Netband Project - CoPP

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<accesscontrol>NetBand</accesscontrol> This page is part of the Netband Project

Control Plane Policing

  • The Control Plane Policing feature allows users to configure a quality of service (QoS) filter that manages the traffic flow of control plane packets to protect the control plane of Cisco IOS routers and switches against reconnaissance and denial-of-service (DoS) attacks.
  • CoPP can help maintain packet forwarding and protocol states despite an attack or heavy traffic load on the router or switch.
  • Uses MQC (Modular QoS CLI)
  • In version 12.4(4)T additional features were introduced
    • Control plane protection
    • Port-filtering
    • Queue-thresholding

Control Plane Protection

  • Introduces subinterfaces to the control plane
  • Aggregrate Control Plane Policing
    • Control Plane cef-exception subinterface
      • receives all traffic that is either redirected as a result of a configured input feature in the CEF packet forwarding path for process switching or directly enqueued in the control plane input queue by the interface driver.
      • Eg. ARP, L2 Keepalives and all non-IP host traffic.
    • Control Plane host subinterface
      • receives all control-plane IP traffic that is directly destined for one of the router interfaces.
      • All host traffic terminates on and is processed by the router.
      • Eg. SSH, SNMP, BGP, OSPF, Tunnel termination and EIGRP.
    • Control Plane transit subinterface
      • receives all control-plane IP traffic that is software switched by the route processor.


Port-filter policy

  • blocks traffic destined to closed or nonlistened TCP/UDP ports
  • Only works with the host subinterface.
  • maintains a global database of all open TCP and UDP ports on the router, including ports created by applications.


Control plane Policing
Versions prior to 12.4(4)T or if you only want to configure the aggregate interface

ip access-list extended coppacl-igp
 permit ospf any host
 permit ospf any host
 permit ospf any any
ip access-list extended coppacl-management
 permit tcp any eq 22
 permit tcp any eq telnet
 permit udp host any eq snmp
 permit udp host any eq ntp
ip access-list extended coppacl-monitoring
 permit icmp any any ttl-exceeded
 permit icmp any any port-unreachable
 permit icmp any any echo-reply
 permit icmp any any echo
ip access-list extended coppacl-critical-app
 permit udp host host eq bootps
 permit udp host eq bootps any eq bootps
class-map match-all coppclass-igp
 match access-group name coppacl-igp
class-map match-all coppclass-management
 match access-group name coppacl-management
class-map match-all coppclass-monitoring
 match access-group name coppacl-monitoring
class-map match-all coppclass-critical-app
 match access-group name coppacl-critical-app
class-map match-all coppclass-layer2
 match protocol arp
policy-map copp-policy
 class coppclass-igp
 class coppclass-management
  police rate 250 pps conform-action transmit exceed-action drop
 class coppclass-monitoring
  police rate 50 pps conform-action transmit exceed-action drop
 class coppclass-critical-app
  police rate 75 pps conform-action transmit exceed-action drop
 class coppclass-layer2
  police rate 25 pps conform-action transmit exceed-action drop
 class class-default
  police rate 10 pps conform-action transmit exceed-action drop
 service-policy input copp-policy
Port-filter policy

class-map type port-filter match-any portfilter-cmap
 match  closed-ports
policy-map type port-filter portfilter-pmap
 class portfilter-cmap
control-plane host
 service-policy type port-filter input portfilter-pmap

External Links

Prior to 12.4(4)T
12.4(4)T and forward
CoP extended feature set
CoPP best practice design guide