From Teknologisk videncenter
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Author..: Henrik Thomsen heth@mercantec.dk
Company.: House of Technology at Mercantec ( http://www.mercantec.dk )
date....: 2010 Nov. 28
Version.: 0.00000000002 (Still experimental)
Abstract: Enigma8crack is a brute-force attack attempt to crack files
encrypted with enigma8. Se enigma8.c for details
NOTE: The wheels are known (The enemy dont know that)
To find the right wheels order of wheels and the notch setting
we need a Crib. A crib is a known plaintext message in the
encrypted message. This program can only find Cribs in the
begining of the message. If you want to find a crib anywhere
in the message - you need to expand this program :-)
Purpose.: To be used for fun to challenge our students making multithreaded
solutions to break the codes.
Cavets..: wheels and rotor reflectors made with program makewheel which:
- Real lousy solution generating random numbers with rand()
-Real lousy solution solving missing hits in sub rr. missing
Modification log:
License: Free open software but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
Terms..: see http://www.gnu.org/licenses
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/timeb.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <err.h>
#include "wheels.h"
#define WHEELSUSED 3 /* total number of Wheels installed in the Enigma */
#define WHEELSTOTAL 5/* total number of Wheels to choice from */
/* Global variables i - need for speed instead of parameters */
char *progname;
int *crib; /* To hold the known Crib we search for */
int *cipher; /* To hold the cryted cypher */
int order[WHEELSUSED]; /* Initial wheels installed and in which order */
int position[WHEELSUSED]; /* Inital position of rotors */
int state[WHEELSUSED]; /* To save state when testing if cipher match */
void usage( void ) {
printf("Usage:\n%s crypted-file Crib\n",progname);
printf("\n%s A brute-force enigma8 hack\n",progname);
/*simple reentrant Factorial*/
unsigned long fact( unsigned long x ) {
if ( x > 1 ) {
return(x * fact( x - 1 ));
/* sub tick
abstract: Wheel 1 is ticked forward after each byte.
Alle wheels have a notch. When they reach their notch the whell
will tick the next wheel. See wheel_notch in wheels.h
When wheel 1 reaches its notch it will tick wheel 2 one
tick forward. When wheel 2 reaches its notch it will tick
wheel 3 one tick forward etc...
input None it uses global variables wheel_notch, order and
returns int - returns 0 when last rotor position ticks over fx. 255,255->0,0,0 */
int tick( void ) {
int i,j,flag;
for (i=0; i < WHEELSUSED; i++ ) {
if ( i == 0 ) { /* First wheel always ticks */
if ( position[0] > 255 ) { /* Wheel turn over */
if ( wheel_notch[order[i]] == position[i] ) { /* At notch */
if ( i < ( WHEELSUSED-1) ) { /* Last wheel dont tick next */
/* All preceding wheel at notch, then tick next*/
for (j=0; j <= i; j++ ) {
if ( wheel_notch[order[j]] != position[j] ) {
flag = 0;
if ( flag == 1) {
if ( position[i+1] > 255 ) {
position[i+1] = 0; /* Wheel turn over */
/*Check if all wheels tick from 255 -> 0 */
for (i=0; i < WHEELSUSED; i++) {
if ( position[i] != 0 ) {
return(0); /* Done with all positions */
/* sub rotor
abstract: Send data through a rotor
input wh = wheel number
pos = position (how many ticks is the wheel rotated)
n = data (integer) sent through the wheel
returns (integer) new value of n after been throgh the wheel*/
int rotor(int wh,int pos,int n) {
/* Beregn den relative position når hjulet er roteret pso ticks */
int rel;
if ( n-pos < 0) {
rel = wheel[wh][n-pos]+pos;
if (rel > 255 ) {
rel = rel % 256;
/* sub revrotor
abstract: Send data through a reverse rotor (After Route Reflector)
input wh = wheel number
pos = position (how many ticks is the wheel rotated)
n = data (integer) sent through the wheel
returns (integer) new value of n after been throgh the reverse wheel*/
int revrotor(int wh,int pos,int n) {
/* Beregn den relative position når hjulet er roteret pso ticks */
int rel;
if ( n-pos < 0) {
rel = rwheel[wh][n-pos]+pos;
if (rel > 255 ) {
rel = rel % 256;
/* sub reflector
abstract: Send data through the route reflector
