ISA Server 2006/Chapter 1. Introducing ISA Server 2006

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< ISA Server 2006
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ISA Server 2006 is,

  • a fully functional firewall
  • VPN
    • ISA Server 2006 supports both Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) and Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) for VPN Connections.
  • web-caching proxy
  • application reverse-proxy solution
  • Application-layer filtering on Internet traffic.
Utilizing Virtual Private Networks with ISA Server 2006.
Using the ISA Server 2006 Management Console.

Muligheder i ISA Server 2006

  • Multiple network support and per-network policies
  • Support for complex and customizable protocols
  • New server and OWA publishing rules (Outlook Web Access)
  • Remote Procedure Call (RPC) filtering support (Hvilke RPC kald må gå fra hvilke net til hvilke net)
  • End-to-end secure web publishing capabilities (SSL dekryptering på server checker for viruser og HHTP misbrug)
  • RADIUS and SecurID authentication support
  • Stateful inspection for VPN connections
  • VPN quarantine control features (Nye forbindelser havner i karantæne-nettet indtil de er gokendt - Har viursscan etc.)
  • Enhanced monitoring, logging, and reporting
  • Forms-based authentication for all web sites (Fx. Cookie-baseret authentication forms til SharePoint produkter)
  • Enhanced branch office support tools (Site-to-Site VPN)

Standard og Enterprise version

Ud over standard indeholder Enterprise

  • .Array Capabilities
  • Integrated Network Load Balancing (NLB) (Advanced version)
  • ADAM Centralized Storage (Active Directory in Application Mode)
  • Centralized Management and Monitoring

Depoyment strategier

  • Application layer firewall
  • WEB-caching
  • VPN
  • Reverse-proxy