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Storage Area Network (SAN)
1. [Network] A network whose primary purpose is the transfer of data between computer systems and storage elements and among storage elements.
A SAN consists of a communication infrastructure, which provides physical connections, and a management layer, which organizes the connections, storage elements, and computer systems so that data transfer is secure and robust. The term SAN is usually (but not necessarily) identified with block I/O services rather than file access services.
2. [Storage System] A storage system consisting of storage elements, storage devices, computer systems, and/or appliances, plus all control software, communicating over a network.
The SNIA definition specifically does not identify the term SAN with Fibre Channel technology. When the term SAN is used in connection with Fibre Channel technology, use of a qualified phrase such as "Fibre Channel SAN" is encouraged. According to this definition, an Ethernet-based network whose primary purpose is to provide access to storage elements would be considered a SAN. SANs are sometimes also used for system interconnection in clusters.
- definition source Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) definition
See also
Network Attached Storage (NAS)