STM32F107VC/Using the RTC Real Time Clock

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Preparing for programming the STM32F107VC Real Time Clock.

//Define where in the memory the RTC start address peripheral is located
#define RTC_BASE         0x40002800; // See reference manual page 52

//Define the RTC register map. See reference manual section 18.4.7 page 474
unsigned short int volatile * const rtc_crh  = (unsigned short int *) RTC_BASE + 0x0;
unsigned short int volatile * const rtc_crl  = (unsigned short int *) RTC_BASE + 0x4;
unsigned short int volatile * const rtc_prlh = (unsigned short int *) RTC_BASE + 0x8;

//Initialize the RTC peripheral. See reference manual section 18 page 463
void rtc_init(void) {
 // Your code here