input n = data (integer) sent through the route reflector
output = data (integer) after n has been through the route reflector*/
int reflector(int n) {
/*Find next wheel combination. Dont check if same wheel used twice */
/* Used by installwheels */
int nextwheelcombination() {
int i;
for (i=0 ; i < WHEELSUSED ; i++ ) {
if ( order[i] == WHEELSTOTAL - 1 ) {
order[i] = 0;
} else {
/* sub installwheels
abstract: To install next wheel combination for brute force attack
input: none (order[] is global)
output: int - returns 1 when new combination installed 0 when finished*/
int installwheels( void ) {
int i,j;
int flag;
do {
flag = 0;
if ( nextwheelcombination()== 0 ) {
return(0); /*Done with all combinations*/
for ( i = 0; i < WHEELSUSED; i++ ) {
for ( j = 0; j < WHEELSUSED; j++ ) {
if ( i != j ) {
if ( order[i] == order[j] ) {
} while(flag == 1);
return(1); /* New combination installed */
/*sub decchar - Decrypt character
absratct: Sends a character through the Enigma whells, rr and reverse wheels
input: char to be decrypted
output: decrypted character
int decchar( int c ) {
int i;
/* Trough rotors */
for (i=0; i < WHEELSUSED; i++) {
c = rotor(order[i],position[i],c);
/* Reflector */
c = reflector(c);
/* Trough reverse rotors */
for (i=0; i < WHEELSUSED; i++) {
c = revrotor(order[WHEELSUSED-1-i],position[WHEELSUSED-1-i],c);
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {
int i,j;
unsigned long longi,longj;
unsigned long count=0;
int ciphersize;
FILE *fpin;
progname = argv[0];
if ( argc != 3 ) { /* Wheel name appended */
if ( ! (fpin = fopen(argv[1], "r")) ) {
err(1,"Can't open file for reading %s",argv[1]);
/* Get memory to store the cypher to compare to Crib */
cipher = (int *) malloc(ciphersize);
if ( cipher == NULL ) {
err(2,"Can't allocate memory for cleartext message.");
/* Read the Cypher - of size Crib - into memory */
for (i=0; i < ciphersize; i++) {
if ((cipher[i] = fgetc(fpin)) == EOF) {
err(3,"Can't read from cypher file. (Perhaps it's shorter than the Crib");
/* Get Crib message */
crib = (int *) malloc(ciphersize*sizeof(short int));
if ( crib == NULL ) {
err(4,"Can't allocate memory for crib message.");
for (i=0; i < ciphersize; i++) {
crib[i] = argv[2][i];
/* Print Startup information to user */
for (i=0,longi=1,longj=1; i < WHEELSUSED; i++ ) {
longi=longi * (WHEELSTOTAL - i);
longj=longj * 256; /* Number of possible notch combinatins */
printf("There are %li number of ways to install %i wheels out of %i possible wheels\n",
printf("There are %li number of wheel startpositions with %i wheels\n",longj,WHEELSUSED);
printf("That gives a total of %li * %li = %li possible combinations (keys)\n\n",longi,longj,longi*longj);
/* Initialization of enigma. */
/* Install wheels from 0,1,2 ... WHEELSUSED-1 */
for(i=0; i < WHEELSUSED ; i++ ) {
order[i]=0; /* installwhells will sort out combinations */
/* Initilization done i now to the crunching*/
while( installwheels() != 0) {
printf("\rTrying wheel combination: %i %i %i",order[0],order[1],order[2]);
/* Installed new wheelcombination now start trying wheel combinations */
/* Start with all notches in position 0 */
for(i=0; i < WHEELSUSED ; i++ ) {
do {
count++; /* Just count for test how many times this loop runs*/
/* Test if first character fits crib when decoded - the try and match */
if (decchar(cipher[0]) == crib[0]) { /* Possible match */
/* Save state of wheel positions before attempting to match */
for (j=0; j < WHEELSUSED ; j++) {
state[j] = position[j];
for (i=0; (decchar(cipher[i]) == crib[i]) && (i < ciphersize) ; i++){
/*If all wheels tick over from 255->0 - Done with wheel*/
if (tick() == 0) {
break; /* Next wheels */
/* Reinstate wheel positions as before attempting to match */
for (j=0; j < WHEELSUSED ; j++) {
position[j] = state[j];
if (i >= ciphersize - 1) { /*Candidate found */
printf("\rWheels ");
for (i=0; i < WHEELSUSED; i++) {
printf("%i ",order[i]);
printf("in startpositions ");
for (i=0; i < WHEELSUSED; i++) {
printf("%i ",position[i]);
printf("match the crib.\n");
} while(tick());
printf("There har been %li attempes\n",count);
if ( fclose(fpin) != 0 ) {
fprintf(stderr,"Cannot close input file\n");
exit(0); /* Succes */