FOG installation on CentOS5

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Revision as of 03:59, 2 June 2009 by Heth (talk | contribs)
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What is FOG

FOG is a free open-source cloning/imaging solution/rescue suite. A alt. solution used to image Windows XP, Vista PCs using PXE, PartImage, and a Web Gui to tie it together. Includes featues like memory and disk test, disk wipe and av scan

Getting prepared

After installing CentOS 5.2 with firewall and SeLinux disabled.

Install yum-proorities

[root@fog1 ~]# <input>yum install yum-priorities</input>
<notice>OUTPUT OMITTED</notice>
[root@fog1 ~]# <input>yum info  yum-priorities</input>
Installed Packages
Name       : yum-priorities
Arch       : noarch
Version    : 1.1.16
Release    : 13.el5.centos
Size       : 13 k
Repo       : installed
Summary    : plugin to give priorities to packages from different repos
URL        :
License    : GPLv2+
Description: This plugin allows repositories to have different priorities.
           : Packages in a repository with a lower priority can't be overridden
           : by packages from a repository with a higher priority even if repo
           : has a later version.

Install rpmforge-release

Get newest rpmforge-release for your release

[root@fog1 ~]# <input>cd /tmp</input>
[root@fog1 tmp]# <input>wget</input>
[root@fog1 tmp]# <input>rpm -i rpmforge-release-0.3.6-1.el5.rf.i386.rpm</input>
[root@fog1 tmp]# <input>rpm -qi rpmforge-release</input>
Description : release file. This package contains apt, yum and smart
configuration for the RPMforge RPM Repository, as well as the public
GPG keys used to sign them.

Download and install FOG

Download FOG from FOG download Select fog_x.xx.tar.gz and extract the files.

[root@fog1 tmp]# <input>wget</input>
[root@fog1 tmp]# <input>tar xzf fog_0.26.tar.gz</input>
[root@fog1 tmp]# <input>cd fog_0.26</input>
[root@fog1 fog_0.26]# <input>cd bin</input>
[root@fog1 bin]# <input>./</input>
        ___           ___           ___
       /\  \         /\  \         /\  \
      /::\  \       /::\  \       /::\  \
     /:/\:\  \     /:/\:\  \     /:/\:\  \
    /::\-\:\  \   /:/  \:\  \   /:/  \:\  \
   /:/\:\ \:\__\ /:/__/ \:\__\ /:/__/_\:\__\
   \/__\:\ \/__/ \:\  \ /:/  / \:\  /\ \/__/
        \:\__\    \:\  /:/  /   \:\ \:\__\
         \/__/     \:\/:/  /     \:\/:/  /
                    \::/  /       \::/  /
                     \/__/         \/__/

  #     Free Computer Imaging Solution      #
  #                                         #
  #     Created by:                         #
  #         Chuck Syperski                  #
  #         Jian Zhang                      #
  #                                         #
  #     GNU GPL Version 3                   #

  Version: 0.26 Installer/Updater

  What version of Linux would you like to run the installtion for?

          1) Redhat Based Linux (Fedora, CentOS)
          2) Ubuntu Based Linux (Kubuntu, Edubuntu)

  Choice: []<input>1</input>
<notice>OUTPUT OMITTED</notice>
  Here are the settings FOG will use:
         Distro: Redhat
         Installation Type: Normal Server
         Server IP Address:
         DHCP router Address:
         DHCP DNS Address:
         Interface: eth0
         Using FOG DHCP: 1

  Are you sure you wish to continue (Y/N)<input>y</input>

During installation

The Foginstaller installs various packages, check them and installs and configures the services. Quite impressive install script which do all the hard work for you.

Enabling Wake On Lan

To enable Wake On Lan, Remote Shell or rsh must be enabled using sudo. Using visudo Comment the line If you would like to use wake on lan with FOG, you will have to run the following commands as root:

[root@fog1 bin]# <input>visudo</input>

Scroll to the line that says

Defaults    requiretty

Press i to enter insert mode. Change the line to:

<input>#</input> Defaults    requiretty

Hit ESC to exit insert mode. Now type:


and press the enter key.

Login from WEB server

Login as username: fog password: password .. Remember to change password!

Fog login screen
