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m (Replaced content with "=Links= *[http://www8.hp.com/us/en/products/data-storage/storage-backup-archive.html HP Storage backup main page] (Good intro) category:dt")
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= In danish =
== Niveau: Rutine ==
*[http://www8.hp.com/us/en/products/data-storage/storage-backup-archive.html HP Storage backup main page] (Good intro)
=== Varighed 0,5 uge. ===
*Eleven har kendskab til forskellige backupsystemer.
*Eleven har kendskab til klient/server backupsystemer og kan udføre mindre installationer med tilhørende konfiguration.
*Eleven kan planlægge og konfigurere automatisk backup på en klient/server løsning.
*Eleven kan anvende strukturerede metoder til fejlsøgning og fejludbedring af backup.
== Niveau: Avanceret ==
=== Varighed 0,5 uge. ===
*Eleven kender principperne bag begrebet TCO (Total Cost Ownership), herunder metoder for minimering af anskaffelses-, opgraderings- og vedligeholdelsesomkostninger.
*Eleven kender strategier for håndtering af Storage Management.
*Eleven kan redegøre for principperne i og kan deltage i opsætning af backupløsninger som f.eks. DAS (Direct Attached Storage), NAS (Network Attached Storage) og SAN (Storage Area Network).
*Eleven kan redegøre for anvendelsen af protokollerne i SCSI og FCIP.
*Eleven har kendskab til Storage Virtualization.
== Praktikregler==
Eleven kan udføre opgaver som:
*Installation og konfiguration af mindre klient/server backupløsninger.
*Planlægge og konfigurere automatisk backup på klient/server løsninger.
*Fejlsøgning og fejludbedring af backupproblemer.
*Assistere ved opsætning af backupløsninger som f.eks. DAS, NAS og SAN
= In english =
Note translated by google translation.<br/>
== Level: Routine ==
=== Duration 0.5 weeks. ===
*The student has knowledge of different backup systems.
*The student has knowledge of client / server backup systems and can perform smaller installations and its configuration.
*The student can plan and set up automatic backups on a client / server solution.
*The student can use structured approaches to debugging and error correction of a backup.
== Level: Advanced ==
=== Duration 0.5 weeks. ===
*The student knows the principles behind the concept of TCO (Total Ownership Cost)
including techniques for minimizing the acquisition, upgrading and maintenance costs.
*The student knows strategies for management of Storage Management.
*The student can explain the principles of, and may participate in the setup of backup solutions like. DAS (Direct Attached Storage), NAS (Network Attached Storage) and SAN (Storage Area Network).
*The student may make use of protocols in SCSI and FCIP.
*The student has knowledge of Storage Virtualization.
==Internship Rules==
The student can perform tasks such as:
*Installation and configuration of small client / server backup solutions.
*Plan and configure the automatic backup of client / server solutions.
*Troubleshooting and fault rectification of back problems.
*Assist in the setup of backup solutions like. DAS, NAS and SAN

Revision as of 12:59, 3 October 2015
