219:e7ff:fe5 00:19:e7:51:08:c0  UHLW        em1
fe80::128c:cfff:fe 10:8c:cf:96:f7:6f  UHLW        em1
fe80::%vr1         link#4             UC          vr1
fe80::250:baff:feb 00:50:ba:b1:85:ca  UHL         lo0
fe80::%lo0         fe80::1%lo0        U           lo0
fe80::1%lo0        link#6             UHL         lo0
ff01:1::           link#1             UC          em0
ff01:2::           link#2             UC          em1
ff01:4::           link#4             UC          vr1
ff01:6::           localhost          UC          lo0
ff02::             localhost          UGRS        lo0
ff02::%em0         link#1             UC          em0
ff02::%em1         link#2             UC          em1
ff02::%vr1         link#4             UC          vr1
ff02::%lo0         localhost          UC          lo0



[root@mars ~]#ping6 -n 2607:fcd0:1337:4b::2
PING6(56=40+8+8 bytes) 2001:16d8:dd85:4::16 --> 2607:fcd0:1337:4b::2
16 bytes from 2607:fcd0:1337:4b::2, icmp_seq=0 hlim=53 time=167.913 ms
16 bytes from 2607:fcd0:1337:4b::2, icmp_seq=1 hlim=53 time=157.059 ms
16 bytes from 2607:fcd0:1337:4b::2, icmp_seq=2 hlim=52 time=158.015 ms
16 bytes from 2607:fcd0:1337:4b::2, icmp_seq=3 hlim=52 time=156.887 ms
16 bytes from 2607:fcd0:1337:4b::2, icmp_seq=4 hlim=52 time=157.017 ms
16 bytes from 2607:fcd0:1337:4b::2, icmp_seq=5 hlim=52 time=159.266 ms


[root@mars ~]#traceroute6 -nv 2607:fcd0:1337:4b::2
traceroute6 to 2607:fcd0:1337:4b::2 (2607:fcd0:1337:4b::2) from 2001:16d8:dd85:4::16, 64 hops max, 12 byte packets
 1  2001:16d8:dd85:4::1 68 bytes of data to 2001:16d8:dd85:4::16  0.887 ms  0.781 ms  0.730 ms
 2  2001:16d8:dd00:10a::1 68 bytes of data to 2001:16d8:dd85:4::16  7.238 ms  6.971 ms  6.976 ms
 3  2001:16d8:aaaa:5::1 68 bytes of data to 2001:16d8:dd85:4::16  7.603 ms  7.694 ms  7.718 ms
 4  2001:16d8:1:1308::70 68 bytes of data to 2001:16d8:dd85:4::16  18.705 ms  18.781 ms  18.766 ms
 5  2001:7f8:1::a500:6939:1 68 bytes of data to 2001:16d8:dd85:4::16  19.536 ms  19.332 ms  19.958 ms
 6  2001:470:0:3f::1 68 bytes of data to 2001:16d8:dd85:4::16  26.492 ms  26.944 ms  26.961 ms
 7  2001:470:0:3e::1 68 bytes of data to 2001:16d8:dd85:4::16  94.440 ms
32 bytes from fe80::128c:cfff:fe96:f76f%em1 to 2001:16d8:dd85:4::16: icmp type 135 (Neighbor Solicitation) code 0
0000: 200116d8 dd850004 00000000 00000016
0010: 0101108c cf96f76f 2607fcd0 1337004b
  94.356 ms  97.801 ms
 8  2001:470:0:10e::1 68 bytes of data to 2001:16d8:dd85:4::16  155.896 ms  163.684 ms  160.649 ms
 9  2001:504:0:3:0:2:2298:1 68 bytes of data to 2001:16d8:dd85:4::16  156.239 ms  155.975 ms  156.238 ms
10  2607:fcd0::a 68 bytes of data to 2001:16d8:dd85:4::16  165.387 ms  156.323 ms  156.249 ms
11  2607:fcd0::12 68 bytes of data to 2001:16d8:dd85:4::16  156.824 ms  156.727 ms  156.232 ms
12  2607:fcd0:1337:4b::2 68 bytes of data to 2001:16d8:dd85:4::16  157.631 ms  162.383 ms  167.214 ms