Beaglebone Black/Flashing
From Teknologisk videncenter
Flash microSD kort
Ved opstart af BBB er det vigtigt at du
- Ikke placerer boardet på ledende materiale (Metal fx)
- Tilslutter det serielle kabel - (Sort ledning skal vende op imod ethernet stikket)
- Se billede herunder
- Åbner terminalemulator for eksempel putty eller mobaXterm
- Find COM port nummeret og sæt baudRate til 115200
- Boot fra den indbyggede flash. (microSD kort ikke indsat)
- Login
- sudo bash
- Indsæt microSD kort
- Check at filen /dev/mmcblk0 eksisterer (Undgå at lave en fil)
- wget --no-check-certificate -qO- | xzcat | dd bs=10M of=/dev/mmcblk0 status=progress
- shutdown -r 0
- login
- df -h (Check at det er /dev/mmcblk0p1 der er under /)
- kør /opt/scripts/tools/
- shutdown -r 0
- check med df -h at ”/” har cirka 8 GB
- Install debian C linux development tools
Applying new 2023 image
- Remove micro-SD card
- Boot from old-image on on-board flash (mmcblk1)
- insert micro-SD card
- new image: wget --no-check-certificate -qO- | xzcat | dd bs=10M of=/dev/mmcblk0 status=progress
- shutdown -h 0
- Remove power from board
- Login check with df -h now that /dev/mmcblk0p1 is more than 7 GB - if not reboot and check again
- apt update and apt upgrade
- Install tmux, man-db
Flasherimage can be used to install/upgrade eMMC flash on BBB boards
- Install Flasher Image on microSD card.
- Insert microSD card in BBB you wish to flash
- Press boot switch (Single switch in USB-A end)
- Apply power and hold switch down until LED's starts blinking
- When the four LED's starts blinking in sequence, flashing is in progress
- If one LED is on permanently there is an error, and you need the console to debug
- Wait until it shuts down
- Missing config-pin get
- Missing X11 ssh forwarding