CCNP TSHOOT Learning Guide/Chapter 5

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Maintaining and Troubleshooting Routing Solutions


Redistribution metrics
Protocol Default Seed Metric
RIP Infinity
OSPF 20 except from BGP then 1

IOS Commands to verify Routing Functions

Verifying and Troubleshooting Route Propagation

Debug ip routing

R1#<input>debug ip routing</input>
IP routing debugging is on
R1#<input>clear ip eigrp 1 neighbors</input>
Jun 18 12:45:44.546: %DUAL-5-NBRCHANGE: IP-EIGRP(0) 1: <notice>Neighbor (FastEthernet0/1) is down: manually cleared</notice>
Jun 18 12:45:44.546: RT: delete route to via, eigrp metric [90/28416]
Jun 18 12:45:44.546: RT: no routes to
Jun 18 12:45:44.546: RT: NET-RED
<notice>...OUTPUT OMITTED...</notice>
Jun 18 12:45:44.554: RT: NET-RED
Jun 18 12:45:46.558: RT: NET-RED
Jun 18 12:45:47.214: %DUAL-5-NBRCHANGE: IP-EIGRP(0) 1: <notice>Neighbor (FastEthernet0/1) is up: new adjacency</notice>
Jun 18 12:45:47.258: RT: network is now variably masked
Jun 18 12:45:47.258: RT: add via, eigrp metric [90/28416]
Jun 18 12:45:47.258: RT: NET-RED
Jun 18 12:45:47.258: RT: add via, eigrp metric [90/28416]
<notice>...OUTPUT OMITTED...</notice>
Jun 18 12:45:47.262: RT: add via, eigrp metric [90/158976]
Jun 18 12:45:47.262: RT: NET-RED
R1#<input>no debug ip routing</input>
IP routing debugging is off

Route Profiling

R1(config)#<input>ip route profile</input>
Jun 18 12:46:41.803: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
R1#<input>sh ip route profile</input>
IP routing table change statistics:
Frequency of changes in a 5 second sampling interval
Change/   Fwd-path  Prefix   Nexthop  Pathcount  Prefix
interval  change    add      change   change     refresh
0         2         2        2        2          1
1         0         0        0        0          1
2         0         0        0        0          0
3         0         0        0        0          0
4         0         0        0        0          0
5         0         0        0        0          0
10        0         0        0        0          0
15        0         0        0        0          0
20        0         0        0        0          0
25        0         0        0        0          0
30        0         0        0        0          0
55        0         0        0        0          0
80        0         0        0        0          0
105       0         0        0        0          0
130       0         0        0        0          0
155       0         0        0        0          0
280       0         0        0        0          0
405       0         0        0        0          0
Change/   Fwd-path  Prefix   Nexthop  Pathcount  Prefix
interval  change    add      change   change     refresh
530       0         0        0        0          0
655       0         0        0        0          0
780       0         0        0        0          0
1405      0         0        0        0          0
2030      0         0        0        0          0
2655      0         0        0        0          0
3280      0         0        0        0          0
3905      0         0        0        0          0
7030      0         0        0        0          0
10155     0         0        0        0          0
13280     0         0        0        0          0
Overflow  0         0        0        0          0
R1#<input>conf t</input>
R1(config)#<input>no ip route profile</input>

show ip cef

SW1#show ip cef exact-route -> => IP adj out of Vlan1, addr

show ip prot



prefix lists

Troubleshooting EIGRP

EIGRP uses three tables

  • interface table:
EIGRP Tables
Table Description
Interface Contains list of all interfaces that have been enabled for processing of EIGRP packets. Passive interfaces are not listed in this table.
Neighbor Keeps track of all active EIGRP neighbors. Neighbours are added on the reception of hello packet and are removed when the hold-time expires or when the associated interface goes down or removed from the Interface table. This table also keeps track on status on Routing information exchanged.
Topology Holds all Routes received from neighbors, locally injected or redistributed into EIGRP. EIGRP selects the best routes from this table based on the DUAL algorithm.

Monitoring EIGRP

show commands

  • show ip eigrp interface
  • show ip eigrp neighbors
  • show ip eigrp topology

debug commands

  • debug ip routing
  • debug eigrp packets - Many options here (terse - except hello packets)
  • debug ip eigrp neighbor as-number network mask
  • debug ip eigrp as-number network mask - limit info. from debug eigrp packets


R1#<input>sh ip protocols</input>
Routing Protocol is "eigrp 1"
  Outgoing update filter list for all interfaces is not set
  Incoming update filter list for all interfaces is not set
  Default networks flagged in outgoing updates
  Default networks accepted from incoming updates
  EIGRP metric weight K1=1, K2=0, K3=1, K4=0, K5=0
  EIGRP maximum hopcount 100
  EIGRP maximum metric variance 1
  Redistributing: static, eigrp 1
  EIGRP NSF-aware route hold timer is 240s
  Automatic network summarization is not in effect
  Maximum path: 4
  Routing for Networks:
  Passive Interface(s):
  Passive Interface(s):
  Routing Information Sources:
    Gateway         Distance      Last Update              90      00:07:33
  Distance: internal 90 external 170

Many options debugging eigrp

  R1#<input>debug eigrp packets ?</input>
  SIAquery  EIGRP SIA-Query packets
  SIAreply  EIGRP SIA-Reply packets
  ack       EIGRP ack packets
  hello     EIGRP hello packets
  ipxsap    EIGRP ipxsap packets
  probe     EIGRP probe packets
  query     EIGRP query packets
  reply     EIGRP reply packets
  request   EIGRP request packets
  retry     EIGRP retransmissions
  stub      EIGRP stub packets
  terse     Display all EIGRP packets except Hellos
  update    EIGRP update packets
  verbose   Display all EIGRP packets

Troubleshooting OSPF

OSPF tables
Table Description
Interface table List all interfaces enabled for OSPF. The directly connected subnets are included in the TYPE-1 Router LSA the Router injects into the OSPF link-state database. Passive-interfaces is listed in the tables
Neighbor table Used to keep track of all OSPF neighbors. Neighbors are added on the reception of a hello packet and removed when the dead-time expires or when the associated interface goes down.
Link State database Main data structure containing all network topology information for the OSPF process.
Routing Information Base Contains results from the SPF algorithm. OSPF offers the contents of the RIB to the Routing Table.

INSERT TABLE 5.2 and FIGURE 5.3 from page 168

Cisco IOS OSPF commands

Show commands

  • show ip ospf interface
  • show ip ospf neighbor
  • show ip ospf datatbase
  • show ip ospf statistics

debug commands

  • debug ip routing
  • debug ip ospf packet
  • debug ip ospf adj
  • debug ip ospf monitor

Troubleshooting BGP