Difference between revisions of "Cisco CDP.pl"

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m (New page: <source lang=perl> #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Net::SNMP; my($error,$session,$seed_oid,$oid_root,$community,$hostname,$seed_ip); my(%done); my(@todo); $done{""}=1; $communi...)
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 16:38, 26 July 2009

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Net::SNMP;

$community = "public";
@todo=(""); #List of possible targets
$oid_root = "";
$seed_oid = ("$oid_root".".3");

while(@todo){ #Grab a target and go to work

   $hostname= shift(@todo);
   unless(exists $done{$hostname}){  #Make sure we haven't done this one yet

       print "\n\nCDP Neighbor Details for $hostname\n";
       print "-------------------\uffff--------------------\uffff--------------------\uffff--------------------\uffff-------------\n";
       print "Neighbor IP                 Name                   Interface                   Type             |\n";
       print "-------------------\uffff--------------------\uffff--------------------\uffff--------------------\uffff-------------\n";

       $done{$hostname}=1; #Remember that we checked this IP

       #Open SNMP session
       ($session,$error)=Net::SNMP->session(Hostname =>$hostname,Community=>$community);
       return unless($session);

       get_oids($seed_oid); #Get the SNMP info for this target



   #This sub finds out how many neighbors the target has
   #and determines what oids we need to use to get the info that
   #we want, then calls other subs to get that info
   sub get_oids{
       my($starting_oid , $new_oid , $unique_oid , $result , $crap);
       my($hex_ip, $ip , $name , $port , $type);
       $starting_oid = $_[0];
       $new_oid = $starting_oid ;

           $result = $session->get_next_request(($new_oid));
           return  unless (defined $result);
           ($new_oid , $crap) = %$result;
           if (Net::SNMP::oid_context_match($starting_oid,$new_oid)){
           $unique_oid = $new_oid;
           $unique_oid =~ s/$starting_oid//g;
           $hex_ip = (Get_SNMP_Info("$oid_root".".4"."$unique_oid"));
           $ip = (Convert_IP($hex_ip));
           $name = (Get_SNMP_Info("$oid_root".".6"."$unique_oid"));
           $port = (Get_SNMP_Info("$oid_root".".7"."$unique_oid"));
           $type = (Get_SNMP_Info("$oid_root".".8"."$unique_oid"));

#Format the report
format STDOUT =
@<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
$hex_ip, $ip,$name,$port,$type

       sub Convert_IP{ #This sub converts a hex IP to standard xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx format
           my($ip , $result , $crap);
           my($hex1 , $hex2 , $hex3 , $hex4);
           my($oct1 , $oct2 , $oct3 , $oct4);
           my($hex_ip) = $_[0] ;

           if (substr($hex_ip,0,1) eq ""){
               $ip = "";
               $hex_ip =~ s/0x//g;
               $hex1 = (substr $hex_ip,0,2);
               $hex2 = (substr $hex_ip,2,2);
               $hex3 = (substr $hex_ip,4,2);
               $hex4 = (substr $hex_ip,6,2);

               $oct1 = hex($hex1);
               $oct2 = hex($hex2);
               $oct3 = hex($hex3);
               $oct4 = hex($hex4);
               $ip = ("$oct1.$oct2.$oct3.$oct4");
           return $ip;

       sub Get_SNMP_Info{ #This sub gets the value of an oid

           my($crap , $value , $result);
           my($oid) = $_[0];
           $result = $session->get_request("$oid");
           #return unless (defined $result);
           ($crap , $value) = %$result;
           return $value;
