STM32F107VC/Using the RTC Real Time Clock

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Preparing for programming the STM32F107VC Real Time Clock.

//Define where in the memory the RTC start address peripheral is located
#define RTC_BASE         0x40002800 // See reference manual page 52

//Define the RTC register map. See reference manual section 18.4.7 page 474
unsigned short int volatile * const rtc_crh  = (unsigned short int *) RTC_BASE + 0x0;
unsigned short int volatile * const rtc_crl  = (unsigned short int *) RTC_BASE + 0x4;
unsigned short int volatile * const rtc_prlh = (unsigned short int *) RTC_BASE + 0x8;

//Initialize the RTC peripheral. See reference manual section 18 page 463
void rtc_init(void) {
 // Your code here

Initializing the RTC

Enabling the RTC
One seconds TICK
No interrupts enable
Initializing second counter to present time (Epoch 1/1-1970 00:00:00)
Using external XTAL
Write protect against accidental writes

Enabling the RTC

Power on Init

  1. To enable the RTC it is necessary to enable the Power interface in the RCC->APB1ENR register by setting the PWREN bit to 1. [1]
  2. To select the voltage threshold when the RTC switch to battery power. E2PROM minimum operating voltage is 2.5 V. In the PWR->CR register set PLS[2:0] to 011[2]
  3. To enable the Power voltage detector in the PWR->CR register set PVDE to 1.[3]

Checking if RTC running

  1. In the RCC->BDCR Register check if the RTCEN bit is 1 and the LSEON is 1 and LSERDY is 1 - If not the RTC is not running and need programming. (See below)[4]

Programming the RTC

  1. To disable write protection to the Backup domain control register - enabling configuration of the RTC in the PWR->CR register setting the DBP bit to 1. [2]
  2. To select LSE (Low Speed External XTAL) as clocksource in the RCC->BDCR register bits RTCSEL[1:0] = 01 [4]
  3. To turn on the LSE in the RCC->BDCR register bit LSEON = 1.[5]
  4. Wait in while loop (timed out for error check) for the LSE to be ready in RCC->BDCR register bit LSERDY.[6]
  5. Setting the prescaler of the RTC counter - assuming a 32,768 KHz XTAL - in register RTC->PRLH = 0 and RTC->PRLL = 0x7fff.[7]
  6. Setting the Counter to the current time in seconds since epoch. (Set the RTC->CNTH before the RTC->CNTL avoiding RTC->CNTL = 0xffff incrementing RTC->CNTH before writing to it.) [8]
  7. To enable write protection to the Backup domain control register - disableing configuration of the RTC in the PWR->CR register setting the DBP bit to 0. [9]



  1. Reference manual section 8.3.8 page 144
  2. 2.0 2.1 Reference manual section 5.4.1 page 75
  3. Reference manual section 5.4.1 page 75
  4. 4.0 4.1 Reference manual section 8.3.9 page 146
  5. Reference manual section 8.3.9 page 146
  6. Reference manual section 8.3.9 page 146
  7. Reference manual section 18.4.3 page 470
  8. Reference manual section 18.4.5 page 472
  9. Reference manual section 5.4.1 page 75