User: Heth

From Teknologisk videncenter
Revision as of 10:27, 3 May 2012 by Heth (talk | contribs)
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Hi, Im Henrik Thomsen a teacher teaching in the House of Technology on Mercantec. Mercantec is a public Technical Collage educating professionals with the following credentials:

  • Still thinking how to make the list under 100 items :-)
  • Time is 22:26
  • <gadget-UTCLiveClock>

{{#progress: week=4 | IPv6 Henrik 2011-08-16 2011-08-28 CCNA Rasmus 2011-08-22 2011-09-16 }}

Mad teacher.png
Henrik Thomsen.
Can you find it?

Teacher profile

My primary teaching areas is networking, UNIX/Linux, Perl, C/C++ and embedded controllers.


Famous quotes



schedule system

  • alle elever oprettet
  • alle elevers status - version og hvilke fag og VSF de har haft
  • alle fag og fagfordelingsplan oprettet
  • alle lærere oprettet med kompetancer
  • lærerspidsbelastning
  • ICAL mulighed for elevers skema
  • I18n
  • facebook/common login
  • versionskontrol
  • Drag-and-drop blokke til at lave kalender

Ultra Sonic

Contact information

House of Technology
Att: Henrik Thomsen
H.C. Andersensvej 9
8800 Viborg

Phone: +45 8950 3421


C:\Documents and Settings\Admin>netsh interface ipv6 show routes Sender forespørgsel om aktiv tilstand...

Udgiv Type Met Præfiks Idks Gateway/Grænsefladenavn

-------- ---- ------------------------ --- ---------------------

no Automatisk konfiguration 8 2001:16d8:dd85:a800::/64 4 LAN-forbindelse no Automatisk konfiguration 256  ::/0 4 fe80::21b:54ff:fe8b:3f8

Embedded Mars
