Vi editor

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Revision as of 15:45, 25 May 2009 by Heth (talk | contribs) (FAQ)
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How can I see which mode I'm in

Use showmode option. Shown below

[root@mars ~]# <input>echo "set showmode" >> $HOME/.vimrc</input>

Now you can see which mode you are in by looking at the bottom line

  1. In insert mode it will write -- INSERT --
  2. In replace mode it will write -- REPLACE --
  3. In line command mode it will write :
  4. In command mode - empty or everything else

VIM and FreeBSD malfunctioning arrow keys in insert mode

Set vim to work in nocompatible mode. Not as old vi.

[root@mars ~]# <input>echo "set nocompatible" >> $HOME/.vimrc</input>